

The words that are shown in the color pink below are NEW words that are being introduced to you.

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Click here to go to Lesson 36
Click here to go to Lesson 37
Click here to go to Lesson 38
Click here to go to Lesson 39

Lesson 24

sir, large, side, told, marry, Mr., important, men, corn, I’d, also, pass, Smith

Yes sir, you can sit at that large table on that side of the restaurant.


I was told that Pam and Sam are going to marry each other.


George, did you know that Mr. Smith is one of the most important men at our school?


Deb, I’d like some more corn, and could you also pass me the salt?

eight, twelve, even, numbers, grace, read, chapter, seven, yet, air, farm, terrible, heard, he’d, gone, few, days

Eight and twelve are even numbers.


Grace, have you read chapter seven yet?


The air around their farm smells terrible.


I heard that he’d gone away for a few days.

isn’t, Ted, British, England, knew, inside, only, child

I knew what was inside that large box.


They have only one child.


“Isn’t Ted British?” “Yes, he’s from England.”

bones, behind, fit, clothes, biggest, river, Earth, Gran, ever, which, bone, excited, face, strange, sound, together, team, shall, win, better

Our dog has a few bones in the woods behind our house.


Sir, I think that these clothes over here will fit you better.


Is that the biggest river on Earth?


Gran said, “George, don’t you ever do that again!”


Dad, which bone should I give to the dog?


How many days are there until Christmas; I’m really excited about it.


Did you see the look on her face when she heard that strange sound?


If we work together as a team, we shall win this game.

both, wanted, same, learned, they’d, wrong, shop, another, start, fire, because, such, round, agree, himself, lost, town, you’ll, different, body, exercise, weeks

They both wanted the same thing for their birthday.


We didn’t see the Smiths, and we learned that they’d gone to the wrong restaurant.


Do you want to go shop at another store?


I want to start a fire because I’m cold.


She’s got such a round face, don’t you agree?


He was angry with himself when he got lost in the town.


You’ll feel like you have a different body after you do this exercise for a few weeks.


Which team do you think will win?


The doctor said, “You’ll feel better in two or three days.”


Sam asked Deb, “Will you marry me?”


Dad said, “I’d like to pass that car because it’s way too slow.”


A girl who I knew came up to my right side, but I could not remember her name.


When I eat fish, I don’t like it if it has bones in it.


Pam, does that dress still fit you well?


Let’s get together for dinner in the next few weeks.


I’m going to the gym to get some good exercise for my body.


The man who I work for had to fire Mr. Smith.


I had something important to tell you, but I can’t remember what it was.


I learned many different things about the Earth at school today.


We knew that they’d come to our town if we asked them to.


If it’s not in the lost-and-found, we will have to go shop for another one.


They told me that both of them wanted to go to the new movie.


I heard that both Jack and George made the team!


Which kitty – here at the farm – do you want to take home to be your new pet?

turned, add, seen

I turned around when I realized that I was going the wrong way.


You need to be nice; say that to Pam in a different way that will not make her angry.


After you do that, could you also help me put these in the dishwasher?


Mr. Smith, if you’ll let me, I’d like to start work this week.


Deb, do you agree that an apple and an orange are both round?


I don’t think that we have ever had such a cold winter; do you agree with me?


Mom said, “Sam, your dad and I feel the same way about this!”


We heard the sound of thunder, so we thought that the rain would start soon.


Those men helped to put out the fire at the farm.


He did not like to be by himself at home; he would always jump if he heard a strange sound!


Next to my dog, there was the biggest bone that I had ever seen.


Gran is really excited about the new movie that is about to come out.


How do you do, sir? Shall we head on into the restaurant?


Those new people in town have lots of children, so they’d better find a large house to live in.


Our dog got excited and ran into the woods after a squirrel.


I exercise a lot so that my body is always fit.


I saw the dog put his bone behind that tree.


Ted said to his Gran, “What was that sound?”


My dog looked happy after he jumped into the river.


How long would it take to fly all the way around the Earth?


George, would you also like some ice cream with your cake?


I taught my children that it’s very important to say “please” and “thank you.”


We think that Grace wants to marry George!


When I’m in bed, I like to sleep on my left side.


We told the kids to be home by 5:00 PM.


The pig on our farm gets to eat a lot of corn.


He was not happy with himself when he learned that he got too many things wrong, so his teacher had to give him an “F.”


Which of those men by the shop is your father?


Kids, we don’t need another pet in the house!


Let’s pass the time by going to the park for an hour.


I’m eight years old, and my sister is twelve years old.


Add up those numbers and tell me what you get.


Jan, can you please say grace before we start to eat our dinner?


I need to make up for lost time and finally finish up this job.


The doctor said that I should come back to see her in twelve weeks.


What did you read at school today?


I shall do my best to help the team work to win this game.


My British friend Ted is my best friend because he is always so nice to me.


You can have only one cookie after dinner.


We had better go inside; it’s about to rain.


Isn’t Ted seven years old now?


My mom will not let me put on make-up yet, and I get it; I’m just eight years old.


My best friend and I got together on Saturday to go to the zoo.


We got to read about animal bones at school today.


These new clothes feel strange on me; I don’t have to dress up like this very much.


It’s turned out that our new teacher is very nice.


I have wanted to say a big “thank you” for helping me with the yard work.


Those two cats look just the same!


I feel terrible right now, and it’s best that I don’t go into work today.


He’s always been such a nice boy, even when things were not going his way.


I think that I’ll have some corn as part of our dinner.


When you come back into the house, don’t let a lot of cold air into the kitchen.


Don’t put those clothes on; they’re not clean.


I’m going to add a little bit more salt to the soup.


Which of those seven dogs is your pet?


We went to England on one of our vacations last year.


I think that he will win the next round of the tournament.


Isn’t it fun to read?


“Has Gran called us today?” “Not yet.”


There is no wind today, and the water in the river is very even on top.


I like to hear how British people talk.


I didn’t know that he’d gone to England this past winter.


Come on inside the house and get out of the cold!


I knew that he’d like to be in a different job.


Chapter twelve was all about fish.


Show me where the biggest clothes that you have are in your shop.


When I go to live in the new town, it will start a new chapter in my life.


He asked the child, “How many numbers do you know now?”


I just found that out, so only now do I see why Sam was so angry.


Face it, you’re just not very good at this game.


I’m not quite sure, but I think that child is British.


I think that it’s a bit strange when a dog and a cat like each other.


Can you help me to add up these numbers?


Lesson 25

here’s, walk, army, war, felt, spring, weather, tough, city, united, states, state, Washington

Ted said, “Here’s the best way to walk to school.”


For the people in the Army, they all think that it’s a great thing that the war is finally over.


She felt so happy when spring came, because the winter weather had been so tough on the city.


I live in the United States, in the state of Washington.

book, reading, everyone, crazy, adventures, young, farmer, outside, kind, poor, money, twenty, dollar, bill

In the book that I’m reading, everyone has crazy adventures.


The young farmer went outside to see what kind of weather he might see during the day.


A poor man asked me for some money today, and I gave him a twenty-dollar bill.

Mrs., upstairs, rest, bedroom, flag, blows, strong, farmers, any, hire, farms

Mrs. Young said, “I’m going upstairs to rest in my bedroom for a little while.”


Have you seen how the flag blows in such a strong wind?


Ted asked some farmers if there was some job that they could hire him to do on one of their farms.

dark, purple, cut, cried, gold, leaves, across, street, fall, buy, bread, near

It was dark in the room, so I turned on the light, and Dad was asleep in the purple chair.


I got a cut on my leg at school, and I cried for a minute.


The gold leaves on the big tree across the street will start to fall off this week.


Will you go to the store that’s near us and buy some bread?

started, sing, song, hill, stone, grass, miss, family, friends, trips, far, kick, ball

When Mrs. Smith started to sing, I realized that I knew the song.


That hill is all stone, and there is no grass on it.


I miss my family and friends when I’m away from home on trips.


See how far you can kick this ball.

done, ate, full, sometimes, safe, myself, mad, tried, eye, brother

I’m done with my dinner, and I ate so much that I’m really full.


Sometimes I don’t feel safe when I’m home by myself.


I got mad when I tried to do that, because I just could not get it right.


Keep an eye on your little brother, and make sure that he’s always safe.

began, learn, later, hole, dug, upon, key, close, bring, fine, held, ship, brain, word, describe

Today, I finally began to learn how to do that.


Let me finish this, and I can help you with your job a little bit later.


Our dog dug a hole in the grass and put a bone in it.


Once upon a time, there was a king who wanted lots of gold.


Use this key to get into the house.


I’d like to close this door; are you okay with that, Ted?


Go over to that hill and bring a big stone back to me.


Just a little bit later, your eye will feel fine.


So that I would not fall into the water, Mom held my hand as we got on the ship.


My brother said a bad word, and Mom was really mad at him because of that.


Have you seen the new movie called “The Brain” yet?


What would be a good word to describe how you feel right now?


I’d like to get up no later than 8:00 AM tomorrow morning.


The dog began to make a hole in the grass, and Dad ran over to stop him.


Did they work your brain hard at school; what did you learn today?


The nurse said, “You’ll be fine; that’s just a little cut.”


Bring that box with you when you get on the ship.


He held out his hand to show me what he had dug up in the back yard.


I don’t know why this key will not work in this door.


Upon smelling the flower, the child said, “I don’t like that smell!”


The best word to describe her is “beautiful.”


I’d like to have a word with you; do you have time right now?


My family will take a trip to a new big city in the United States every year.


Here’s my brother George; he’s in the Army in Washington state.


I’m reading this book; everyone says that it’s really good.


I ate some bread and soup until I was full.


It felt good outside on such a pretty spring day.


Something got into my eye, and I tried to get it out.


I need some rest, so I’ll go upstairs to my bedroom to fall asleep.


How much can I buy when I have a twenty-dollar bill?


When the wind blows too hard and leaves are in the air, I want to come back into the house.


Look across the street; have you ever seen that young boy?


Dad asked me to cut the grass, and I’m happy that it’s not a tough job, since we have such a small yard.


Mrs. Stone is a great teacher, and she’s very kind, as well.


My friends are crazy to want to jump into that ice cold water!


Here’s a book that I tried to read, but it was too tough for me to finish it.


The spring weather is nice; let’s go take a walk near the park.


Here’s a pretty dark purple flower for you to put in that vase.


All together, the leaves in our yard are as big as a small hill, and it’s fun to jump into them.


I want one of those farmers to hire me to work for him; I need to make some money.


Mom cried out to me, “Keep safe when you walk across the street!”


When I started to sing a song, my sister said, “Please stop; you sound terrible!”


Sometimes when I’m done with my work, I sit down and take a little rest.


I saw a flag that was orange, purple, and gold.


What will our adventures be like on our trips this year?


The farmers around here are mad; we have not had any rain in four weeks.


If you kick that ball too far, it will go into the water.


That poor family does not have much money.


Will you miss me when I’m gone?


That four-year-old is quite strong; did you see how far he can kick the ball?


We have eaten all of the bread in the house and will need to buy more today.


I’m going to go live in the city when I am twenty years old.


Everyone I know has a job, and I need a farmer around here to hire me.


The sheep on the farms around here ate grass all day.


Sometimes I go to the zoo with my friends.


I felt kind of poorly this morning, but I feel fine this afternoon.


Many people in the United States Army may have to go to war one day.


What state do you live in?


That poor baby cried through much of the night.


George Washington was a great man.


When I was done at the store, I realized that I didn’t have any money left.


I don’t want to sing that song; it’s too dark and sad.


We will put a flag up outside our house on July 4.


I was mad at myself when I could not keep up with my friends on our long walk.


George got cut from the team, but he said that it would give him time to get a job and make some money.


Bill gave me a dollar so that I could buy some gum.


Can you see if the cat is in the upstairs bedroom?


Most of the farms around here grow a lot of corn.


Farmer Smith has about twenty animals on his farm.


Let’s talk about the crazy adventures that we have had on our many family trips.


I started reading a book last night, but I fell to sleep in about ten minutes.


No one wants to be in a war!


What is that terrible strong smell in the air?


The pot needs to be full of water before I can make the soup.


I have to tell myself to keep at it when I want to finish a job and then go play.


Have you seen Miss Farmer yet; she is our new teacher.


You don’t want to get close to me; I have a bad cold.


Can I bring this to school tomorrow as part of my lunch?


That would be a fine time to get together for dinner at the restaurant.


The ship was so big that it had 8,000 people on it!


I began to learn to play chess when I was five years old.


Dad really wanted to buy that car, but he held off until he had more money.


To add up these hard numbers, you really have to use your brain!


Please don’t say another word to your sister about this.


Mom put the purple vase upon the table.


If the wind blows hard, it will be a good day to fly a kite.


How did you get this hole in your dress?


Our teacher asked us, “What are the three key questions in this chapter?”


Please close the door quietly; the baby is asleep.


It took a long time, but Dad finally dug the car out of the snow.


Lesson 26

looking, dear, funny, special, woman, legs, wife, we’ll, meet, garden, yellow, flowers

As soon as I was looking away, my dear friend Bill made a funny face.


At 3:00 PM, we’ll all meet in the garden over there with the purple and yellow flowers.


That very special, pretty woman over there – with the long legs – is my dear wife, Grace.

stopped, pull, they’ve, trash, wonder, along, anything, move, else, cars, wish

Sam, can you please pull the trash out to the street before you do anything else?


I wish that these cars would move along; I wonder why they’ve stopped.

Columbus, led, sea, ships, hope, plan, goes, someone, pool, splash, tale, knights, cool

Columbus led three ships across the sea on his first trip to the New World.


I hope that this plan goes well for you.


Someone jumped into the pool next to where I sat, and a big splash of water got on my book.


I’m reading a cool tale about the Knights of the Round Table.

class, learning, became, American, president, Americans, care, country, times, being, mean

Class, today we’ll be learning about how George Washington became the first American president.


I hope that most Americans really care about their country.


Grace, how many times do I have to tell you to stop being mean to your brother?

wood, try, stay, warm, west, kept, quiet, draw, picture, person, huge, nose, mister

I’ll put some more wood on the fire to try to make it stay warm in here.


Mister West said, “Class, I like the way that you have kept still and quiet during the past few minutes.”


I’m going to try to draw a picture of a person with a huge nose.

sense, ear, hearing, couldn’t, hit, half, free, won’t, comes, watch, working, met, brought, neighbors

My sense of hearing is not so good in my left ear.


I couldn’t get that hit song out of my head.


We were at the zoo for half of the day yesterday, and it was a special free day to get in.


I won’t like it if Grace comes over to our house, because she’s not my friend.


I’ll watch Bill while you’re outside working in the garden.


I brought some yellow flowers with me when I went over and met our new neighbors at their house.

built, you’ve, enough, somewhere, you’d, whether, ago, north, front, scared, wee, without, tall

That’s cool; I didn’t know that Bill had built that all by himself!


George, don’t start working on that until you’ve put together a good plan.


That dog next to the garden has funny looking legs.


How tall do you think that man is?


We’ll stay warm if we sit next to the fire.


I won’t rest until someone gets this huge box of trash out of the house.


I heard that woman say, “I wish that we could buy two new cars.”


On such a hot day as today, I want someone to splash some cool water on me.


I met up with my wife for a special lunch today.


Why are there so many cars along the side of the street?


When Jack comes over, we’ll each try to draw a really funny looking picture.


It’s just not quiet enough where I live; I hope to move somewhere else soon.


Don’t say anything to Mister Wood about this; if you do, you’ll wish that you’d never met me!


Gran said, “Ann was such a dear; she brought me some beautiful yellow flowers.”


I couldn’t sense whether that person who is working on my house was mad at me or not.


You can watch that hit movie on my TV for free.


In my class at school, we are learning how Americans started to head west in the 1800s.


Do you have anything else to say to me about why you were so mean to your brother?


My nose was stopped up, so I couldn’t smell a thing.


I kept quiet and became as still as a rock.


Let’s take a ride away from the city and into the country today.


For the time being, I’m going to get out of the pool and read my book.


Mister North, I’m very happy to meet you.


That’s my wife Ann over on the far side of the pool.


You have to wonder what they’ve just put into that trash can.


If you ever pull something like that again, you’ll find out how angry I can get!


A woman ran out into the street, right in front of our car, but I stopped in time so that I didn’t hit her.


My legs hurt because I ran for so long today by the sea.


Do you have any sense at all; how many times have I told you to take care when you go across the street?


We’ll move to the city of Columbus in two weeks.


I could picture how nice it would be to sit on a beach by the sea on a warm day.


I read a funny tall tale about some knights who couldn’t ride a horse.


Mom, don’t be scared of it; it’s just a wee mouse, and it’s not going to hurt you!


I wonder what the neighbors will be like who move into the house next door to us.


Watch me try this, and you’ll see why I can’t do it without your help.


You’d better come see this, Ann; there’s a huge snake inside the house next to the front door!


I won’t eat all of this apple; would you like half of it?


I’ll free up some time to meet with you this afternoon.


I kept hearing a strange sound under my bed last night, and it scared me.


I’m going to make a big splash when I jump into the cool water.


Should we head north or west when we get to that hill?


Dad took my hand and led me upstairs to my bedroom.


I don’t care to watch that movie; I would be scared all night long.


You’ve built enough of those for now; you should come on into the house.


I think that I left my school book somewhere at their house when I was with the Smiths.


The wee baby cried all night, and not a person in the house got much sleep.


Why would someone want to run for president; that’s a crazy hard job!


Do you mean that you want me to pull that along the side of the street?


When the cold front comes from the north, there will be lots of snow here in Columbus.


At work today, I was hearing about the old car that the Smiths have; it finally stopped working, and now they’ve got to buy a new one.


Look, I just don’t want to go there without you being by my side.


A family who we know – named the Knights – have built a wee house in the country to go to on some of their vacations.


The nurse said that my left ear is fine.


Just stay put; I’ll be back in the house in five minutes.


I’m going to draw a picture of a dog with a long nose.


You’ve had more than enough to eat; now get up and please help me clean off the kitchen table.


Do you know whether school will be out tomorrow, or not, because of the snow that will come tonight?


Cake is just not that great without ice cream to go with it!


When you hear thunder close by, you’d better go somewhere safe!


Those people come from another country, and they like for Americans to take vacations there; it will bring more money into their country.


I know that he lived in England, but he became an American four years ago.


The times were very different back in the 1700s.


I wonder why those huge ships don’t just sink into the sea.


The president told us an important tale about her life from when she was a ten-year-old girl.


If everyone goes by the plan, we should win this game, because their team is not that strong.


I have a pretty wood chess set, but I don’t know how to play the game yet.


I don’t like it when a bug gets into my ear!


I know someone from another country who is learning what it’s like to be an American.


Ann brought her rabbit to school today for show-and-tell.


It was not so long ago that we lived in a different city.


When I ride in the car with Mister Green, I think that he goes too fast.


A long time ago, knights led the army of a king or a queen.


I led my little brother through the door on his first day of school.


Both of those ships have a British flag on them.


I don’t like that the Smiths will move to a new city, because they have been very good neighbors.


The first half of the movie was pretty slow, but after that, it got a lot better.


Whether you like it or not, you have to eat all of the food on your plate first, if you want some ice cream.


That ten-year-old girl is very tall, isn’t she?


Lesson 27

often, early, passed, hair, Kay, shot, yelled, almost, wet, pants, God

It’s not often that I see my old friend Jack, but early this morning I passed him in the car and was startled to see that he now has really long hair.


When nurse Kay gave me a shot, I yelled, “Oh, my God!”; it hurt so bad that I almost wet my pants!

story, pigs, liked, swim, catch, takes, hunt, ducks, tail

Have you heard the story about the two pigs named Sam and Ted who liked to try to catch fish when they went for a swim?


Mr. North takes his dog Bill – that one over there with the long tail – with him when he goes to hunt for ducks.

shoes, boat, deep, coming, toward, pat, bunch, parts, visit, everything, mouth, taste, tea, spit, less, fix, cup, machine

I took off my shoes, jumped off of the boat into the water, and I went down deep; in less than a minute, I saw a big fish coming toward me.


Pat had to get a bunch of things to fix a machine at work, so he went to visit a parts store, and they had everything that he needed.


Pam put the cup to her mouth and took a taste of her tea, but it was so hot that she spit it out all over her dress.

hundred, line, wall, spot, star, nothing, thirty, group, America, others, countries

A hundred people were in line by the outside wall to see if they could spot the rock star coming out of the door, but two hours had passed, and they had seen nothing yet.


Ten out of thirty of the people in that group are from America; all of the others are from different countries.

problem, voice, hardly, bright, runs, sent, soldiers, Kay’s, doing, pay, maybe, desk, between

He had a problem with his voice, and I could hardly hear him.


Ted is a very bright boy, and he runs really fast.


The president sent some of our soldiers to another country to help them fix a problem.


I heard that Kay’s got a new job, that she’s doing well in it, and that they pay her well.


Kay, maybe you should sit at the desk that’s between Ted and Bill.

pick, Aladdin, picked, foot, soil, running, course, known, waves, rough, ocean, wouldn’t, ants

If I had to pick my favorite movie, I think that it would be Aladdin.


When I picked my foot up from the soil, a bunch of ants began running around.


Of course, if I had known that the waves would be too rough to go into the ocean, I wouldn’t have gone to the beach today.

stand, getting, grew, kit, stood, rocks, bee, brave, flew, paper, bag

Jan said, “George, stand up and let me look at you”; my, you’re getting so tall; you grew a lot during this past year, didn’t you?”


Kit was brave, and he stood as still as a bunch of rocks while a bee flew around his head.


Grace brought her lunch to school in a paper bag today.

bet, race, road, we’re, nuts, sail, yells, muscles, Friday, caught, yell

Kay yelled to Sam, “I bet that you can’t beat me in a race down this road to that big tree.”


You know, we’re nuts to go sail out there in those rough waves; we’re going to get very wet.


When Bill yells “Go,” I hope that your muscles are ready to start running as fast as you can go.


Almost every morning, I swim in my pool quite early, and most often for about a half hour.


Sam needs to have his hair cut; it’s getting way too long.


Ann said, “that food has left a bad taste in my mouth.”


On Black Friday, a hundred people stood in line to come into our store, but we wouldn’t let them in until 8:00 AM.


When you sail out into the ocean, make sure that you don’t go toward those rocks!


George gets lots of exercise, and he has large muscles.


Dad said, “I bet just one dollar at the horse race today, and I didn’t win.”


Pat spit something out of her mouth and yelled, “I can’t eat nuts; they’re really bad for me!”


My new car runs like a top when we’re going down the road.


Bill was going to the park, and – in a paper bag – he had some bread that he would give to the ducks.


I can hardly see the road because the sun is so bright, and I’m scared that I might hit another car.


With a kit that I’ll be getting from the store this Friday, I can put together a new table at home in less than thirty minutes.


My brother Ted liked to play catch while we grew up, so it was quite often that you could find us in the back yard doing just that.


I can’t stand it when a bee wants to fly around me.


Mom yells at our cat George if he jumps up on the kitchen table.


The farmer said, “there is nothing better than farm land like I have, with soil that’s great to grow corn in.”


The brave soldiers went off to war, and they knew that some of them wouldn’t come back to America.


I think that the others who you’re looking for went with a different group of people.


Would you please add some more hot tea to my cup?


I got really scared during some parts of that movie!


That huge red spot on your dress is going to be a big problem to get out.


I had to hunt all over the house to find my new pants.


Grandma Kay is coming here on Friday for a long visit.


Have you heard the well-known story of “The Three Little Pigs?”


Can you pull that chair along the wall and put it about one foot to the left?


You picked a good spot for us to see the first star in the night sky.


Maybe that man with the deep voice will sing a song for us.


Class, please stand up next to each desk, and then we’re going to get in a line by the wall outside so that we can all go to lunch.


I think that Grandma Kay’s going to live to be a hundred years old.


Of course, my cat will spit at you if she’s scared of you, so, just go slow and try to pat her on the head.


I looked down and saw that ants were all over my new shoes.


I almost got my pants caught in that machine!


I heard my brother yell at the dog, “Get your tail out of my face!”


I’ve been running for so long that my muscles hurt.


At the very end of the game, Pat took a shot with the ball, but it didn’t go in.


Our boat takes a group as large as thirty people.


Time flew by over the summer, and before we knew it, it was time to go back to school.


Our teacher said to me, “Please pick up that paper and put it back on my desk.”


Let’s put the new light in between that chair and the small table next to it.


The new teacher thought these words in her head: “God help me that the kids in this class will be nice to me.”


In the story, Aladdin asked the man at the farm, “What would I have to pay to get those two pigs?”


The ball was coming toward him, he stood still, and then he caught it!


Do everything that you can to win that race, Kit!


You will find army soldiers in most countries.


We had a good plan and had a bunch of fun things to do during Kay’s visit.


You’ll have to pay me a lot to fix that beat-up old machine.


It will be hard to grow something in this rough soil.


It was a problem for Aladdin when – in a loud voice – he put his foot into his mouth and said something that was not very bright.


Mom sent Bill to the barber to get his hair cut.


While I grew up, I liked to swim for hours at a time in the pool.


I’d like less tea than I had in my first cup.


Of course, I should have known that he would pick out the two cookies that I wanted!


Maybe I’m doing too much work right now and should take some time off.


The huge ocean waves scared me, and nothing was going to get me to go into that water!


As the sun went down, the people on the boat saw a bright star in the north sky.


I’d like to taste everything that’s sweet in this shop.


Okay, I’ll give it my best shot to try to do that early tomorrow morning.


I hardly know that person, but I’ve heard that she’s really nice.


I bet that Mom yells, “Don’t let the ants get on the food!” since she does that every time we eat outside.


You picked nice-looking shoes to go with that dress.


He ducks his head every time that a bird will fly over him.


It takes lots of work to learn how to catch a ball.


He parts his hair on the left side of his head.


We had lots of rain, and – while I was in the car – I passed by two very wet people on the side of the road.


I’ll come to your house at some time between 3:00 and 4:00 PM this afternoon.


Our brave boy Bill caught his first fish today!


I hope that I can sail around the world one day so that I can get to see many different countries.


You’re nuts if you think that you’re going to get me to do that crazy thing!


A white bird flew over us, and I saw it land on some rocks that were near us.


Mom, what’s in that bag that you’ve brought home from the store?


I told Ann, “There are times when you have a really big problem, and you just have to ‘give it to God’ to help you take care of it.


We have two dogs, and each one of them has a long tail.


There’s no better dog than my dog to come along to help during a hunt.


I’m scared of the kind of crazy animals that might live way deep in the ocean.


I love to sing the song “America, the Beautiful.”


Our group is getting pretty big now; how many others do you think will want to come with us?


You’d better go get that at the store now, before time runs out and they don’t have any more of them left.


We sent a very pretty bowl to Gran for Christmas.


I’m going to draw a picture of a bee that’s on a pretty flower.


Lesson 28

cloth, dirty, mess, Mike, stayed, longer, worked, history, grade, evil, smile, watched, toad, hop, waiting, scare

I used this cloth to clean off the dirty mess that Mike left on the kitchen table.


I stayed up longer than I should have and worked on my history paper for school, so that I’ll get a good grade on it.


He got an evil smile on his face as he watched his toad hop into the kitchen sink, with the animal waiting there to scare his mother.

folks, talked, build, chicken, toss, pen, showed, company, laugh, silly, however, joke, smiled, seek, hide, till, homes, feed

My folks talked for some time about how a company was going to cut down the trees behind our house and build a bunch of new homes.


The farmer brought out a bag of chicken feed and showed me how to toss it around the pen.


Mike, you can’t go outside to play hide-and-seek till you finish your school work.


I smiled at the joke that Dad told; however, Mom thought that it was too silly, and she didn’t laugh.

threw, stick, noise, guess, perhaps, bank, pond, caused, frogs, tiny, quack, native, point, pencil, sharp, write

I threw a stick that hit a tree and caused a loud noise, and my guess is that perhaps a hundred or so frogs jumped from the bank of the pond into the water.


Do you think that those tiny baby ducks can quack yet?


This week we’re going to learn how Native Americans helped the first people who came from England to what is now New England in the United States.


The point on this pencil isn’t very sharp, and I just can’t write well with it.

king’s, ring, wear, normal, places, sounds, spoke, party, especially, music, enjoy

The king’s favorite ring is not to be found, and he wants to wear it tonight; have we looked in all of the normal places where he might have left it?


I spoke with your wife, and it sounds like you had a great time at the party; didn’t you especially enjoy the music that they played?

grown, smart, act, happened, fight, exclaimed, mice, driving, bucket, sand, castle, making, filled

Grown smart people don’t act like that; what happened to make them get into a fight like that?


Mom exclaimed, “Those mice that keep coming into the kitchen through that hole in the window are driving me crazy!”


Mike has filled his bucket with sand, and he’s going to be making a castle out of it on the beach.

lay, soft, window, leave, finished, sell, crops, market, means, cash

Lay that soft cloth down under the window and leave it there; we’re finished with our work for now.


If we sell all of our crops at the market today, it means that we’ll bring home lots of cash.

reached, become, fat, fact, choice, Dr., rich, sitting, lamp, moon, touch, shoe, dry, within, couple

It was a fact that I had reached a point where I had become fat, and I now had no choice other than to exercise more and to eat a lot less!


Dr. Rich was sitting next to a lamp, looking out the window at the full moon.


If you touch that shoe, you’ll see that it’s a bit wet, but it should dry off within a couple of hours.


I need to go to the bank to get some cash so that I can buy some food at the market.


She showed her mom what she wanted to wear to the party, but her mom exclaimed, “Put on something more normal looking; that just looks silly!”


Mike filled a bucket with water till it was full, and he took it over to his dad.


In fact, you have a choice here; you can write on this paper with a pen or a pencil.


Mike said, “I plan to sell things when I’m grown up; I’m smart, and I’ll be making lots of money, and I’ll get rich.”


In the first act of the play, the king’s knights got into a big fight over who should live in the castle and who should leave.


These are not native plants, and they’re going to take over lots of places in the woods behind our house.


I reached out to try to pick up the toad, only to see it hop off toward the pond.


We were waiting for our friends to leave our house, but they stayed longer than we had wanted them to.


That family can eat so much food that you feel like you’re going to have to feed an army!


“Can you guess what that crazy noise is?” “Perhaps those are the sounds of a bunch of frogs at the pond.”


I didn’t especially enjoy what Dr. Green said to me, but he made a good point; it’s a fact that I’ve become too fat.


When we were driving to school this morning, another person caused me to make a sharp turn to keep his car from running into us.


Toss this stick and see if that tiny dog will go after it.


That couple sitting over there smiled at me.


The Smiths want to build a new house that looks a bit like a castle, but it won’t be finished for a year or so.


Will you touch this cloth and see if it’s dry yet?


George exclaimed, “What happened to you, Mike; you look like you’ve been in a fight!”


Is this shoe longer than that other one?


We worked hard for many hours, and we made quite a mess.


Kids, please lay out all of your dirty clothes on the rug there under the window.


Don’t try to touch that toad; if you do, it will hop off.


The mice inside the wall were making lots of noise.


I had to laugh when I heard a child say, “Mommy, I can quack like a duck!”


I’m going to hide that cash from my brother.


What grade did you get on your history paper?


I watched as Dad showed us how to sand wood.


The folks at that table talked for over two hours after they finished their dinner.


I think that I’ll fix cream of chicken soup for our company who will be over for dinner tonight.


She’s going to write a story about an evil president who has the means to start a world war.


After I’m grown up, I will seek a way to build a new company that will scare mice and keep them out of your house!


We threw a party for Dr. Smith on his birthday.


I’ll have this job finished within a couple of hours.


The moon is so bright that I might not have to turn on the lamp to read this.


I think that I’ll wear this ring to go with this dress.


I would enjoy hearing some soft music with dinner.


The farmer spoke about how good the crops will be this summer.


I think that joke is funny; however, some people could take it the wrong way, and it might make them mad at you.


That music is especially loud; turn it down, or we won’t hear the phone ring.


There was a tiny smile on her face as she watched her young child try to tell a joke.


When he was young, the king’s teacher was very smart and taught him how a king should act.


We happened to sell lots of crops at the market today.


When you go to the fast-food restaurant, order a bucket of chicken.


Don’t laugh at me if I mess up this joke when I tell it.


Hand me that sharp pencil, please, and then I can toss this old one into the trash.


The kids on the team are not working hard enough; we can’t be soft on them if they want to win any games!


It would be too much money for us to buy one of those huge homes.


I’m going to hide behind the door till Dad comes into the house, and then I’ll make silly loud sounds to try to scare him.


There are a lot of folks waiting to get into the movie.


Why do you have a smile on your face; your little sister just cried because you caused her to do so by being mean to her!


You have to seek out a good way to live your life.


At school today, we talked a lot about native plants that are all around us when we’re in the woods.


However you look at this problem, it’s going to be tough to fix it.


It was not pretty when Ted threw up at school today!


When we’re at the market, stick by my side so that you don’t get lost.


Where are the normal places where we might find the dog when he’s outside?


This food is too rich for me to eat; there is way too much fat in it.


Within minutes, the baby fell fast asleep.


When I reached down for my shoe, the cat jumped out from behind the door and scared me.


Your first-grade teacher spoke about how kind you were at school today.


We got quite dirty as we worked at our job today.


There have been lots of evil things done by bad people in world history.


It stayed really cold outside for many weeks during this past winter.


Don’t guess at that word; sound it out!


Perhaps I’ll lay this down on the rug until it can dry out.


You have a choice to have any job that you want when you grow up; but you’ll have to work hard to become the person who you want to be!


I was sitting down when the light in the lamp next to me went out.


We should see the moon come up around 7:00 PM tonight.


Slow down; you’re driving too fast.


So, I guess that this bad grade means that I can’t go to the party on Friday night, right?


What should I feed our company who are coming over for lunch today?


How did all of this sand get into my shoes?


He filled his glass with ice cold water.


I can write better with that pen that’s over there.


We got to learn about frogs at school today.


On our trip out at sea today, we caught more than a bucket of fish to bring back with us!


The cat heard the loud quack of a duck that was outside, and she ran to the window to take a look at it.


Remember to get some cash when you’re at the bank today.


The pretty baby looked at me and smiled.


We have to move to another city, and Mom and Dad are there right now looking at new homes.


Lesson 29

simple, question, answer, students, true, false, figure, check, talking, language, saying, idea

This is a simple question, and the answer is black and white; it’s true or it’s false, and I know that you can figure this out.


Check out those students; I can hear them talking in another language, but I have no idea what they’re saying.

decided, able, south, travel, month, march, study, art, carefully, floor, building, carry, second, mail

Have you decided whether you’ll be able to travel to the south of England in the month of March in order to study British art while you’re there?


Pick this up carefully, carry it into the first floor of that building, and then take it up to the second-floor mail room.

dream, college, student, teach, believe, begin, science, buffalo, main, months, cost, cab, business, address, center

I can hardly believe it, but my dream is coming true; next year in college, I can begin to student-teach a science class at Buffalo High School on Main Street, and I get to do this for a few months.


What will it cost for me to take a cab to a business that’s at this address in the center of town?

books, listen, church, bell, season, women, seem, shopping, visited, several, stores, sale, save, coat, number

I love to listen to the church bell ring on Christmas morning; it helps to make the season seem so happy.


Mom went shopping with some women friends on Black Friday; they visited several stores – always looking for a big sale so that they could save some money – and Mom came home with a new coat and a number of books.

letter, post, card, heavy, taking, test, parents, clear, they’ll, low, bottom

In the mail today, we got a letter, a post card, and a small but heavy box.


I’ll be taking a hard test this time tomorrow, and my parents made it clear that they’ll be mad at me if I get a low grade on it, because I’m now close to being at the bottom of my class.

mark, sentence, spelling, appear, correct, spell, drive, east, mile, following, train, track, base, mountain, surface

The only bad mark that I got on the test was in one sentence, where I got the spelling wrong on one word; it didn’t appear correct to me at the time, but I didn’t know how else to spell it.


The map says that, from here, we should drive east for a mile, following a train track on the right side of the road; then we’ll be at the base of a mountain, where we’ll turn left; once we make that turn, the surface of the road will get much better.

understand, using, tools, trying, lights, above, busy, office, list, open, jobs, wait, area

I understand that you’re busy and are using these tools for trying to fix the lights above the desk in my office; is that correct?


Let’s wait till tomorrow to post this list of new open jobs here at the office; there’s a good area on the wall next to the refrigerator in the lunch room where you can put it up.

news, action, movies, police, force, against, guy, power

I heard on the news that one of the best new action movies is about a police force that’s up against a really evil guy who has a lot of power to hurt people.


That college student who I was talking with said that she has to read a lot of science books.


For many Native Americans, the buffalo was very important to them; this animal gave them food, clothes, tools, and more.


Are you following the news; a train ran off the track just south of town and almost ran into a small building; but the police say that no one was hurt.


Students, please stand against the wall and wait there – with no talking – till I’ve decided that it’s okay for us to head to lunch.


Our power has been cut off, and the lights are out; oh, and don’t open the refrigerator door so that it will stay cold inside of it.


It’s not going to do any good if you yell at the dog!


The best way to describe my day at work today is “terrible!”


Someone was able to get into our house; they took some things, and we hope that the police can get to the bottom of this soon.


I’m going to be busy working two jobs this summer after college is out; my dream is to save up enough money to buy a used car.


That heavy guy over there is trying to run a mile in under six minutes.


I wonder what it would cost to travel all around the world.


It does not appear that my students understand why I teach the way that I do; but I believe that it’s good to ask a tough question and have them think hard before they give me an answer.


I’d like to learn another language, and there are several of them that I’ll think about trying.


Get out of the water; there’s a snake at the bottom of the pool!


There’s a bee right above your head; get down low to the ground and maybe it will go away.


The teacher said, “Okay, listen up! You can begin taking your science test now.”


What you’re saying is false; that number is not the correct answer.


Mark started to run toward second base, but he couldn’t help but trip because of the rough surface of the ground.


The sun comes up in the east and goes down in the west; do you understand why that is?


I got this coat on sale when I went shopping at several stores today.


You’re going to really have to study hard and use your brain to figure out the right number in this word problem.


We could hear soldiers march down the road near our office building.


It’s going to be a very busy month for me; look at this long list of all the things that I have to get done.


You’d better check the spelling of your words in this sentence; I believe that some of them are wrong.


It’s about a mile more to walk to the top of this mountain from here.


I don’t know how to tell if art is good or not; I bet that I would pay way too much for bad art!


I hope that they sent that letter to my business address.


I didn’t like the last two jobs that I had, so I’m going to drive a cab for a few months to see if I can make some good money doing that.


There are two new stores at the center of Main Street that I visited yesterday.


Listen to that beautiful church bell; I’m happy that I was able to be here at this time in order to hear it.


I’ve decided that your idea is a really good one, and what is best about it is that it’s so simple, so I think that everyone here will like it.


Think carefully before you do that; if your parents don’t like it, they’ll be very mad at you.


Mom, look at these cool books that they let me check out of the library today.


Remember, you need to write your grandma a thank-you card today and put it into the mail.


Are you crazy; that is way too heavy for me to carry on my own.


You can tell by the leaves and the cool air that the fall season is about to begin.


Does it seem to you like this is a good sale; I don’t want to buy something if I don’t save some money.


On a clear day, you can see the snow on top of that mountain very well.


I have no idea how to spell that tough word; I’m just not good at spelling.


Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to both walk and drive on the surface of the moon?


I hope that there are some great action movies to watch during the Christmas season.


There was a lot of rain on Friday, but on the following day, the sun was out.


I want to study art when I go to college.


Walk carefully on that floor; it’s very wet, and I wouldn’t want you to fall down.


When I was at the center of town this morning, I saw three women trying to catch a cab; it took them around ten minutes to get one.


There’s one word in that sentence where a letter is wrong; I’ll mark that for you so that you can fix it and spell it right.


In this area of the city, there are a lot of new jobs to be found.


Students, when you read books, you always want to be looking for the “main idea.”


Our teacher said, “Ted, you don’t need to yell; please use your inside voice.”


Snow is on the ground for months every year in Buffalo.


In just a second, the school bell will ring, and each student will be out for the summer.


In a few weeks, the birds will start to fly south for the winter.


Dad, does it cost a lot to start a new business?


I can’t tell what they’re saying because they’re talking in a different language.


I’m going to have to travel a lot in the month of March.


Does it seem to you like there are more people at church today than come on most days?


I’ve sent a card to her that says, “I hope that you feel better soon.”


Our parents are taking us out to dinner tonight.


In this paper that I’ll write, I’ll make it clear what is true and what is false about what that person says in her new book about the president.


If I appear to look poorly, it’s because I ate something bad and I feel terrible.


Mark, you have to stop using bad words!


This is a list of tools that I need to buy to fix some things in the house.


When you have to teach a child to read, there are many tools that you must learn about in order to do it right.


I can’t begin to tell you how much fun we had at your party!


How can those women carry all of that; they must have been shopping all day.


I just sent you our new address on a post card.


He has a low, deep voice.


How many different jobs have you had in your life?


If you open that door, very cold air will get into the house.


Put this box at the base of the Christmas tree; it’s for Mom.


This morning, when I took a letter to mail it at the post office, I made it clear to them that I need to be able to track it.


We’re going to take this train east to go into the city.


We’ll be using these lights to put around the Christmas tree, and those lights over there will go above the front door.


Following church today, we can go to the movies if you’d like to.


Wait here for me, because you can’t go into that area of the building.


There is too much sad news on the TV!


The police want to take action against that bad guy.


Come on, Mom; you can’t force me to clean up my room, can you?


We’re done with this job, so it’s time to power down that machine.


My favorite saying from the movies is, “May the force be with you!”


Dad, can I ask you a simple question?


Mom, I had a bad dream about a snake that was under my bed.


We visited our grandparents this past summer, and we had a great time.


I need to coat the chicken with milk before I put it into the pan.


Do you think that they’ll let us come to their party?


When she went across the finish line, she let out a big yell.


Lesson 30

happen, doll, yeah, cry, wash, she’ll, explain, rule, change, toy

“Mommy, I thought that this might happen; my doll got all dirty at the beach.” “Yeah, I can see that; but don’t cry, because we’ll put her in the wash when we get home, and she’ll be as good as new!”


Let me explain a rule we have in our house that we can’t change; if a friend comes over and wants to play with your favorite toy, you have to let them do that.

probably, short, wave, bye, serve, pancake, butter, syrup, weight, certain, sports, lose, shape, pound

I know that you’re probably sad that your grandparents have to leave after such a short visit, but smile and wave “bye” to them, and don’t cry.


What would you like for me to serve you to put on your pancake, maybe some butter and syrup?


Oh no, my weight has gone up a lot; it’s certain that I need to get back into sports and exercise – and eat less – in order to lose a pound every day or two, so that I’ll be in better shape.

usual, late, meeting, doesn’t, example, reach, cooking, oil, shelf, among, bottles, pages, cover, whole, poems, possible

As usual, Mark is late to our meeting; that doesn’t set a very good example, does it?


Can you reach the cooking oil for me; it’s up there on the top shelf among some other glass bottles.


Class, please read pages 102 to 113 tonight, and we’ll cover that whole chapter of poems tomorrow, if that’s possible.

Sunday, press, bus, field, quick, burger, photo, age, beauty, complete, vice, share, view, common, concern, Congress

After the game was over, a bus took the whole team on a quick ride from the playing field to a well-liked burger restaurant.


Each photo that I look at of my grandma – going back to when she was a child – showed that she was a complete beauty at every age of her life.


The vice-president will share her point of view on this common concern about Congress this Sunday on the TV news show “Meet The Press.”

though, form, including, title, sign, space, below, training, wheel, bike

Even though you’ve been here before, the company doctor says that you need to complete this form, including your job title, and then sign it in the space below this line.


Dad, a training wheel came off of my bike!

whose, product, thousand, dollars, seems, piece, junk, cow, barn, fill, size, step, hold, cross

Whose bright idea was it to make this product; I had to pay a thousand dollars for it, and it seems to me that it’s a piece of junk that won’t ever work right!


If you’ll milk each cow in the barn, I think that you can fill up a bucket that’s about this size.


Carefully step down here and hold my hand when we cross the street.

decide, color, pair, inch, seed, follow, proud, note, send, mind, join, having, measure, pictures, island, plane, shown, notice, seemed, plain, themselves

Did you decide what color you’d like your new shoes to be?


Please fill that bucket to an inch from the top with this bird seed.


The class was able to follow my most important rule on our field trip today, and they should be proud of themselves for that.


Write your note on plain white paper and send it in our office mail to Mr. Smith.


If you don’t mind, I’d like to join you at your table where you’ll be having lunch so that we can talk more about how to fix this problem.


Can you measure this piece of wood and see if you get the same answer that I did; it seems to me to be an inch too long.


I let my students color pictures for a half an hour today in class.


To get to that island, we have to go in a small plane.


We’re trying to sell our house, but it has not been shown to any new people in over two weeks.


There was a notice on the front door of the store about a special sale on bread.


The tea that I had for lunch seemed too sweet to me.


“Did you notice that Sam seemed sad at school today?” “Yeah, I think his girl friend is really mad at him about something.”


I’ll measure your feet to see what size shoes you wear.


Would you like some ice cream with your pound cake.


Put all of your weight against this barn door and press hard to see if you can get it to open.


Mom took a good photo of me as I bit into my huge burger; I was able to eat the whole thing!


“Is a doll kind of like a toy?” “Yeah, I’d say that it probably is.”


Put these soft drink bottles among the other junk in the back of the car.


With all of this ice on the ground, hold on to me and carefully take one step at a time.


I’ll send these pictures to Grandma along with the note that I’m about to write.


I’m going to join the cross-country team at school; that’s always been one of my favorite sports.


Let me explain why we need to change this rule.


Notice how my cat will follow me around to every place that I go; my view is that he really wants to be a dog!


The water around this island is ice cold; you’d be out of your mind to take a swim in it!


We’ll be including Grace in the meeting; she’ll tell us a lot about what goes on in Congress, and it’s possible that she will help us to come up with a better plan of action.


What is the title of that very large book of poems; it looks like it could have a thousand pages in it!


He ate all of his dinner even though he doesn’t really happen to like fish.


I’m having to decide whether to fix the back wheel on my bike or to just get a new one; it’s in pretty bad shape.


I’m going to let the kids fix dinner all by themselves without my help; let’s see what might happen with that!


I need to get the bag of seed that’s in the barn; while I’m there, I’ll let the cow out.


It’s getting late; get to bed now, because you have to get up early for Sunday church.


They had to change the oil in our school bus today.


That’s one beauty of a black eye; as usual, did you get into another fight on the playing field today?


I’ll have just plain white-bread toast with no butter, please.


When you’re training for a new sports season, they exercise you like crazy!


Jan, please show the class an example of the good form that you keep with your body when you do that exercise.


Let’s meet at 3:00 PM just below that yellow sign that’s on that building.


There’s a nice common space in the center of town where we could meet for a quick lunch.


We hope to pound the other team in the game today.


As she said “bye” to me on Sunday morning, she began to cry.


I’m getting very good training in the cooking class that I’m taking.


If you think that there’s something wrong with the plan, please share your concern.


Could you please serve me toast with butter in place of the usual pancake?


The next wave will wash your toy boat up to the sand.


The vice-president asked if we could take a few short minutes to check on our phone calls.


Are you certain that you want to try some of this syrup in your hot tea?


When you reach my old age, you almost want to cry when you have another birthday!


Cover those pages so that they don’t get wet in the rain.


That sports team gets really mad every time that they lose a game.


Put this syrup back up on that shelf, please.


I wonder whose twenty dollars those are.


We have shown our new product to about a hundred people, and we’re proud to say that they like it very much!


I’d like to learn how to fly a plane, and then I could go high up and get a great view of the land below me.


If I could go up into space, I’d want to go to the moon and see the beauty of the Earth from there.


Would you like for me to serve you some apple butter for your toast?


If you’re nice to her, I know that she’ll share her favorite doll with you and let you play with it.


Mom, did you put my short dress in the wash to get that little bit of oil out of it?


When you’re cooking my burger, would it be possible for it to come out well-done?


When I went to get on my bike, I realized that one wheel didn’t have any air in it.


“What age is Ted?” “I’m pretty certain that he’s ten years old.”


I need to complete my school paper before Friday, and I have a big concern that I can’t pull that off.


I can’t reach that on the shelf; it’s too high up.


I heard that she’s running for Congress; do you think that she can win?


The school bus was late to our stop this morning; I think it’s probably because it took a while to start it up on such an ice-cold day.


What should we serve for dinner when the Smiths come over tomorrow night?


A big wave was coming toward the island, and everyone was running up a big hill in order to be safe.


I like these pictures because they have a lot of color in them.


“Did you decide what new product to send to your brother for Christmas?” “Yes, and it was less than a hundred dollars.”


Whose dog is that in our yard; I’m scared to step outside until it leaves.


Fill that box with your junk and put it in the trash, if you don’t mind.


It seemed like he might have the biggest pair of eyes that I had ever seen.


I can’t even inch forward a little bit because all of the cars have come to a complete stop.


Why is that cow in the road; it’s going to be in bad shape if a car runs into it!


After I ate my pancake, I said “bye” and went outside to catch the school bus.


Did you happen to wash my clothes yet; I need to wear some of them to a meeting tomorrow.


Though I’ve already put more than enough food in your lunch box, I’ll also be including an apple.


His job title at work is Vice-President of Product Training, and he will be on the TV news talking to the press this afternoon.


I want to take a quick photo of this funny-looking animal; it’s huge, and I wonder what its weight is.


The students ran their meeting by themselves, having asked if they could do that without a teacher being there.


This is a good example of a common form that you’d find when you go to see a doctor, and it doesn’t have any crazy language in it; you would just sign it right here.


Look what I found among the paper in this box; these are the love poems that you sent to me when we were young; I don’t ever want to lose them!


I want you to cover this in the meeting: please explain to everyone why we made this rule.


We must have seen a thousand buffalo out on the plain.


Hold this pair of bottles for me while I measure this piece of cloth.


Follow me, and I’ll show you where I’m having to keep the bird seed in the barn.


I’ve shown you time and time again how you have to close the door on the plane before you take off!


I can fill your order now; what size soft drink would you like?


It seems like I’ve done this a thousand times, but I’m not proud to say that I still can’t get it quite right most of the time.


I heard him yell, “Cross the street and come join us over here!”


Send this note to the vice-president.


This old pair of shoes is still in pretty good shape.


Lesson 31

slowly, followed, bears, hiding, walking, forest, lead, afraid, brush, yummy, honey, Easter, bunny, giant, ears, teeth, skin, holding, basket, chocolate, candy

Though we were a bit afraid, we slowly and carefully followed a couple of bears in the forest – hiding behind trees as we were walking through the brush – in the hope that they would lead us to a tree where they had found some yummy honey.


I want to draw a picture of a crazy Easter bunny, with giant ears, huge sharp teeth, with skin that looks like that of a snake, and he will be holding a basket full of rocks that look like chocolate candy.

scary, monster, pink, monkey, wings, watching, swallowed, single, bite, stared, joy, standing, dressed, Thanksgiving, delicious, pumpkin, pie, eating, perfect, meal, turkey

The scary monster looked like a pink monkey with wings, and as we were watching it, it swallowed large whole birds in one single bite.


Mom was standing by the kitchen sink, and I stared at her with joy while she dressed the turkey for our Thanksgiving dinner; but as delicious as I knew that it would be, all I could think of was the pumpkin pie that I’d be eating at the end of our perfect meal.

kid, Valentine’s, gonna, shouted, sick, dropped, herself, wasn’t, glad, weren’t, rose, replied, hmm, uh, um, sorry, page, breath

Dad, one kid in our class ate so much candy at our Valentine’s Day party that she shouted, “I’m gonna be sick!” Then she dropped to the floor and threw up all over herself; it wasn’t pretty, and you should be glad that you weren’t there!


The teacher asked Rose for the answer, so she took a deep breath, and then she replied, “Hmm, uh, um … I’m so sorry Mrs. Page, but what was the question again?”

wonderful, singing, flying, lovely, who’s, lady, dreams, magical, leprechaun, fairy, nobody, trouble, worried, Halloween, trick, treat, opened, dinosaur

On Halloween evening, when I opened the front door, each kid would yell “trick or treat,” and though I was a bit worried about the kids, I’m glad to say that nobody got into any trouble that night.


I keep having dreams where I’m in a magical forest, and there are a leprechaun, a fairy, and a lovely lady who’s got a wonderful singing voice – and who has a pet that’s a flying dinosaur.

million, shiny, straight, stars, amazing, sight, blew, son, living, cloud, self, pity, explained, feels, alone, empty

We were outside in the country on a clear night, far away from any city lights; I looked straight up to the sky, and I think that I saw a million shiny stars; it was an amazing sight that just blew me away!


My son is living in a black cloud of self-pity these days; his girl friend left him, and he explained to me that he now feels all alone and empty.

thanks, thinking, wrote, welcome, yourself, hi, ease, heat, heart, real

“Hi, Jan; thanks for thinking of me with the nice card that you wrote to me.” “You’re very welcome; I was worried about you and am now glad to see that you’re taking such good care of yourself since you had your fall.”


The wind blew snow into my eyes, and I wasn’t able to see; I was afraid that I was going to lose my sight, and that the bears who followed me would catch up to me and make me their evening meal!


I was so full that I couldn’t take another single bite of the delicious Thanksgiving turkey; if I ate any more, I knew that I would get sick.


If I don’t brush my teeth now, people will tell me that I have bad breath.


My friends are holding a Valentine’s Day party; I hope that I’ll have a lovely time there and that they’ll have my favorite pink candy for us to eat.


I swallowed hard as this big kid got in my face and shouted, “I’m gonna pound you into the ground if you don’t give me five dollars!”


When the president visited a group of men and women from the Army, he walked into the room and said, “At ease, soldiers!”


Who’s that lady with such a wonderful singing voice; she’s the one over there dressed in the pink dress.


As I was watching my teacher today, she just wasn’t herself; I’m afraid that she’s sick.


The honey that I put in my tea makes it yummy.


I’m going to heat up some chicken soup for lunch.


My grandpa has such a kind heart.


That monster isn’t real, honey; it’s just from a story!


Look, we can’t monkey around with this; you need to take the lead on this now and get your team to fix this problem!


Nobody who I know has crazy dreams like I have; in them, I’m always being followed by a scary monster.


I’ve been thinking about what you wrote to me, and you’re right; I’m so straight with other people – when I tell them what they don’t want to hear – that it gets me into trouble some of the time.


I like the thought of living in that cool house, but it would take two million dollars to buy it, which we don’t have!


I’m walking slowly because I hurt my right foot.


What are you hiding behind your back; might it be a yummy treat that you got from the Easter bunny?


My skin is red because a bug with giant wings bit me there.


My son explained to me what he learned in science class today; it was all about how stars form.


Hmm, that’s a tough question for me to answer; I’m gonna have to get back to you on that.


Hi, I’d like to welcome you to our home, and I hope that you enjoy yourself while you stay with us.


Thanks for those kind words; I’d almost worked myself into a state of self-pity.


The boy said to his mom, “Um, can I tell something funny from my school day?” She replied, “I’m all ears; tell me about it!”


Look at that big black cloud that just blew in; it feels like we’re going to get some heavy rain.


I’ve got to ease into that ice-cold water an inch at a time so that my body slowly gets used to it.


I dressed like a leprechaun on Halloween, and people seemed to get a kick out of that.


With a look of joy on her face, she swallowed her first bite of the delicious pumpkin pie.


There’s a bee flying around me that’s really getting under my skin; I wish that it would go away!


He made a perfect three-point shot that dropped right into the basket!


“Who’s at the front door?” “Well, I looked out the front window, and there’s nobody there.”


Ted, I want you to slowly lead the class into the library.


My favorite candy on Easter is a chocolate bunny.


Um, this time tomorrow we’ll be eating our Thanksgiving dinner.


I was standing still in the forest, hiding behind a tree, when I saw two bears walking near me.


Today, a monkey at the zoo started to jump up and down like crazy; I just stared at it and began to laugh.


I’m going to brush my hair so that it will cover my ears.


I’m sorry that you weren’t able to come to our party on Friday; I was worried about you when you didn’t show up.


We opened the box, but it was empty.


My doctor is going to check out my heart today.


My friend dreams of flying a plane for the Air Force when he’s grown up.


The young boy said, “I’ve got a magical trick that I’d like to show you.”


It was cold enough outside that we could see our breath.


It’s hard for that single mom to take care of her kids all by herself.


That little boy won’t let go of his toy dinosaur.


Come inside from the heat and cool off.


Dad, in the movies, how do they make certain things look so real, when they’re really not?


I’d to like to see and hear a singing fairy in the woods at night.


Ted has a sister who is a lovely young lady.


We had a wonderful time on Halloween night, and I was always watching with joy when my little sister shouted “trick or treat” when each door opened.


Mom rose from her chair and asked, “Could you please help me with something?” Dad replied, “Of course, honey, that will be no trouble at all.”


We have lots of turkey left over for our meal tomorrow night.


I’ve been thinking that we need more shiny things on our Christmas tree.


“Hi, I want to tell you that the book you just wrote is amazing!” “Uh, well, thanks very much!”


Son, go straight to school; you need to be there on time!


Don’t you just love the Christmas movie “Home Alone?”


Sorry, I just dropped a bite of pumpkin pie on the floor.


“Mom, there’s a scary monster under my bed.” “No there’s not; it’s just the cat who dropped by in your room to say ‘hi’ to you.”


There’s a picture of a perfect chocolate cake on this page.


A rose fell out of the basket of flowers that she was holding.


What will we be eating at our Valentine’s Day party?


She didn’t have the heart to keep her dog outside when it was so cold out there.


The leprechaun said, “Hmm, how is that fairy flying when her wings are so small?”


I stared at the dinosaur bones and said, “Uh, those must be the biggest animal bones in the world!”


She said, “Um, weren’t you out of school sick today; so why are you here at the party tonight?”


Turn the heat up, please; it’s way too cold inside the house.


Mr. Smith swallowed hard and said, “Look, you need to be on the same page with me about how we’re going to fix this problem together, or else; you got it?”


She’s so much better at chess than I am that she’ll win our game with ease.


In this book, there’s a magical story about a giant honey bee that’s as big as a person!


There’s nobody living in that house; you can tell because it’s empty, and there are not any lights on.


I hope that she feels welcome – and not all alone – when she comes to work for our company.


I explained, “Look, you can’t beat yourself up when you did everything that you knew how to do, so stop the self-pity party right now and move on with life!”


Some animals are so funny looking that you wonder if they are real!


That cloud is an amazing sight; what animal does it look like to you?


Those two movie stars each have on a shiny dress.


“How are you doing these days?” “Things are great, and I feel like a million dollars!”


We’re standing by, still waiting for the president and his team to arrive.


That child just lost two of her front teeth.


Figure out how to fix this problem.


Lesson 32

arrived, quickly, crowd, surprised, noticed, anyone, hug, kiss, whispered, rather, tired, sleeping, cozy, roof, tummy, woke, suddenly, rolled, moment, wondered, Santa, onto

I arrived at the party and quickly looked through the crowd, and I was surprised as I noticed that I didn’t know anyone there.


When I got home, I gave my wife a hug and a kiss, and then I whispered to her, “You know, I’m rather tired, so I’ll probably go to bed early tonight.”


I was sleeping on my tummy in my cozy bed, but I woke up suddenly when I heard a noise on the roof; I rolled over onto my back, thought for a moment, and then I wondered if it was Santa.

feeling, ends, super, toes, fingers, fluffy, climbed, wide, hung, shook, spread, hurry, hungry, stuff, grabbed

It was super cold outside, and I had lost feeling in the ends of my toes and fingers, but I stayed out a while longer because I was having fun in the fluffy snow.


My dog climbed out of the pond, all wet, and he walked over to me; then he spread his legs wide, hung his head a bit, and he shook water all over me!


I was in a hurry, but I was also hungry, so I ran down to the kitchen and grabbed some stuff from the refrigerator; as I ate, I almost swallowed my food whole.

throw, break, fear, starts, third, everybody, parade, forever, growing, dancing, excellent, gift, fancy, lucky, faster

Don’t throw that ball too near the house, because you might break a window, and I fear that your dad would be quite angry with you if you did that!


School starts back after Christmas break on the third, and everybody I know wants a few more days off; of course, the only way that could happen would be if we got some snow days.


I thought that the parade would go on forever, and I was growing tired, but at the end, some dancing bears went by, and that was excellent!


I’m so lucky; the best Christmas gift that I got was brought to me by Santa, and it’s a fancy new bike that goes way faster than my old one.

tears, pulled, goodbye, laughed, guys, hadn’t, haven’t, changed, count, ways, cook, remembered, wow

She gave her boy friend a hug and a kiss, and then tears came into her eyes as she pulled away from him, because she now had to say “goodbye” to him since he was going off to college.


The two guys hadn’t seen each other in years; they shook hands, laughed, and one said to the other, “You haven’t changed a bit.”


You can’t count the many ways that there are to cook an excellent chicken dish, but I just remembered something special that my mom taught me, and I know that this dish will “wow” you.

tells, works, surprise, nine, papa, thinks, wild, hooray, born, gently, arms, seat, clouds, rainbow, colors, miles

Mom tells me that nine guys where papa works are going to throw him a surprise birthday party, and she thinks that they’re all going to have a wild time.


Hooray, I hear that your baby boy was born yesterday; I can hardly wait to hold him gently in my arms.


I had a seat next to a window, and when the plane came out of the clouds, I could see a rainbow of many colors just a few miles away.

Mary, Henry, cabin, California, we’ve, simply, chance, truck, spent, moved, twice, useful, variety, toys, goodness, giving, sold, Paul, dirt, everywhere

Our friends Mary and Henry have a cozy cabin in California; we’ve been there once, and it has a simply beautiful view of the ocean, so we hope to have a chance to visit there again.


My truck is stopped in the deep snow, and I’ve spent two hours trying to get it out; just twice, it moved a little bit, but then it stopped again, and nothing else that I’m doing seems to be useful.


We have a variety of toys that we’re giving to our kids for Christmas, and thank goodness we got them before any of them sold out.


When Paul came into the house, his shoes were a mess, and now there’s dirt everywhere all over the kitchen floor.


Mary gently held her son Henry in her arms and gave him a hug and a kiss; she then whispered to him, “It’s going to be okay,” and his tears went away quickly.


Honey, thank goodness you’re giving away these nine large old toys; we’ve just got too much stuff in the house that’s no longer useful, and it takes up too much space everywhere.


We’ve just seen a wild and crazy movie that has a big new surprise in it about every five minutes.


Papa thinks that we’ve watched way too much TV during this past week, so he’s grabbed these books from the shelf and says that he wants for us to read them.


What week works best for you guys to come visit us at our new cabin; we will have moved into it by the end of the month.


Paul tells me that you were born in California and have lived in a variety of places all over the state.


I haven’t had time to cook dinner, so I’ll hurry to fix something easy since I fear that you’re all very hungry.


Has anyone noticed that the road ends here and that we haven’t arrived at the Smiths; wow, how did we get so lost?


The truck was almost out of gas, so it just rolled down the hill for a couple of miles in order to save gas.


Henry, look at that rainbow with such pretty colors!


The doctor tells me that she’ll be with you in a moment, so I wondered if you might like a drink of water.


Mom pulled a fast one on Papa and held a surprise party for him; some people hung around quite late before they said “goodbye” and went home.


The teacher said, “Each of us has ten fingers and ten toes; let’s count them together.”


Our third son is now driving a truck for his company; twice, he’s been all the way to California and back.


Henry spent a lot of time getting our cabin ready, and he had to fix many things, but we finally sold it for nine-thousand dollars more than we thought we would.


Is there a chance that you carry wild honey at your food store; I simply can’t find any at other stores.


Thank goodness, I just remembered that I hadn’t changed the baby yet; to have been waiting any longer would have caused a mess.


We haven’t gone dancing in forever, and I think that it would be rather fun for a change; how about you?


The baby is growing tired and hungry, so can you drive a bit faster – while being safe about it – to get us home soon?


The crowd was surprised when the clouds went away and the sun came out; many people laughed, and some folks yelled “hooray!”


I was lucky to get such a fancy gift from my best friend Mary.


I’ve been in his seat for the last hundred miles, and I haven’t moved an inch; could we please take a break and stop at the gas station?


Everybody at the parade was dressed in a warm coat since it was so cold outside.


We had a super time at their party, where they had a great spread of food and drink.


With tears coming out of her eyes, she said, “We’ve looked far and wide today, but haven’t seen our cat Fluffy; I fear that she’s climbed a tall tree and is hiding from us.”


Paul whispered to his girl friend, “Let me tell you all the ways that I love you,” and she laughed back at him and said, “You just like me because I’m a great cook.”


It was the first time that I had had to sleep in a sleeping bag, and there was nothing cozy about it, with the thing being spread out on dirt and rocks; I woke up a bunch of times that night.


Suddenly, a car rolled out in front of us; Dad stopped quickly, but we still almost hit it; he hung his head and said, “I had a bad feeling about that car, and I just really don’t like being on the road with people who don’t drive well!”


I hadn’t said “goodbye” yet, and I’m glad that I remembered to say to the Smiths, “thank you for such a nice evening,” before I left.


Wow, there are way too many people in that crowd to count them all.


As I pulled up to his house and dropped him off, I said to my old friend, “You know, you have changed in so many ways for the better since we were kids in third grade!”


I spent twice as much time shopping for toys for the kids than I thought it would take me to.


He asked the nurse, “Will you be giving me a different shot in each of my arms?”


Dad thinks that those clouds will bring us a good rain.


Everybody in my class was feeling terrible from a bad cold at some point in time last month.


When this movie ends, I need to hurry home to see if my grandparents have arrived yet.


Our cat Fluffy rolled around on the floor for a moment, and then she suddenly jumped up onto the blue chair.


If you take a chance at this, you might get lucky!


I simply love this excellent gift that you gave to me.


As Dad climbed up to the roof, I was afraid that he might throw his back out.


If your tummy starts to hurt, you might be getting sick.


I love to feel the sand at the beach with both my toes and my fingers.


Is the front door wide enough for us to get the new large refrigerator into the house?


Paul, you won’t be growing forever; I think that you’ll end up being six feet tall.


As he flew down onto to the next roof, Santa wondered what fancy food would be there in the house for him to help fill his hungry tummy.


I got a variety of very useful tools for the house for Christmas; I think that this was my favorite gift.


I’m sold on your idea, Henry; let’s find out if anyone in the office can find any kind of problem with it.


I woke up and was surprised when I noticed that there was a foot of snow on the ground outside.


The Earth shook from the loud thunder.


It’s going to take forever to box up all of this stuff.


There was a lot of dancing in the street during the parade.


After the car starts, it takes a little while for the heat to begin working.


Mom, thanks for making such a super dinner for my birthday; there was nothing else that I would rather have eaten!


I grabbed my lunch box and ran faster than I ever had before in order to catch the school bus.


I plan to be sleeping until 8:00 AM tomorrow morning.


The wall in her room has rainbow colors on it.


I gently took a seat on the plane next to a nice-looking lady.


Everywhere that I looked around the kitchen, there was dirt that I was going to have to clean up.


Did you hear what that guy said – “The second that I was born, it made the world a better place to live in” – can you believe that?


I’ve been trying to fix up this old car; let’s see if it finally works now!


Many people in the crowd yelled “hooray” when Paul shot a three-point basket.


Lesson 33

choose, practice, Spanish, matter, laughing, whatever, honest, stupid, middle, covered, wake, nearly, aren’t, wearing, dance, forget, tight, turns, he’ll

I try to practice my Spanish with Miles, but no matter what I say out loud, he’ll always start laughing; whatever I say just doesn’t sound right, or to be more honest, it just sounds stupid coming out of my mouth!


In the middle of the night, the ground will become covered with snow and ice, and when we wake up tomorrow, any of us who would choose to drive a car is nearly crazy.


You aren’t wearing that to the dance are you; did you forget that it turns out that that dress is way too tight for you now?

stories, dragon, sleepy, towns, throughout, ancient, anyway, symbol, meant, hearts, lives, bold, danced, anymore, cute, date, except, penny, girls

Miles wrote a number of stories about a dragon that liked to set fire to sleepy little towns that were found throughout what’s now England, during its ancient times.


Any way that you look at it, the new king’s bold symbol for his rule over the country is meant to drive fear into the hearts and lives of his people.


I can’t believe anything that he says anymore.


Miles danced with some cute girls at the dance, but he won’t take any of them out on a date, except for Penny.


I don’t think that she’ll say “yes,” but I’ll ask her anyway.

worry, missed, motion, extra, imagine, bigger, roll, begins, Thursday, paid, ones, happens, answered, computer, Internet, instead

Don’t worry that we missed the date to put our plan into motion; we needed some extra time to perfect our kick-off, and now we imagine a bigger and better roll-out than before, and it begins next Thursday.


When I paid for the food in cash, I asked for the change that they would give me to be with as many ones (dollars, of course) as possible, and the good news was that they could do that for me.


My car ran out of gas, and I don’t like it when that happens!


I heard what Miles said when he answered the phone; it was “whatever you might want to do, please let’s not go to the park; how about, instead, we go to the new action movie about the computer guy who takes down the whole Internet?”


There aren’t nearly enough girls at our middle school who want to try out for a sports team.


There are too many tight turns on this road; instead of going this way any longer, can you look on the map and see if there is a better way to go?


Wake up, Miles, and use your brain to choose better words; that was a pretty stupid thing to say to Mary, and I have to wonder if you even want her to be your girl friend anymore!


On this bigger road, we won’t have to drive through a bunch of sleepy little towns that would really slow us down.

loves, chase, sees, climb, knows, won, gives, sang, York, cheer, rang, shout

Our dog loves to chase our cat, but when he sees the cat about to climb a tree, he knows that the cat has won, and he then he just gives up.


The crowd let out a shout and then sang a song of good cheer on the busy New York street, right as the bell rang at 12:00 AM to let in New Years Day.

ahead, farther, Indians, talks, closed, comfort, television, coffee, luck, horrible, mistake, ashamed, prepare

He looked ahead and realized that he must go much farther down the road to get where he had to be to meet up with the Native American Indians, in order to begin their talks.


She closed the door, turned on the television, sat down in comfort in her favorite chair, and picked up her cup of hot coffee, ready for some time alone by herself.


With lots of luck, our team won; the other team – ashamed of themselves – played a horrible game, making mistake after mistake; they would have to prepare much better for their game in the following week.

hey, laid, ah, rode, wizard, magic, owl, landed, readers, alike, admit, least, awful, football

“Hey Miles, do you know where I laid my science book down?” “Ah, I think that you put it on the seat next to you when we rode the school bus home.”


The wizard used magic to turn himself into an owl, and he flew up and landed on the roof of the church.


Students, we have two readers coming to our class today, and they’re going to share stories from all over the world that are a lot alike, even though they came from different places.


I admit that I was awful in the football game today, but at least I had put in a lot of practice time this past week.

spend, bottle, pop, mine, aunt, chip, finger, bath, ok, hello, paint, shows

Chip, put your finger in the bath water to make sure that it’s not too hot, so that you can find out if it’s ok to get into now.


Hello Mr. Smith; it’s time to paint the outside of our house, which we do about every five years; how much will we have to spend to get it done this year?


That bottle of pop is mine, Aunt Rose.


Look Miles, this is not a laughing matter; you made a horrible mistake by doing that, you’re in bigger trouble than you can imagine, and you should be ashamed of yourself!


Aunt Rose just woke up, so I’m going to prepare the breakfast coffee while she begins her morning bath.


Are you going to shout and cheer throughout the game for your school football team, the Indians?


I needed to write this in Spanish, so I got on my computer, looked on the Internet, and it answered my question and gave me a correct sentence.


When I looked ahead, I saw how hard the hill was going to be to climb; so, I went no farther, turned around, and went back home.


I had an awful dream last night about an evil wizard who had a man-eating dragon for a pet; the dragon wanted to chase me until I couldn’t run anymore.


My dad loves to watch television shows about cooking, and sometimes he’ll spend hours at a time looking at them.


Is it ok if I choose to put some extra candy hearts on top of my ice cream?


I paid the bill – which was ten dollars – all with ones.


My Aunt Rose lives in York, England, and right now my mom is on a plane flying over there because she sees her once every year.


The talks between the two countries are closed to the press, but we’ll learn about what happens from the television news later this evening.


Though those two girls don’t seem to have much in common, you at least have to admit that they look a lot alike.


Ah, who knows where I laid that book down; I have bad luck and always lose things.


Dad said, “Hey Grace, I finally covered up that chip in the paint on the kitchen wall.”


It gives me great comfort to enjoy a hot cup of coffee.


Let’s set a date for our follow-up meeting; I can do it any day next week except for Thursday.


With lots of study practice – and just a bit of luck – I think that I missed just one question on my Spanish test.


To be honest with you, I thought that the movie was pretty stupid; I can’t tell you how many times I had to roll my eyes at each horrible joke!


Have you noticed how your ears pop when a plane is taking off; I don’t like it when that happens.


If I’m on a boat where the waves rock it up and down, that motion makes me feel sick, so that’s why I worry every time that I get onto a boat.


When we go to the store, I’m going to spend every penny that’s mine on pop or candy; I admit that this is stupid, but I’m going to do it anyway!


I hope that the owl that likes to sit in the tree next to my window doesn’t wake me up in the middle of the night again.


All of us in our book group are great readers, and we read bold books that really make you think hard.


No matter what I do, I forget about things all the time; to be honest with you, whatever I try just doesn’t help me to remember things any better.


That cute little boy was wearing me out as I watched him dance around the room; he was in motion for twenty minutes straight!


My phone rang, I answered it and said “hello,” and then someone who I didn’t know sang “happy birthday” to me; before I could tell them that they had called a wrong number, they hung up on me.


I had no comfort at all when I rode my first horse ever; after a while, it stopped, got down on the ground, and started to roll over on me; I jumped off just in time!


The teacher tried to explain what this ancient symbol meant, but it all went right over my head.


The plane was almost out of gas, so it landed on an open field that was covered with snow; everyone was safe, thank goodness!


Hey, what gives you the right to take that when you know that it’s mine; I’m going to chase you till you give it back!


I don’t know what she sees in him, but she loves him so much that it’s like she’s been put under a magic spell.


You can pop the top off of this bottle with just one finger, and even my baby brother knows how to do it.


Our hearts were light as we danced throughout the night at the big party.


Cheer up and don’t worry; you’re not in any trouble, because you missed just one question on the test.


Mom, I’m not wearing that dress to the dance; it’s not cute enough, for one thing, and it’s a little bit too tight for me now, anyway.


I wish that the wizard would teach me at least one safe magic trick; for example, I think that it’s cool when he turns on a light with the point of a finger!


When we were in New York, we saw a great football game, and our favorite team won it.


Each of us rode a horse to the base of the mountain, but to go any farther ahead, we had to go by foot and climb the rest of the way.


I feel awful right now, but I imagine that I’ll be ok tomorrow.


Mr. Smith did a great paint job on the house, and I paid him for his good work on Thursday.


I meant to prepare dinner ahead of time, but when the plane that your dad was on landed early, I had to get in the car and go pick him up.


This is a hard job, and I’m going to have to chip away at it over time to ever get it done.


When the front door closed and the Smiths were walking to their car to drive home, I let out a little shout and sang a happy song; I thought that they were never going to leave!


I hope that my aunt shows me how to play her favorite card game; it looks like it’s a lot of fun.


Ah, it turns out that I didn’t forget where I’d put it, after all; I laid the baby bottle on the kitchen table; can you go get it and bring it to me, please?


Sometimes my cat will roll her ears back, and she looks like an owl for a moment.


The phone rang, I answered it and said “hello,” but I didn’t know the voice on the other end; I then said, “I think that you made a mistake and called the wrong number.”


Both of my little boys are alike in that they each like to have a toy boat with them when they take a bath.


I’m a bit ashamed to say this, but when he talks, I find it a little hard to understand him.


There are many Indians from the Far East in my computer science class at college.


Readers of the books that I write like bold action stories about the lives of people in ancient times, and my last book begins with a dragon that’s born nearly five thousand years ago.


My teacher asked me, “do you see those boys over there; are they the ones who started a food fight in the lunch room on Thursday?”


I wish that I would get a penny for every stupid thing that I said last year!


I know everyone here in the room except for that tall girl with the long brown hair.


Mom said, “I’m going to fix you something extra special for your birthday dinner.”


While I danced with Mary, she was laughing with me when I would trip over my own two feet.


Dad said to my baby brother, “You aren’t sleepy, are you?”


Don’t worry grandma, this won’t be hard for you; he’ll show you how easy it is to find this store address on the Internet.


Instead of going to the beach, let’s drive to a couple of towns near here that have cute gift stores.


This flying bird on their flag is a symbol that the people in their country are free.


Ted has been on an exercise kick, and it really shows; he’s lost a lot of weight.


Lesson 34

cousin, screamed, uncle, web, ugly, spider, serious, danger, hate, kill, officer, Tuesday, protect, public, acts, crime, responsible, prison

My cousin screamed down to my uncle, “Dad, I’m in serious danger, because there’s a web with a big ugly spider in it up here in my room, and I hate it; can you please come up here and kill it?”


A police officer came to talk to our class on Tuesday, and she said, “My job is to protect the public from acts of crime, and to help put people into prison who are responsible for crime.”

shirt, gray, suit, tie, boring, photograph, neighbor, pain, mention, aware, trust, arrange, realize, drop, price, waste, naughty, dig, neck

I’m going to wear a blue shirt with my gray suit, and my tie can’t be boring, because I want to stand out in the photograph that they’ll take of the group that I’m with at the big meeting.


I had to mention to my neighbor that his naughty dog is a pain in the neck and will not stop trying to dig a hole in my front yard; he said, “Oh no, I wasn’t aware of that, and trust me, I’ll arrange things so that this doesn’t ever happen again.


When we went into the gift shop, Mom said, “Do you realize that if you pick that up, then drop it and break it, that I’ll have to pay for it, and its price is a hundred dollars; that would be such a waste, wouldn’t it?

suggest, goose, continue, conversation, charge, cheap, expensive, afford, fair, cows, horses, fence, eleven, spiders, accept, offer, loved, doubt, darling, honor, husband, absolute

“Could I suggest that we try to cook a goose for our Christmas dinner?” “Let’s continue this conversation after we find out what a store will charge for one, because I don’t think that they’re cheap, and they may be too expensive for us to afford.”


When I was at the State Fair, looking at some cows and horses, I was standing next to a fence where I could count eleven baby spiders in a large web.


I had lots of doubt that your mom would accept my offer for her to marry me, but she loved me way more than I was aware of; her answer was, “My darling, it would be an absolute honor to have you as my husband for the rest of my life!”


What they want for that car just isn’t fair; I’m not going to waste any more time trying to buy that car until they drop the price another three-thousand dollars; what they are trying to charge me is just too expensive, and I can’t afford that.

promise, plenty, program, Monday, depend, prince, stage, inform, strike, shut, system, judge, situation, basic, rights, fellow, issue, shoot, film, court

I promise you that we’ve got plenty of people working on this to have the program kick-off next Monday; you can depend on that!


The Prince is coming onto the stage in a moment to inform the public about the situation with the possible strike; if it happens, it will shut down our train system.


She stood up in the court and said to the judge, “Your Honor, this fellow has basic rights which we must all protect, and there should be no issue here; he had the perfect right to shoot a part of his film on the street in question.”

tax, support, govern, educate, raise, wine, health, hall, fortunate, local, lord, insure, parent, amaze, drug, quarter, excite, employ, billion

You have to tax people to put into place a system that will support, govern, and educate every person in a country.


The judge said, “To all of you here in the Great Hall, please stand and raise your glass of wine, and let us toast our Prince.” He then turned to the Prince and said, “my Lord, we wish you the best of health, as we are all fortunate to have you to govern us!”


In our little local business, we employ around 50 people, and we pay them well and insure that they have a safe place to work; our parent company is very proud of the work that we do.


We have a plan that will amaze and excite Wall Street, when we sell a billion dollars of our new health drug during the next business quarter.

terrific, beyond, tend, doc, camp, underneath, nature, autumn, rope, bugs

I tend to find that autumn is my favorite season to camp out underneath the stars and to enjoy being out in nature, in a quiet place far beyond the busy city.


I love it when Bugs Bunny says, “What’s up, Doc?”


This rope will help you to climb up this hill; hold onto it and pull with your arms.


I had a terrific time at your party; thanks for asking me to come.


The sky in this photograph is gray, ugly, and boring; there are plenty of tools that you can use with a computer program that can make it look a lot better.


My cat that acts like he’s a dog ran down the hall after a spider.


If a police officer is in serious danger from a bad guy, he or she might have to shoot to kill him to protect his or her own life, as well as the lives of others who are in the area.


The Prince yelled, “This is a tough situation for us; I suggest that we strike hard now with our army if we want to win this ugly war.”


I made a promise that I would stay after school on Monday to help set up the stage for the school play.


It’s tough work to be a parent; it’s hard to know how to raise and educate a child, much less to keep them in good health!


My cousin and I saw eleven cows and horses at the State Fair.


There must have been a billion bugs at the beach today, and they were driving me crazy.


I really need to depend on your support on Tuesday when I ask Congress to pass this new tax in order to raise the pay for those who work in the public health system.


Doc Smith said, “I trust that you’re in a lot less pain since I gave you that new drug, right?”


The judge needs to inform all of you that he will be back in the court in ten minutes.


You tend to continue to run the water in the sink a long time; do you realize that the water isn’t free, that they charge us money to pay for that water, and that it’s not cheap; please shut the water off when you don’t need to use it!


I loved that red wine that your husband decided to choose to serve to us; it went along so well with the terrific goose that you had for your dinner party.


Uncle Bill told me that he’s going to accept the job offer that he just got to become a police officer.


In summer camp, I’m going to learn how to rope cows and horses!


Our company has just started a new program that will employ ten new people this coming Monday.


My best friend asked me, “Don’t you just really dig that song?”


That fellow will amaze you with this magic trick that he can do; I promise that you won’t believe it!


Our family is fortunate to always have plenty of food to eat, and we thank the good Lord for that!


Whether you can go to the party, or not, on Friday will depend on the grade that you get on your science test tomorrow; you’d better study hard to insure that you do well on it!


On Tuesday night, when I heard the loud thunder, I screamed and got underneath the kitchen table.


Did I ever mention to you that I have a first cousin who was in prison for five years?


That goose has a really long neck, and I think that it’s funny-looking!


My neighbor has a responsible son who I’m going to pay to paint the fence around my yard.


I hate it when I get red wine on my white shirt, because my mom then gets into a long conversation with me about how much trouble it is to clean it.


It’s part of the nature of a cat that it likes to hunt birds and other little animals; if the cat will kill one of them, you might hate them for that, but you can’t judge them, because they don’t know right from wrong like people do.


With all of this snow, we need to inform you that we’re going to have to shut down school for a couple of days.


This film will educate you about what basic rights we Americans are so lucky to have.


I need another quarter to buy this gum; it’s not as cheap as I thought it was.


How long would it take to go a billion light years in space?


We got to study a bunch of different bugs in science class this past week.


I have no doubt that the new king will govern us in a fair way; I just hope that he won’t tax us any more than we’re used to.


The situation at our local truck plant isn’t good, and I think that the basic issue that they have will force them to go on a strike.


She did a terrific job on getting that clean, because she went above and beyond what most people would do.


Nature is at its best in autumn, when the air is cool and the leaves are so pretty.


I screamed when I saw a spider underneath my desk at school, and the kid who was sitting next to me said, “Oh come on now and grow up; you’re eleven years old now, and you should not be scared of spiders!”


Darling, I’m really on the fence about whether I want to go to the Smiths’ party or not; the people who are going to be there just don’t excite me very much.


I heard that parent say, “Lord help me, but when is my naughty boy going to stop getting into trouble?”


I didn’t realize that there had just been a big price drop for gas at our local gas station; it’s fortunate that this will save me some money!


When he acts in the school play, he comes out onto the stage looking like he’s in serious danger.


“It’s such a pain in the neck to have to wear a suit and tie!” “I’m aware of that, son, but trust me; sometimes you have to dress up when you go to some fancy places.”


My uncle started to have some gray hair on his head when he was just twenty years old.


Did I mention to you that my cousin is so kind that he’d give you the shirt off of his back, and more than that, he has so much honor that you can trust anything that he says to be right!


My darling husband is an absolute hot mess in only one sense: he’s very scared of spiders, and I have to insure him that I will do the dirty work and take care of them if he sees one!


Don’t go beyond that rope; it’s not safe to be there.


Hey Doc, I’d like to suggest that we arrange for me to have another check-up in about six months.


You tend to think that you have rights that others don’t have; so, what makes you think that you’re any better than your fellow man?


We have an issue with the film shoot today; we can’t get into the dark hall in the building where we were told to set up today.


Our company will need to employ more people to help sell our new health drug that’s about to go on the market.


When Doc Smith tells me what I need to do to have better health, I trust and accept what he says without any doubt, and I try to be more responsible in doing what he tells me to do.


I think that it’s a huge crime for a big company to let their waste product get into the river.


I had a conversation with my wife and got her to agree with me that the trip that we wanted to go on was too expensive, and that we couldn’t afford it right now.


Can you get on the computer, get on the web, and see if there’s a company that can offer this product at a better price than the store that you went to?


It’s time to suit up to be ready to run out to the football field for the game.


I loved that new tie that you were wearing last night.


I would hate to have to go to prison, so I will just always say “no” to being part of any crime.


We told our neighbor that her naughty cat is an absolute pain, because it likes to chase birds in our yard, and the birds make a lot of noise.


You can’t continue to pay for this product each month; you just simply can’t afford it anymore.


Mom, the way that you arrange flowers is always so beautiful.


Not only is that photograph boring, but it’s also not sharp enough.


It will take me just a quarter of an hour to finish this.


This white wine just doesn’t excite me; its price is way too high for what you get.


What these very young kids can read will just amaze you!


Let me see what I can dig up in the kitchen to fix for dinner.


When you run for local office, of course I will support you.


They took her to court to make her pay that tax.


I’m going to be in a fun day camp this summer.


Use this rope to tie the boat up.


Did you get to see lots of pretty autumn colors during your trip to New England?


Lesson 35

van, ought, tire, Wednesday, secure, obvious, worse, rent, advertise, rate, steal, degree, slip, freeze

You ought to take the van in on Wednesday to get a new front right tire; it’s obvious that it’s getting worse by the day, and I just don’t feel secure driving in it.


Since the big game is being played near our beach house the week of the Super Bowl, we should rent our home out; let’s advertise it at a fair rate, and someone will think they’re getting a steal, while we’ll make some good money at the same time!


If it goes down one more degree outside, the road will freeze over with ice, and the car will just slip around if you try to drive on it.

sudden, fright, hang, telephone, reply, rid, pardon, truth, flies, holiday, final, die, throat, sport, sex, hunger, thirst

I was talking to my mom, and – all of a sudden – she yelled with fright that there was a mouse in her kitchen, and that she had to hang up the telephone on me to try to get rid of it; I didn’t even have time to reply to her.


“Pardon me, but do you know what sex each of these kittens is?” “To tell you the truth, I have no idea.”


Well, time flies when you’re having fun, and today is the final day of our holiday.


I feel like I’m going to die of hunger and thirst, and my throat is really dry; would you be a good sport and stop at the next gas station, please?

collect, rubbish, load, manage, wed, service, geese, bother, video, slight, tooth, pack, bar, unless

Can all of you manage to collect all of the rubbish that’s on the field and load it into that red truck?


Your mom and I were wed right on the beach, and we have a video of the service; the funny part of it was when there were a bunch of geese near us that were quite a bother for a few minutes.


Mom, I’ve got more than just a slight bit of a sweet tooth today; could you please pack a candy bar in my lunch box, unless you’ve got something else that’s just as good?

indeed, thirteen, daughter, sort, shy, push, shake, tape, tear, member, neat, proper, lip, further, definite, excuse, lazy, lift

Indeed, you’re right, my thirteen-year-old daughter is sort of a shy girl, and I’d have to push her a tiny bit just to get her to shake your hand.


I need some tape to fix a tear in this piece of paper.


As a member of my club, when I go there, I must always show up looking neat and proper.


Stop giving me any more of your lip about this, and there’s to be no further conversation about it; my answer is a definite “no!”


What’s your excuse this time for not helping me; are you so lazy that you won’t lift this up for me?

stare, gentle, glance, enter, exact, lock, handle, none, odd, worth, zero, grandfather, master, clock, heaven, burn, smoke, hell

It’s not proper to stare at someone; it’s better to take just a quick gentle glance and then look away fast.


Enter this exact number into the lock, and the door handle should open.


None of these odd things are worth anything, and I mean zero dollars for any of this junk!


My grandfather was a master at making an almost perfect clock that would never break.


I’ve heard that if you don’t go to heaven, you go to a really bad place called “hell.”


You can’t burn these leaves because it would put too much smoke into the air.

relate, recent, discover, bought, involve, birth, apparent, arm, bush, settle, term, actual, plus, apart, beneath, double, secret, stuck

Let me relate to you a recent problem that I had at work: do you know how awful it is to discover that there’s a bad part in a key product that your company makes; we had to find ten thousand of them that had been bought and involve our service team to go fix them all!


At the time of her birth, it was apparent that there was a little problem with her right arm, but when she was three years old, a doctor was able to fix it.


Can we please get rid of the ugly bush?


It will take me a couple of months to really settle into my new job.


The president got more done in her second term in office than in her first.


I don’t know what the actual number is, but it’s over a million, for sure.


When she has to buy a new dress, it must be a plus-size.


They’re so in love that when they’re apart from each other, they’re really sad.


The cat found her toy beneath the kitchen table.


I hope that the sex of our first baby child will be a girl.


Can I have a double helping of ice cream?


If the truth ever gets out about their family secret, they may as well pack up everything that they own and move to another country!


My grandfather just called me on the telephone and said that his van is stuck in the snow.


There are all of these flies around the load of rubbish that you put in the back yard; how are we going to get rid of all of those bugs?


I ought to pay our rent bill a slight bit early – say, this Wednesday – before we leave town for our holiday.


I’m going to die if I don’t get a good grade on our final science test; you see, I just had a sudden fright that I got too many of the questions wrong!


It’s apparent to me that we should push this rather than lift it.


Don’t involve yourself with their family problem; they’ve got to get a handle on things and settle this on their own.


I think that the flowers in that vase are about to die, so I’m not going to bother to water them.


There’s something stuck behind my back left tooth, and I can’t manage to get it out of my mouth.


To tell you the truth, all of a sudden, we’re making mistake after mistake, and it’s obvious to me that – at this rate – they’re going to steal the game from us!


There’s no excuse for being lazy at your job; you should set the bar high and work hard, unless you want them to fire you.


Secure this box in the back seat so that it can’t move around, make sure that the back right tire is full of air, and then lock the car up.


I was so angry with her reply to me that I had to hang up the telephone on her; I just can’t relate to her stupid way of thinking!


I just got a bad cut on my right arm from that rose bush.


I asked my thirteen-year-old daughter if her throat hurt, and her reply was, “Yes indeed, it does, and I’d better hang out at home today rather than go to school and make other people sick.”


I wonder if those geese will slip on the ice on the pond when they try to land there; I want to get a video of that, because I think that it’s going to be funny looking.


When I thirst for something to drink, plain old ice water is just perfect for me.


If you want to master this sport, you need to at least double your practice time if you want to be any good at it.


On our recent holiday, the place where we went was like heaven on Earth, and it was worth every dollar that we spent to go there.


That was a hell of a football game, wasn’t it?


Let me tell you a secret: if you’ll open the refrigerator door and look beneath the second shelf, you’ll discover what wonderful food I bought at the store today for your dinner.


The day of your birth was the day that President Bush started his first day in office.


The evil prince yelled to the head of his army, “Burn that town to the ground, and that order is final!”


My favorite stories are “The Hunger Games” books.


“I don’t get it; how can you not relate to the sport of football?” “Well, during recent times, I’ve come to discover that too many people in this game get hurt really bad.”


My daughter said to me, “Wow, I got an A-plus on my college term paper; I’m just going to stare at that grade for a while and let it sink in.”


“Is thirteen an odd number?” “Well, indeed it is; isn’t that obvious to you?”


Freeze the video right there; don’t you see him collect the money and pack it into that box – it’s as clear as day!”


You could see her lip shake and a tear come to her eye when the judge asked her that tough question.


This Wednesday, we’re going to start to advertise that our second home is for rent.


I think that the president ought to pardon that man, who I don’t think is responsible for that crime; in other words, he didn’t steal a thing.


With her nose in the air, she said, “We should bar her from being a member of our club unless she can show us that – without a doubt – she’s from a proper family.”


I’ve made up my mind, and it’s definite now; I’m going to get my college degree in history.


The police officer said, “We’re stuck, everything about this crime is odd, and we just can’t get a handle on it; each fact that we find is strange, and none of them add up with each other.


I was eating way too fast, and I bit my lip worse than I ever have; I feel a slight bit stupid for having done that!


I have no good excuse, but please pardon me, because when you enter my house and glance around, you’ll see that it’s not very neat right now.


I gave my sister a very gentle push to get her to jump into the pool.


Don’t bother to count on that clock; it doesn’t give an exact time at all.


If I don’t get into the van and turn on the heat, I’m going to freeze; right now, I’m so cold that I can hardly feel my right arm!


She tried to find out my little secret, and I told her that it was none of her business!


Break this cookie apart and give me half of it, please.


It should be apparent to you that there’s no monster beneath your bed.


We just bought a king size bed, and we’ll sell our double bed; of course, it’s old, and we really don’t know if it’s worth much.


Please set the table; plus, could you also feed the dog?


There’s no such thing as an actual dragon; you’ll find them only in stories.


While you’re here, could we manage to lock in a good time for our next meeting?


Please glance at the clock and tell me what time it is?


If you burn that, it’s going to put out a whole lot of smoke.


I’m sorry, but I have zero time to talk to you right now, but further on during the day, I’ll be free.


Don’t be shy; when you sell those cookies, you’ve got to collect the cash, and the people who buy from you understand that.


I think that he’s sort of crazy and that lots of what he says is a load of rubbish!


Just when he thought that it was about to get worse for him, the judge said, “There are no more questions for you, and you may now leave the court.”


Those people are in the army, and it would be nice to walk up to them and say, “Thank you for your service to our country.”


I wonder if a baby bird feels a moment of fright when it flies out of its nest for the very first time; I know that I wouldn’t feel very secure jumping out of a tree!


Right now, I’m too lazy to go fill my left front tire with air.


I’ll never forget the day of your birth; that night a gentle snow began, and when I woke up the next morning, there was a foot of snow on the ground!


I’d heard some talk, but now I know that it’s definite; they’re going to raise our rent cost by a hundred dollars a month!


I’m going to slip further and further behind on this job, and at this rate, I don’t know when I’m going to finish it.


To what degree do you feel like you’re ready for the test on Friday?


When I enter a room and have to meet a new person, I’m pretty shy about it.


Are you-all okay if I tape this training meeting so that I can use it again in the future?


When we advertise our new product, we have to show how easy it is to lift it up over your head.


We were wed in the middle of the summer, and there was a terrible heat wave at the time.


How much money will the tooth fairy give me for this tooth?


Those geese are making lots of noise, and I wish that they would fly off and leave us alone.


It was neat to watch how you were able to tape that up so that it would keep working.


What sort of person do you think I am; I would never say something ugly like that!


Tear up that bill; not only did they do an awful job, but they also made a mess in my house and didn’t clean it up, so I’m simply not going to pay them.


I’ve been a member of this club for twenty years.


Shake that tree, and maybe an apple will fall to the ground.


My grandfather said to me, “Don’t ever stare straight into the sun, because that can hurt your eyes.”


We can’t tell the exact time when the crime took place.


It’s so hot out here that I don’t think that I’ve ever had a thirst like this!


I’m afraid that his chance of getting that new job is close to zero.


I don’t want to involve myself with learning that sport; it’s just not my cup of tea.


When he gets on the stand in front of the judge, we’ve got to smoke out whether he knew about the crime or not.


The doctor said, “Wow, your throat is really red, and I’m sure that doesn’t feel good!”


When do you think our old cat will die, and when that happens, will she go to cat heaven?


I don’t think that I’ll ever master this!


Right now, I really hunger for a great burger.


I don’t know what that term means; can you please explain it to me?


In Sunday school at church today, we learned about heaven and hell.


Did you know what sex your child was before her actual birth?


You’d better put that up onto a shelf, or the dog will get it and tear it apart!


You were just ten feet away from the actual president of the United States?


Okay kids, it’s time to settle down and get ready for bed!


We were wed in a small but beautiful church that had an ocean view.


Lesson 36

ache, ouch, clue, usually, dentist, kindly, intelligent, zoom, muddy, towel, tub, surf, seas, warning, radio, navy, rescue

Mom, I’ve got a bad ache in my mouth, and I don’t have a clue what it is – maybe a bit of food stuck between two of my back teeth – usually we have to go to the dentist for something like this; can you kindly take me there?


Let’s be intelligent about this, and before you zoom into the house and make a mess with your muddy shoes, let me put an old towel down on the kitchen floor, and you can put your shoes on that; then I’ll go up and fill the tub with nice, warm water for you to take your bath in.


There’s a lot of rough surf out on the high seas today, and I heard a warning on the radio that said that no small boat should be out there; there’s no Navy ship near here to help rescue anyone who gets into big trouble.

cop, aim, trap, thieves, puppy, nights, bark, lie, weird, attic, creepy, Jones, adopt, Africa, chosen, dunes, homework, assignment

I know a cop whose aim is to set a trap to catch some thieves who have tried to break into the homes of a couple of our neighbors.


I wish that our new puppy wouldn’t bark so much during the nights.


While I lie in bed at night, I keep hearing a weird noise up in the attic, and it’s really creepy!


Did you hear that the Jones family is trying to adopt a child from Africa, but that they haven’t yet chosen which country they will work with to make this happen.


Our homework assignment tonight is to read a chapter in our science book about how sand dunes form and change over time.

ad, acre, deer, landscape, awhile, error, Louis, loyal, voters, breeze, mild, gulf, Mexico, prize, extraordinary, whales, glacier

I saw an ad for a two-acre lot for sale, and I went there to check it out and stayed there awhile; there were a number of deer in the woods, and the place had a clear view of a beautiful landscape.


The news that I heard was not in error; Mr. Louis had more than enough loyal voters to breeze through and win his race to become a judge.


Both the weather and the seas are going to be very mild out on the Gulf of Mexico today, so I’m going to take the boat out and see if I can catch a prize fish!


The ship stopped, and we got an extraordinary view of the glacier, but then things got even better, and we saw a number of whales near us, as well.

style, violet, wool, buttons, cheese, pizza, fruit, humorous, furniture, exit, zebra, roar, lion, yep, swing, groceries, chop, carrot, tray, vegetables

Honey, you’ll be quite in style if you wear that pretty violet wool dress that you have to the party; you know, the one with the shiny buttons.


Of course, there will be lots of cheese on the pizza that I’ll fix for you, but do you really mean it when you say that you also want fruit on it?


When we look back on it, it was really humorous that the furniture store that we were in was so large that we got lost and couldn’t find the exit.


“Did you see that video on the news where a zebra at the zoo heard the loud roar of a lion and just about had a fit?” “Yep, indeed I did; it was really funny!”


I tell you what; I’ll swing by your house and get a list from you of things that you need, and then I’ll go shop for your groceries and bring them back to you.


Could you chop up this last carrot and put it on that tray with the other vegetables?


Make sure that you zip up your coat really well; it’s cold and damp outside, and you don’t want to become ill and get a bad cough.

zip, damp, ill, cough, donkey, eats, diet, dishes, crust, garbage, email, Amazon, belt, brat, sits, ink, yolk

“I wonder what a donkey eats.” “I know that their diet can have a small bit of fruit and vegetables in it.”


I hate it when dishes sit on the table after dinner is over; do you see that plate with stuff still on it; please put that bit of pizza crust into the garbage, and the plate can then go into the dishwasher.


I just got an email from Amazon with the photo of a box that they just put right at our front door; I hope that it’s the new belt that I’ve had on order for a couple of weeks.


Look at how that brat Louis just sits there doing nothing; he’s more than old enough to be helping his mom bring in the groceries without being asked to help her.


Oh dear, how did you get both red ink and egg yolk on your pretty new white dress?

ticket, fireworks, st., fault, logs, wink, English, artist, tool, vents, trial, mole, universe, bat

I didn’t know this, but you have to pay for a ticket to see the fireworks show at the State Fair this Saturday night.


On one of our two summer vacations, we were in St. Louis for four nights, and one night we got to eat at an extraordinary pizza restaurant.


It’s not my fault that the fire won’t start; the logs are too damp from the rain this morning.


When I ran past first base, I saw Grandpa in the crowd, and he gave me a wink since I had just hit a home run.


That English girl is an extraordinary artist for being so young, and she can paint in more than one style already.


Mom yelled down to Dad, “Help, there’s a creepy bat up here in the attic!”


Dad, is this a good tool for you to use to fix the vents in the house that are stuck?


There were lots of fireworks at the court house today when the man who is on trial started to yell at the judge!


The mole on my back looks weird to me, but the doctor says that it’s nothing to worry about.


“Dad, do you think that the Earth is the only world in the universe with life on it?” “Yep, it’s possible, but we can’t know for sure.”


Ouch, I hurt when I move; I usually love it when I get to fight the waves at the beach, but the surf was so rough today that I ache all over my body; I’m going to go lie down on my bed, and I’ll stay there awhile.


I know that cop is very intelligent, but he said that he didn’t have a clue about how the thieves got away.


Fill this tub with warm water, because it’s time to give the puppy a bath, since she got so muddy out on the wet field this afternoon.


Do you think that she’ll have enough voters to give her the win that would get her the prize for the best carrot cake at the State Fair?


“Dad gave mom a wink and said, “You do know that I love you more than anyone else in the universe, right?” She replied, “And I couldn’t have chosen a better man to live my life with!”


Mrs. Jones, could you kindly set up a Zoom meeting with the team so that we can talk about the TV ad that we want to run during the Super Bowl?


The dentist gave me a small, damp towel to get off a little bit of stuff that was on my lip.


My little sister really knows how to push my buttons; sometimes it can be humorous, but other times I want to roar like a lion at her and tell her to leave me alone!


A mean brat at school said that he would belt me in the face if I didn’t help him with his homework, and I replied, “Go ahead and take a swing and see what happens to you!”


The assignment that our teacher gave to us in English class today is going to be a hard one.


I’ll bring a tray of fruit and vegetables to the party at the Jones’ house.


There was a nice, mild breeze when we were on the boat in the Gulf of Mexico this morning.


The Navy officer said, “Radio that boat that’s in trouble and let them know that we’re on the way to rescue them.”


Our puppy is so loyal, and he always likes to follow us around.


Honey, I’m warning you; you’d better get to work on your homework right now or you won’t have it ready for tomorrow; it will be a huge error on your part if you just keep playing video games!


When we were in Africa, we got to see these crazy cool sand dunes that were almost as big as a mountain; it was an amazing landscape, and I think that it would have been fun for an artist to paint.


Let me know when Dad logs into the computer, and then we can go into his study with him to help him decide what he wants to order for Mom – on Amazon – to be her biggest Christmas gift.


“I’m going to zip over to the store and get some groceries that we need.” “Okay, and remember that we need more fruit and cheese, and please don’t buy any food that would mess up my diet.”


Uh-oh, Dad; there’s no hot air coming out from the vents, and it’s as cold in this house as if we were standing on a glacier in the middle of winter!


Oh Dad, Mom talked a nice cop out of giving her a ticket today, and he just gave her a warning.


Oh my, the cat just brought a mole into the kitchen, and I can’t trap him to make him drop the little animal; if he eats the poor thing, I’m going to get ill!


I feel sorry for whales; they live in the water, but they have to keep coming up to the surface for air.


I aim to finally clean out the attic by the end of this week, and a whole lot of stuff up there is going to go into the garbage.


Those wool pants make my legs itch.


I went past a deer that was standing in some muddy ground by an exit sign; I hope that it doesn’t get hit by a car.


I would never adopt that dog down the street, because all it does is bark all day and night!


I’ve got a free trial on this product, and if I don’t like it, I can get my money back.


After you put up those clean dishes, can you please chop up this carrot and put it into the soup with the other vegetables?


This lazy donkey won’t do any work to help me out; hey, why are you laughing at me; this is not humorous at all!


Let’s put those violet flowers in a vase and set them on the kitchen table.


We got an email from Amazon that the tool you just bought from them will arrive tomorrow.


That old lady just sits around and vents about all of the things that she thinks are wrong with the world today.


“Mom, the crust on this pie is as hard as a rock.” “I’m sorry, honey; it’s my fault, because I let it cook too long.”


Look dear, when you cough, you have to cover your mouth with your hand, and here is why that is; first, if you’re sick, you could make someone else ill because they could catch your cold, and second, you just spit some egg yolk on your shirt, and that looks awful!


When my teacher gave me my test back, I quickly saw that there was red ink all over it; “Yep,” I said to myself, “that’s gonna be a really bad grade!”


On our land, there’s about an acre of woods, and when we walk back there, we often see a few deer.


For the new furniture that we get for the family room, I want the style to look like it’s from Africa; as an example, a chair could look like the skin of a zebra.


Sam yelled to his mother, “Mom, I’ve been in the warm tub awhile, and the air is cold; could you kindly have a towel ready for me so that I can dry off quickly, and then I’ll zip down to the family room and sit by the fire.


Look at the ad for this shirt; the violet buttons on it are rather weird looking, don’t you think?


Ouch, I made a big error when I sent that email too quickly, and I’ve made some people mad at me; I usually read them a few times before I send them.


“Is this a good clue, or do you think that the thieves have set a trap for us?” “Well, so far they’ve been very intelligent, so we should move very carefully.”


Look, it’s not my fault that you lost your ticket to the fireworks show.


Have you chosen a landscape company yet to do the clean-up work on your acre of land at the mountain?


When it’s my time to be at-bat next, I’m going to try to hit a home run.


I lie in bed most nights thinking about a mild breeze and gentle surf, like we had when we were at the Gulf of Mexico last summer; doing this helps me to go to sleep.


That creepy brat wants to be a dentist when he has grown up; if I was sitting in his chair waiting for him to work on my mouth, I would roar like a lion and yell for someone to rescue me!


If she sits on those logs, she might be in big trouble; I saw a snake under them!


My sister eats cheese all the time; it’s a big part of her diet.


The crust on bread is good for you.


Slow down, please; I don’t want you to zoom past our exit, because then we’ll end up in a creepy part of town.


I’ve got a ticket to see the works of a well-known artist.


My English teacher gave me a wink when she gave me back my test paper, because I got a good grade on it.


We went to the Sunday morning service at the Church of St. Paul this past week.


Dad, do you have a tool that can put an extra hole in this belt?


The ink is not yet dry on this piece of paper.


This is a great knife to use to chop up large vegetables.


Swing that bat really hard, and you might hit a home run.


“Why is that man on trial?” “It’s because he tried to steal a car.”


Make sure that you cook that egg yolk “well done” when you make my breakfast; I don’t like it if I break it and it runs all over my plate.


Dad is in the family room eating lunch – with his dishes set up on a TV tray – while he’s watching a ball game.


The universe is so big that you simply can’t understand how big it really is!


I wonder if anyone has ever been able to ride a zebra like you ride a horse.


Our loyal dog will start to bark if he sees someone strange near our house.


My grandpa showed me a cool old radio that he had up in his attic, and it still works!


I think that I’ll wear my navy blue wool dress to work today.


Son, we’ll save this old furniture for you, because you might need it one day when you rent a place to live in while you’re at college.


This is too funny, but when you cough, you sound a bit like a donkey!


We think that a mole in our Secret Service sold an important secret to another country.


What in the world is in that garbage; it smells awful!


I don’t think that you could drive a car on sand dunes or on a glacier.


My whole body will ache if I get too much exercise at one time.


My wife and I are thinking that we might like to adopt a child.


Did you know that the high seas are where whales live?


This month, I aim to try out for a new job assignment where I work.


I wonder who the voters will choose to be our next president.


Mom, Dad, I won the prize at the State Fair for the best black and white photograph!


Ann has asked me to come with her this coming Sunday to her morning service at the Church of St. Mary.


Now, don’t lie to me and try to pull the wool over my eyes; tell me everything that happened, right now!


Ouch; don’t kick me!


I hear that the waves are great at the beach today, so let’s go there and surf all afternoon!


Lesson 37

Fred, shouldn’t, sisters, unhappy, unable, apologize, obey, dive, hush, rabbits, squirrels, digging, April, Johnny, handsome, nervous, guitar

Now Fred, you shouldn’t do that to your two baby sisters; look at how unhappy that’s made them feel, and they’re so young that they’re unable to do much but cry; you need to go apologize to them right now!


I’m trying to teach my dog to obey me, but when I tell him to sit by the pool, he’ll dive into it; then when I tell him to hush, he’ll start to bark; then when I tell him to lie down in the yard, he’ll start digging a hole into it; and this next thing is even worse, because then I tell him to not chase other animals, and he’ll start to run after the rabbits and the squirrels in our back woods!


I asked April if she thinks that Johnny is handsome, and she got all nervous; but she did say this to me, “I don’t know, but I do know that he’s really good at playing guitar”; well, anyway, I think that she’s in love with him!

spark, fireplace, lit, eve, alive, sunny, ton, picnic, tasty, dessert, zombie, worms, growl, extremely

I watched as Dad lit the fire; that last spark finally got it going in the fireplace, and it will make things nice and cozy for a night at home on Christmas Eve.


“What a great day to be alive; it’s sunny and warm, and we’ve got a ton of great food to eat on our picnic.” “Yes, indeed, and just wait till you see the tasty dessert that Mom has made for us!”


For Halloween, I’m going to dress up like a zombie with worms all over me, and when I knock on each door, I’ll growl and be extremely scary!”

bridge, islands, photos, recognize, instant, crayons, pa, report, rotten, drew, volcanoes, ashes, shell, invite, hasn’t, owe, mow, yours, curtain

We’ll have to cross a huge bridge to get over to the islands, and there are a couple of places where we can stop and get some beautiful photos; you’ll recognize in an instant how special a place this is.


My three-year-old brother Fred got a hold of a box of crayons, and he drew all over the family room curtain with them; I must report to you that when my pa saw this, he about had a fit, and he whispered to himself, “Why, that rotten little brat,” which was not very nice, of course; Fred is just a little kid, after all!


In science class today, we saw a film about volcanoes, and I couldn’t believe the ashes that would come out of them that could cover the whole sky.


You know, April has always been kind of shy, but I think that she’s about to start to come out of her shell now; why don’t we invite her to our next party, because she really hasn’t had a chance to get to know any of us very well yet.


“How much will I owe you each time if I hire you to mow my yard every week?” “Well, yours is pretty big, and I think that it will take me about two hours to do it; how about twelve dollars an hour?”

dad’s, ninety, accident, November, vine, tennis, coach, we’d, drip, beg

My dad’s Uncle Johnny will be ninety years old in November, and he hasn’t ever been in a car accident.


Today, our coach asked us if we’d pull down that ugly brown vine that’s on the fence at the tennis court; it took just a few minutes to get it done.


Mom is going to beg Dad to fix that drip in the kitchen sink today.

o’clock, jewels, museum, hid, cotton, fur, advice, recipe, salad, toe, knee, heal, lap, badly, leaf, garage, quit

At three o’clock today, thieves took some jewels from the art museum; they were caught later, but they won’t say where they hid them!


I love how this soft cotton towel feels; it’s almost as soft as fur.


April, I need your advice; check out this new recipe for a fruit salad and let me know if you think that it would be tasty.


I hurt my left toe and my right knee while playing tennis today, but the coach thinks that they’ll heal in just a day or two.


The cat sat on my lap for a while today, and it got its white fur all over my black dress, which is now badly in need of going into the wash.


Hooray, that’s the last leaf left on the garage floor, so after I pick it up I can quit working, because I’ll be done with my job.

tent, insect, germs, boss, clever, math, medium, frost, mirror, mainly, knocked, awake, education, circle, blowing, facts, flood

Fred ran out of the tent and yelled, “There’s a huge insect in there, and I bet that it’s got a bunch of germs on it!”


My boss is very clever when it comes to math, which is important for him to be able to do his job well.


When Mom is shopping for a new dress, she looks for a size medium.


We’d better get this frost off of the front car window before we drive to school.


When I look in the mirror, these jewels just don’t look right with this dress, mainly because they’re too shiny.


We knocked at their door, but there was no answer; maybe no one was awake yet and they just couldn’t hear us.


After our new teacher told us why getting a good education is so important, she had us stand up and get into a circle so that we could start to learn what each of us is named.


The wind is blowing hard, and that will make it tough to put out the forest fire that’s near us.


The facts are clear; this river has been known to flood at least twenty feet over its bank.

imaginary, lump, maple, dump, gun, experiment, explorers

Mom, Johnny says that he has an imaginary friend who is really alive; now, I’m unable to see or hear this so-called friend of his, but the idea of it just makes me nervous!”


“What is this lump in my bed?” “It’s just the cat, who is asleep under your cover.”


Hot dog, pancakes for breakfast; I’m going to flood my plate with maple syrup!


We walked into the restaurant, Dad looked around, and then he looked at me and my sisters; he said, “This place is a dump, and there won’t be anything tasty here; the facts are that this place shouldn’t even be in business!”


When I was young, my parents wouldn’t let me have a toy gun, and now that I’m grown, I understand why!


We did an experiment in science class today that almost turned into an accident, but our teacher moved extremely fast to make sure that we all stayed safe.


Next week in history class, we’re going to study the great ocean explorers of the 1400s and 1500s; then we will each have to write a report about what we learned.


So, you think that you’re clever, do you; well, I bet that you can’t get this math problem done by three o’clock.


I really wanted to dive into the pool to swim a lap, but when I put my toe into the water and realized how cold it was, I said to myself, “Forget it!”


My two sisters love to boss me around and try to get me to do their work around the house, but this morning I hid in the garage and read a book, and they didn’t find me.


My cat loves to run after rabbits and squirrels, but she can’t catch them; she mainly gets a bird here and there when it’s on the ground looking for worms.


“I’m so tired that I hardly feel alive, kind of like a zombie, I think.” “Well, you should see yourself in the mirror; you look like one!”


“Mom, I’ll help you; why don’t you let me frost the cake?” “That would be great honey, and it will give me more time to make a fancy salad for dinner.”


I love to rock a baby in my lap while I sing “Hush Little Baby, Don’t You Cry” to him or her.


It was a sunny day, and when Mom opened the curtain in the kitchen, it really lit up the room; she said, “In this long, dark winter that we’ve had, it hasn’t been this bright in here for weeks.”


A spark shot out of the fireplace and got on Dad’s knee; in an instant, he jumped out of his chair and let out a big growl.


When I walked out of my tent, I saw a pretty red maple leaf on the ground; it will look nice next to the pretty shell that I brought home from the beach last summer.


Kids, when you stay with your grandparents this week, you must obey what they tell you to do, and you must apologize if you do something that makes them unhappy; and please, never draw on their wall with crayons, like you did at home six months ago!


At the church picnic today, people brought a ton of different things that we could choose from for our dessert.


During our science museum field trip today, they taught us how to set up a good experiment that can do what volcanoes do when they are blowing up.


It’s been so warm that I had to mow the yard on Christmas Eve day, but finally, a cold front has arrived, and we now have frost on our kitchen window.


Let me give you some advice; when you tell me how much they work you and how little they pay you, I think that you should look for a better place to work – and when they hire you for the new job, then you can quit the job that you’re in now.


I beg you, please cook my burger medium-well; I can’t stand it if it’s red in the middle, because I feel like I might be eating germs.


Someone knocked on our door in the middle of the night, and I was wide awake in an instant, with a big lump in my throat; your pa was nervous, too, but when he went down to check on things, he looked out the curtain and no one was there; then he came back up and said, “What would I have done if someone was there and had a gun?”


After we gave our dog a bath outside, Dad said, “Take this tub of dirty water and dump it into the big sink that’s in the garage.”


The early ocean explorers got quite an education about so many new places that there were on Earth that they had known nothing about.


Look kids, stories that have things in them like a monster, a dragon, a fairy, a leprechaun, a flying monkey, an evil wizard, or talking animals are all imaginary; those things aren’t real, and they shouldn’t scare you.


Dad’s digging the hole in the back yard where we’ll plant the new young maple tree that you just got.


Let’s circle back to what you said a while ago, and I think that these new facts that I just gave to you will fit well with what you were saying.


Mom yelled, “There’s a big insect in my cotton ball bag, and now I have to dump the whole bag into the trash; now I can’t put on my make-up!”


The nurse said, “I know that you hurt badly from this cut on your knee – and that you’re unhappy about it – but you need to recognize that it will take a few days to heal.


During the game, Miles lit a fire under Pete, and he said, “Look, you keep blowing it when you try to pass the football to me, and you’re not getting it even close; come on, now, you owe me a good throw or two!”


Some days, our dog will make me extremely angry; he’ll come up to me about every ten minutes and beg me for some food.


Honey, look at these photos of our house that I just took; I didn’t realize how ugly that vine by the family room window had become, so I’ll get rid of it tomorrow.


Drew, I think that what you’re talking about doing is a recipe for getting into deep trouble, and that’s an experiment that I will have no part in!


Did you know that lots of islands on Earth started out as volcanoes?


Paul, that handsome new guitar of yours sounds terrific; I’m unable to get that kind of great sound out of mine.


Kids, your grandpa will turn ninety on November twenty-first, and I want to have a big party for him; who should we invite?


Son, can you please clean up the ashes in the fireplace; if you’ll do that, I’ll get your brother to mow the yard this week.


Look, there’s a safe place on this bridge to fish from; I brought a ton of medium-size worms, so let’s see what we can catch on such a sunny summer day.


Did you set up the tent well; the rain has started outside, and I just felt something drip on my head.


“Mom, why did you bring this fruit to the picnic; I think that some of it is rotten.” “I apologize; I think that I took out the wrong bowl from the refrigerator.”


I was wide awake for about ninety minutes last night thinking about which college I should try to get into to get the best possible education; you know that I want to get my degree in math, right, because I think that I’m clever enough to pull it off.


With the wind blowing so hard outside in the rain, I got wet from my head to my toe; I wish that this rain would finally quit, because it’s been going on for days.


“Pa, I had only a few colors of crayons, but I think that I drew a pretty good picture of a zombie with them.” “Let me see; well, it looks like it has been in a terrible accident, that’s for sure!”


Eve has a new salad recipe that she wants to try, and she’ll bring it to our party when she comes over to our house around six o’clock tonight.


There will be two special shows at the museum coming in November; one will be about the age of the great world explorers, and the other will be about jewels that were owned by the last British queen.


These vegetables came right off of the vine and should be very tasty.


Did you know that rabbits can be good pets but that squirrels cannot?


I tried to get the dog to stop digging hole after hole in the yard, but he wouldn’t obey me; look at that big lump of dirt that he left over there, about ten feet away!


While I was sitting outside, a small leaf blew into my glass of water.


When I look into a mirror, I sometimes think that there might be an imaginary other world inside of it.


My little sister hid something of mine, and I told her to give it back to me; she yelled back at me, “You are not the boss of me!”


I came up to check on you mainly because I wanted to make sure that you didn’t put so much water in the tub that it could flood the house.


My advice to you is to wash your hands many times every day to make sure that you don’t have lots of germs on them.


I knocked over my glass of wine, and a lot of it got on my new white cotton shirt.


My kitty has such soft fur, and I love to pet her.


If you become a doctor or a nurse, a big part of your job is to help to heal people who are sick or who have been hurt.


Draw around the outside of this plate to make a nice, neat circle on your piece of paper.


The police said that those two thieves each had a gun, so I’m glad that they were caught!


I don’t know what kind of insect that is, so I’m not going to touch it!


We’d better go tell the tennis coach that we’ve hit each tennis ball that he gave us over the fence and into the woods, by accident.


That drip in the sink is going to drive me nuts; when are you going to fix it?


“How much would I owe you if I bought this used guitar?” “It can be yours for just three-hundred dollars.”


My parents like to play a card game called “bridge,” and if I walk in to ask them something while they’re playing, they tell me to hush, because it’s a game where you have to think really hard.


Did you see that guy just dive into the pool; check him out, because I think he’s really handsome!


Those rotten thieves who came into our house took a bunch of my photos; why would they care about having those?


The islands that we visited during the summer each had a beautiful landscape.


Mom, how many people can I invite to my birthday party?


Did you just hear my tummy growl; when will we be eating, and what kind of dessert do you have for us tonight?


Where did you find that pretty sea shell?


Hooray, I got a good grade on my book report!


Who is going to clean up the ashes in the fireplace?


If Fred is able to come, he will really spark up the party!


I can hardly recognize Eve with her hair done up like that.


I played really badly in the game today, and I let the team down.



Lesson 38

horror, mystery, ruins, twilight, chilly, shack, icy, anxious, upset, wander, ghost, famous, pirate, seconds, harm, speed, vicious

In this book that I’m reading – I’m not sure what to call it, maybe a “horror mystery” – these kids are walking around some ruins by the sea at twilight. It’s quite chilly, with a strong breeze, and they wander into a beat-up old shack to get out of the wind for a few minutes. All of a sudden, it gets icy cold inside – way worse than outside – and they’re very anxious and upset. Before they can take a step toward the door to leave, they see a ghost enter the room. It looks at the kids, and then it says, “Who be you coming into my little castle? Do you know who I am? They used to call me Wild Jack, and I was the most famous – and the most vicious – pirate in these here parts. Best you speed out of here in the next few seconds, or I’ll harm you worse than you can imagine!” Well, that’s where I left off in the book, because I had to go eat dinner. I wonder what will happen next!

ingredients, bake, banana, nut, weekend, marvelous, onions, sparkling, jar, flour, crackers, cans, rainy

“I’m going to the store to buy the ingredients that I’ll need to bake some banana nut bread over the weekend.” “That sounds marvelous. I want to do some cooking, too, since it will be rainy here these next couple of days. Can you also get what’s on my list, please? We need two onions, a six-pack of sparkling water, a jar of fruit jam – pick your favorite – a bag of white flour, a box of crackers, and four cans of chicken soup.”

tense, traffic, relax, peaceful, difficult, drums, talent, piano, odor, oven, exclaim, nasty, noon, rib, injury, emergency, helpful

When I’m with you in the car and you’re driving, I get very tense in heavy traffic because you speed up to pass people. By the time that you have to stop at lots of lights, you don’t get us home any more quickly than if you would just relax and make our ride home more peaceful for the both of us.


Today, I heard my brother play something really difficult on the drums and then exclaim, “Finally, I can do this!” I don’t think that he knows how much talent he has. And he’s light years ahead of where I am when I try to play the piano.


That nasty odor that you smell is me using the self-cleaning oven. I started it at noon, and I think that it’s just about done.


“In the football game today, I got hit really hard in a rib. I hope that it’s not a bad injury.” “Well, if it would be helpful for you, I’ll be happy to take you to the emergency room at the hospital if you’d like a doctor to check it out.”

February, illness, dizzy, slept, merry, present, human, volunteer, dawn, enjoyed, neighborhood, gorgeous, kitten, vacuum

For a week in February, I had an illness that made me very dizzy; I also slept poorly for five straight nights.


Grandpa came in through the front door, yelled “merry Christmas,” and then gave each of us a present.


I’ve never known another human being like my Aunt Penny; she does a ton of volunteer work, and I think that she’s such an amazing person!


I got up before dawn this morning and took a long walk in the neighborhood; as the sun came up, I enjoyed a gorgeous view of the sky.

eighty, earn, allow, borrow, butterfly, shoulder, desert, deaf, bathroom, forgive, reflection, clown, genius, fully

The kitten jumped up to the kitchen table and knocked some food onto the floor – crackers, bread, and some other stuff – so, I need to vacuum the mess up before you walk back in here.


Dad, I want to buy some cool stuff to use with my guitar, and I need about eighty dollars; are there some jobs around the house – or in the yard – that I could do for you to earn the money?


Mom, would you and Dad allow me to borrow the car so that I can take Eve on a date to see a movie?


Do you see that gorgeous butterfly that just landed on Dad’s shoulder? I didn’t think that we’d see one of them out here in the desert.


Kids, forgive me for being a bit mad, but none of you are deaf. I’ve said three times that you need to go up to your bathroom, brush your teeth, and head to bed, so please get going and don’t clown around anymore!


I wonder what an animal thinks when it sees its reflection in the water or in a mirror.


I think that my math teacher is a genius. When I don’t fully understand how to finish up a word problem, she can always clear it up for me.

parking, challenge, admire, gang, manager, mittens, leather, sandwich, punch, painting, lonely, iron, silk

I’ll be parking on the shoulder of the road for a few minutes because I have to make an emergency phone call into work.


“It’s going to be a tough challenge, but I’m going to enter a contest at school to see who can lift the most weight.” “I admire you for doing that, but lift carefully and don’t hurt your back.”


Honey, the gang at work decided today that we’re going to take our manager to a college football game later this month. It’s our way to thank him for his getting us a nice pay raise this year.


“Mom, where are my mittens?” “Oh, they’re dry now, and they’re on the back of the leather chair in the family room.


I just want a plain turkey and cheese sandwich for lunch today, and I guess that I’ll drink some fruit punch.


At the art museum today, I saw a painting of a poor old man standing by a shack in the woods. He looked very lonely, and I thought that it was quite sad.


“Honey, I’m going up to iron my dress that I’ll wear to the party tonight.” “Okay. While you’re up there, could you pick out a nice silk tie that will go well with my gray suit?”

sneeze, senses, award, biscuit, contest, astronaut, whisper, troops, underline, lawyer, stomach

Drew, please cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze!


When I was on that scary ride at the State Fair, it was like all five of my senses were on fire!


Mom won an award in the cooking contest that we had at our church. It was for having the best biscuit recipe.


Dad, when I grow up, I want to be an astronaut and walk on the moon!


What did you whisper to me? Sorry, but I just don’t hear very well.


We saw a bunch of army troops running on the beach today so that they could stay in good shape.


Underline every word on this page that you don’t know, and then I’ll help you learn them.


That lawyer is very good, and he’s going to try to get those thieves put into prison for a five-year sentence.


My son ate way too much Halloween candy last night, and his stomach was quite upset!


It was a marvelous and merry Christmas for me, for sure. My biggest present was a new set of drums, and every kid in the neighborhood will admire me for having them. Of course, they may not realize how big a challenge it will be to get good with them. I hear that it’s difficult to learn to play them well, but maybe I’ll have enough talent to become famous at it!


February was a very chilly, sometimes icy month, with nasty weather that made both traffic and parking a mess. During these difficult days, people seemed to be more anxious and tense than normal, and it just wasn’t a month to be enjoyed by most.


The vicious gang of thieves took all of the money from the bank and rode out into the desert, and no one from the town would volunteer to be part of a team to go after them.


This weekend, on Saturday, I went out at dawn on my boat to fish on the big pond that’s near us. It was sunny in a little while after I got there, and the water was sparkling. I thought to myself, “What a marvelous day to be outside.” It was so peaceful out there that I was able to relax more than I’d been able to do in weeks. In fact, I even slept for about an hour. After I was awake again, I ate a tasty breakfast sandwich and a banana, and that was enough to fill me up. Even though there wasn’t a human being around me, I didn’t feel lonely at all. But all good things must come to an end. I looked over the side of the boat at one point to see my reflection, but instead, there was a huge snake in the water right next to the boat! Of course, it couldn’t harm me since I was in the boat, but the sight of it upset me so much that – within seconds – I decided to head back to land. I was back in my car about noon, not looking forward to some house painting that was needed at home. Oh, of course, you want to know if I caught any fish, right? Well, I have no talent when it comes to this sport, and I didn’t bring home a single one. You see, I can hear them laughing at me from under the water!


This is really sad, but after having had a long, nasty illness, my uncle finally passed away over the weekend. I fear that my aunt will be lonely now that he’s gone, but as I look back on his life, I think that he had a very good eighty years on this Earth.


I heard my mom exclaim from the kitchen, “What is that awful odor?” When I walked in to check things out, she looked up at me with an anxious look – having just opened up the oven door – and she said, “Oh no, look inside. It’s a burger that I didn’t cook from the other day. I put it in there to keep it safe from the dog, and I didn’t remember to pull it back out to cook it, so that one of us could eat it another day. Please forgive me for the smell!” I replied,” Don’t worry, it’s not a problem. But right now, I’m going to wander outside for a little while!”


The manager at the parking lot said, “Have no fear. On my watch, I would never allow anyone to break into your car!”


When I had to admit to my girl friend that – while she was out of town – I took her best friend out on a date, she gave me an icy look. Then, within seconds, she came at me trying to punch me out!


I’ll never fully understand why my parents let my brother take up playing the drums. Now there’s hardly ever a peaceful moment in the house, and I think that the noise is going to harm our hearing and maybe make us all go deaf.


My manager said that I could earn some extra money if I would help him with something at work over the weekend. I said, “Why not! It’s going to be rainy both days. And I could use some extra money to buy my girl friend a nice Christmas present. Thanks, boss!”


Our kitten knocked this bowl of flour off of the table, but it’s nothing to get upset about. I can vacuum it up in a couple of minutes.


I always worry about the ingredients in the food that people serve to me. Like, if I eat just one bit of a nut, my body goes crazy. What you would see would be like something from a horror movie!


“Oh no, this key on the piano is stuck. How could that happen just out of the blue?” “Well, your little brother put a half a jar of jam on his biscuit this morning, and it got all over his fingers. Then I thought that I heard him in here playing a note or two.”


What is this dress made from? It feels like silk.


I’m going to try to get an award at our company this year. I want to sell the most homes of anyone else here in our office.


“It would be helpful if you could chop the onions for me so that I can put them into the soup.” “No problem. Can I borrow that extra sharp knife of yours?”


It’s a mystery to me how our dog senses that someone is at our front door when I didn’t hear or see them get there.


Our teacher said, “While all of you are taking the test, I don’t want to hear so much as a whisper from any of you. And if anyone has to sneeze, it’s best to do it right now!”


“I don’t know how Dad gets his leather shoes to be so shiny. I mean, you can see your reflection in them!” “Well, when he was in the army, all of the troops had to learn how to do that.”


I almost got dizzy watching a film of an astronaut doing a space walk. I don’t think that my stomach could take that, and if it were me out there, I would probably throw up in my space suit.


Our lawyer said that she will underline each place in red ink where you need to sign this paper.


“I’m so cold that I’m going to keep my mittens on for while after I go back into the house.” “Come on. You don’t have to be a genius to know how to warm them up faster than that! Just go into the bathroom and run your hands under hot water.”


“Mommy, will the dragon set our homes on fire and turn our town into ruins?” “Honey, don’t be so tense. You can relax, because St. George will take care of that monster, and it will never harm us again.”


I’m going to add some extra ingredients to the short rib soup. I’ll put in two cans of vegetables.


Our coach said, “Of course, play tough today. But also play carefully! I don’t want us to have a single injury in this game.”


What should I set the oven to for you to bake the chicken?


It is said that the ghost will come out of the ground at twilight and wander through the forest, talking with the animals.


Our kitten was so cute as I watched her chase a butterfly.


The head of the pirate ship was so evil that he would take the life of any human being if it was helpful toward his getting more money for himself!


I have never seen anyone as creepy as the clown in that horror movie!


I had to admire the astronaut as she talked to the press. She said, “Look, I don’t want to be famous. I just want to do something to help make space a little bit less of a mystery to the world. Of course, we’ll never fully understand the universe, but every time we go up into space, we learn lots of new things.”


How does that eighty-year-old lady get up so much speed when she runs on a tennis court? And how does she never get an injury? I’m in such bad shape that I’d be a nut to try to keep up with her in a game!


In an emergency like this, volunteer troops will be sent into the ruins to see if they can find anyone alive.


It would be a huge challenge to be deaf, and you would have to count more on the four senses other than your hearing sense.


When I go out to take photos, my favorite times are right at dawn and about an hour before twilight. Where I live, for much of the year it’s very chilly at those times, but I wear a warm leather coat and put on mittens, and I get the most gorgeous photos that one could imagine.


I heard Dad exclaim, “Why is there so much traffic in our neighborhood these days? I enjoyed being here a lot more a few years ago when you’d hardly ever see a car go by. Maybe we should move.”


Let’s bake a pizza with double cheese, sausage, and lots of onions on it. Do we have enough flour to make a good crust?


The ghost lady had sparkling blue eyes, and I was coming under her magic spell. But she was vicious, and when she said, “I’m going to take over your body now,” my sister had to jar me with a hard punch to my shoulder to wake me from my state of near-sleep. When my senses came back to me, Eve yelled, “Run for your life. You can’t allow her to do that!”


I was out in the desert, and the hot noon sun was making me dizzy. No human could stay alive for long out there without lots of water, and I was running low. I didn’t have to be a genius to know that I was in deep trouble!


When you box (I’m talking about the sport, of course), it’s no fun when you take a punch to a rib or to your stomach!


Class, in this story, you’ll meet a man named Robin. He and his merry gang of men steal from the rich and give the money – or the jewels – to the poor.


You can borrow my tools any time that you want to. I keep them in that shack next to the barn.


I like that painting of the pirate standing at the front of his ship. The dark, rainy sky and the rough seas make you wonder if the people on that ship will ever make it back to land.


I need to earn some extra money so that we can get our old, beat-up bathroom up-to-date. After all, we’ve been in this house for thirty years, and we’ve done nothing to make any room look new.


Forgive me for being a pig, but could I please have yet another biscuit?


When I walked into the house of my piano teacher, she was eating some cheese and crackers.


Take these cans of vegetables down to the church kitchen, please.


Why did the lawyer just whisper something to the judge? I’ve never seen that happen before!


I know that this is crazy, but my dog will even eat a banana.


Have you ever been near a paper plant before? The odor around there can be horrible.


The kids made a mess in the family room eating crackers, so I need to go in there and vacuum the rug.


I’ve slept so much better these last few nights since I’ve been over my illness.


I’m going to underline the three new words in this sentence for you.


I hope that I win an award in the contest this coming February.


Something in our office was making me sneeze all day long.


Honey, how did you get your mittens so muddy?


We have this really cool butterfly room at our zoo.


I’m going to order a chicken salad sandwich for lunch.


Little Fred over there is our class clown, but I love him, and he’s super smart.


I’m not sure that it’s a good idea to iron a silk tie!


One of my favorite action movies of all time is “Iron Man.”



Lesson 39

James, October, incident, novel, tackle, searching, magazine, blond, airplane, waitress, menu, talker, bump, frowned, flash, obviously, elbow, worst, painful, trousers, leader, responsibility, sixty, younger, immediately, input, promised, regret, added, agreed, lousy, uncomfortable, Jane, gigantic, scene, somebody, crash, daughters, nanny, meanwhile, glow, sunshine, exactly, lake, twinkle, grin, faint, temper, textbook, modern, tease, stranger, unusual, valuable, lesson, helicopter, fierce, restless, outdoors, sidewalk, hotel, visitor, incredible, organized, tomatoes, peach, cherry, earthquake, wasps

Hi, I’m James Farmer. My new novel is doing very well at book stores. Here is a part of it – chapter thirteen. This chapter is called “The Crazy Incident On An Airplane.” If you like the style that I write in, you might want to tackle the whole book. Find it at your local library. Or better yet, please buy it! The book is called “Searching For A New Life On Your Own.”


During the last week of October, while on an airplane, I was talking with a pretty young blond woman named Jane. She was going to a new city to become the head waitress in a fancy restaurant with a high-end menu. I had read about it in a food magazine.


She was quite a talker. But that was about to change. After the first hour in the air, we were told that we would be in some rough air very soon, and sure enough, we hit a huge air bump a couple of minutes later. Jane frowned and said, “You know, I’ve never been on a plane before.”


I was thinking to myself, “Oh, great! That’s all we need. Someone nervous about flying!”


The next bump came in a flash, and she obviously didn’t like this at all. She grabbed my left arm around my elbow and yelled, “This is about the worst that I’ve ever felt!” Her hold on my arm was so tight that it was almost painful.


All that I could think to myself was, “Please, young lady, just don’t throw up all over my trousers!”


Now, she was in the window seat, and I had the middle seat next to her. I was a leader at my company, and it just wasn’t like me to do nothing when something like this happens. In some way, I had to take charge to help her, and I knew that I had to take responsibility for walking her through this.


I’m sixty years old, and she is way, way younger than me. I’d been on a plane in weather like this at least a hundred times, and everything would always end up being okay in the end. So, I immediately gave her my input about all of the times that I had been through this, and I promised her that we would be just fine.


I have no regret for anything that I said to her; it was all the right stuff. I even added that being in a plane is way more safe than being in a car. She agreed with me. But she also said, “I know what the numbers say, but that doesn’t change the way that I feel in the moment, which is lousy and uncomfortable!”


But then, oh my! We hit another gigantic bump – the worst yet. Every wheel came off of her now. She really lost it, and she made a horrible scene! She screamed, “Somebody help; we’re going to crash, and we’re all gonna die!”


I put my head into my hands. Then I looked around. There was a family in front of us who had two small daughters. They both started to cry, and so did their nanny. This was about as big a mess as I’d ever been in! I just closed my eyes for a moment, with a lot of hope that things would get better fast.


Then meanwhile, I turned, by chance, and I took a look out of the window. I was surprised to see a bright glow. Thank the lord! It was sunshine! Within three minutes or so, we were out of the black clouds, and there wasn’t another cloud as far as we could see. Talk about “better lucky than good!”


Well, finally, it was over. Once again, I found myself on a plane that came out of bad weather, and everyone was safe. The sky was clear until we finally landed, and the rest of the plane ride was exactly like being on a still lake on a day with zero breeze.


My crazy-scared new friend took a deep breath once we were on the ground and in good shape. There was now a twinkle in her eye, and a big grin came across her face. “We’re safe,” she said, “and I didn’t faint through all of that. I’m so glad that you didn’t lose your temper with me for having been such a baby.”


I replied, “Don’t worry. I understand why this was so scary for you. You were a textbook example of someone on their very first plane ride. But you’ve got to get used to it. It’s the modern way to travel.” I wanted to tease her a little bit at this point, but then I decided that this would be too mean a thing to do to a stranger. But I did decide that this was the most unusual plane ride that I’d ever been on!


At this point, I realized that there was one more thing that I had to say. “By the way, I’ve got one valuable lesson for you. If you think that was bad, try being on a helicopter in fierce weather like that. It’s ten times worse! Been there; done that.”


We then shook hands and went our different ways. I was restless at this point, and once I was outdoors, I ran down the sidewalk to go rent a car in order to get to my hotel. I was a new visitor in this exciting city, and I was ready to have one of my best vacations ever, while trying to learn how to have fun on my own!


And you know what? I even went out of my way to go to the restaurant where Jane now works. The food was, indeed, incredible. My favorite dish was the salad. In it were the best tomatoes that I’d ever eaten. And the dessert, wow. It was this delicious home-made peach and cherry ice cream. To die for!


Oh, and the lady who owned the place let Jane be my waitress, which I asked for, of course. She gave me the best service that I’d ever had. She was very organized, and she worked very hard to please.


There was one final funny moment. After I’d finished eating, when Jane brought me the bill, we talked for a couple of minutes. Then, all a sudden, the whole room started to shake! Some people screamed, and I was almost one of them. But Jane was as cool as a quiet, snow-covered forest. After things got back to normal, she gave me a big smile and said, “You know what that was, don’t you?” I shook my head, “no.” “It was a little earthquake!”


My eyes got big, and I said, “Now that was a first for me. I think I was as scared of that as you were of being on an airplane!” We then had a big laugh about how each person has different things that they find to be scary. I didn’t bother to tell her that my biggest fear – pretty sad for being a grown man, I have to admit – is being around spiders or wasps! Keep those creepy things away from me!

wag, treasure, illegal, impossible, baseball, band, basement, villages, Claus, roses, deserted, Europe, traditions, tiger, kangaroo, raccoon, playground, diseases, definition, Mars, needle

Any time that I give a new bone to my dog, he’ll start to wag his tail. Then he’ll take his bone to his dog house, where he stores a bunch of them. They’re like his own little bit of treasure.


“Dad, that’s an illegal place to park. They’ll take away your car.” “Rats, it’s going to be impossible to find a good place, since so many people have come here to see the baseball game.”


When the nurse gave me a shot, I was surprised that it really wasn’t that painful.


My parents said that we can use the basement at our house for our rock band to set up in. It will be a great place to practice.


On our trip to Europe this past summer, in all of the beautiful little villages that we went to, there were gorgeous roses everywhere.


In this incredible mystery novel that I’m reading, sixty people from Earth finally land on Mars. As they are searching for life, they see deserted villages that look quite modern, but it’s impossible for them to find “anyone” who might live in them. Then, all of a sudden, there is an incident where fierce bugs that look something like unusual gigantic wasps come after them. Of course, they can’t know exactly what these bugs can do to them. But these “wasps” each have something that looks like a ten-inch needle on the end of their tail, and they all have quite a nasty temper. Obviously, our sixty human friends are in for the fight of their lives!


One of our family traditions is, that on Christmas Eve, Grandpa will dress up like Santa Claus. What’s unusual about this is that part of the game is that the kids get to try to tackle him!


“What was your favorite animal at the zoo today?” “It was probably the tiger or the kangaroo.”


“Look, there’s a raccoon over there next to the playground.” ” No one should go near it; those things carry diseases!”


Our teacher had a twinkle in her eye, and she said, “I have a valuable lesson for all of you today. For each one of you, it’s your own responsibility to look up the definition of a word that you don’t know, when you come to it during your reading in a fun book, a textbook, or a magazine. The worst thing that you can do is to go past a word that you don’t know! You must always stop and learn it! Think of a new word that you learn as more treasure for your brain! Lots of words give you a super power.”

caterpillar, acorns, candle, compass, gallon, shirts, sponge, pasture, hammer, pillow

Look under this big tree. There’s a caterpillar on the sidewalk here about every two feet!


When I look at the needle when a nurse is about to give me a shot, I almost faint! But I never regret a shot after the fact, because I know that it will help to keep me safe from awful diseases.


Mom, are you really going to put this sponge in with those shirts when you do the next wash?


If you go walking deep into that forest, you’d better have a compass with you! You could get lost in there and never find your way out!


One of our family traditions is that we always light a candle while we’re eating at the dinner table.


Hi, James. Hey, on your way home from work, could you please stop at the store and get a few things? We need a gallon of milk, four tomatoes, a cherry pie, a jar of peach jam, and maybe three pretty roses. I’m so sorry to ask you to do this, but if I’d been more organized today, I would have been able to do it myself.


Mom and Dad have made it very clear that it’s “illegal” in our house for anyone to have a pillow fight!


The children were playing “follow the leader.”


When we were walking outdoors today, we went by a pasture that must have had a hundred sheep on it!


When we go to the playground this afternoon, I’ll bring a hammer with me, and I’ll see if I can fix that wood step that you say isn’t quite right. We obviously wouldn’t want somebody to trip and fall over it. That would be one ugly scene!


Look at those squirrels getting acorns to store up for their winter food. It’s like they’re trying to hunt for treasure!


I had this crazy dream last night. In it, we had these people from Mars over to dinner at our house. They were kind of funny looking!


My younger brother James had such a grin on his face – and a twinkle in his eye – that I knew he was about to tease me about something. Then it came in a flash, as he said, “Uh, did you know that there’s a caterpillar on your shoulder? I saw your little visitor drop onto you when we were searching for acorns under that tree.”


The perfect definition of “being happy” is to watch my dog wag his tail when I feed him.


When we were on our week-long holiday in October, I got restless for something to do that would excite us. I enjoy going to a museum, but we had been to one too many at this point! So, I came up with a novel idea. We took a helicopter ride over the city! We were able to book the trip at our hotel. It was exactly what we had been looking for! It was a day with plenty of sunshine, and the view was just incredible.


My wife Jane said that she might change her hair color to see what she would look like as a blond. I immediately laughed – which was really stupid of me – and she frowned at me. My two daughters quickly took her side, with one of them saying, “Dad, Mom would look terrific that way!” Well, I knew that I had made my wife really mad, but she didn’t make a scene about it. She did get me back later, though. I found out that she wouldn’t clean my trousers in the wash, and I had to do that myself!


Our teacher said, “Class, open up your science textbook and go to lesson twenty. I promised that I’d find you something that you’d really like to read about after you gave me your input the other day. So, today we’ll learn about the day-to-day life of a kangaroo in the great outdoors!”


“Mom, how many villages does Santa Claus have to go to each year to take toys to kids all over the world?” “I’m sorry, honey, but it’s impossible to know that. But I can say that it’s a whole lot!”


I’m going to put just one candle on my birthday cake. That way, no one can count them to find out how old I am!


I found a great recipe in a food magazine this morning. It’s for a peach and cherry pie. If I can get organized before the weekend, I should have time to tackle making it on Sunday.


Dad frowned and said, “The pillow in my hotel room is way too big, and I’m uncomfortable when I lie down and try to go to sleep.”


Did you know that a raccoon can be pretty fierce if it thinks that you might hurt it?


Our waitress said, “Sorry, I brought out one menu too few for your table. I’ll be back in a flash with another one. Meanwhile, you-all think about what you’d like to start with to have to drink.”


Our son is much younger than our two daughters, and we have a nanny to take care of him during the day, since all of the rest of us are so busy.


Of all the tools that I own, I probably use my hammer the most.


I was restless all night and didn’t sleep very well. I think that it’s because my elbow hurt really bad from what I did to it in the football game yesterday.


Please light the candle on the kitchen table and then sponge off the table before we sit down to eat.


“We shouldn’t be at this pasture.” “Let me check the compass. Oh, it shows that we should be going the other way. Let’s turn around immediately.”


This is crazy. How did a caterpillar get into our basement?


The “person” from Mars said, “Take me to your leader!”


When we got to the playground, it was deserted. But after about a half-hour, my dog started to wag his tail like crazy. He saw a blond stranger coming toward us. He was a visitor to our city, and he was to stay with his grandparents for a week. He asked if we would throw the baseball around with him. We all agreed that this would be fun, and he got a big grin on his face when we said “yes.” He turned out to be quite a talker who had had some cool adventures that he told us about. We liked him immediately and became good friends during the week that he was here. When he had to head back home, I said, “It’s lousy that you have to go.” But then he replied, “Well, I’ve got good news! Our family is going to move here in October!” I jumped up and down and yelled, “hooray!”


Mom said, “Give me all of your shirts and trousers that need to go into the wash.”


There was a scary incident at the State Park today. We saw a helicopter crash into the lake! It was amazing that no one was hurt. But when the police got there, they found a huge bag of an illegal drug inside of it.


Man, George sure has a “tiger mom!” If he gets a bad grade on something, you should see her put her bad temper into action! And she makes him do a bunch of different stuff. He’s on the baseball team. He plays in the school band. He’s in the chess club. He said to me one day, “Wow, I wish that I didn’t have so much responsibility.” My input back to him was, “Look, I hear you. But when you get to the 12th-grade, you won’t regret any of this. You’ll be good at so many things that you’ll be able to get into a really great college!” He took a deep breath and had to admit that he agreed with me. So, now I needle and tease him by calling him my “future genius friend.”


The bright glow of sunshine on the surface of the lake makes it hard to keep your eyes open if you look right at it.


During our Christmas break, Dad got us all together, and we came up with a menu of things that we all agreed might be fun to do on our vacations during the coming new year. A trip to somewhere in Europe was the number one idea!


It’s easy to feel a strong earthquake when you’re in a building. But we had one so strong today that I even felt it while standing out in the pasture of our farm!


We need to buy a gallon of fruit punch for the picnic. Oh, and we also need some cherry tomatoes for me to put into the salad that I’m making.


This sidewalk is a mess because of the earthquake that we just had.


I’m going upstairs to give the baby a sponge bath. Meanwhile, the nanny will be in the kitchen making our dinner.


It was in the dark of night, and as my friend and I were walking back home, we saw a faint glow in the top window of the deserted house at the top of a hill. My friend said, “Let’s go check it out!” I replied, “No way! Somebody is in there. They might try to kill us. Or worse. It could be a ghost!” My friend finally said, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. We would feel pretty uncomfortable once we got up there.”


The little girl said, “Mom, I feel lousy right now. I wonder how many diseases I have!”


Miles, I put your clean shirts on top of your pillow.


I need to go get a gallon of gas before I can cut the grass.


Daddy, I think it would be cool to have a kangaroo as a pet. But I wouldn’t want a tiger!


Honey, I hate to tell you this, but there’s a raccoon in the back yard, and it’s getting into the garbage cans.


April, you promised me that you wouldn’t talk to a stranger when you are by yourself. But I looked out the window a few minutes ago and saw you talking to someone who we don’t know, right there on the sidewalk!


When I was up in the attic, I found this old baseball card. Do you think that it could be valuable?


The middle seat in an airplane is always a tight fit, and you don’t have much elbow room.


“There was a gigantic crash outside my office window today.” “Well, I hope that it didn’t kill anyone!”


I was standing next to quite a talker at the museum today. She looked at me and said, “You know, I just don’t like this kind of crazy modern art.” Then a minute later, she added, “I mean, would you hang this painting above your dinner table?”


Each country in Europe has its own special traditions.


You can throw that sponge away. I had to clean up something very dirty with it this afternoon.


I bet that squirrel will forget where it hid half of the acorns that it put away somewhere.


Dad said that Santa Claus left some pretty roses for Mom on the dinner table!


Our coach said, “Team, we must band together today like never before if we want to beat the other team!”


My compass says that we’re going the right way.


In this book that I’m reading, Earth is at war with Mars.


Mom, I thought that I added those numbers up the right way, but Dad showed me why I got this wrong.


What is in our basement is the perfect definition of a “bunch of junk that is nothing more than a huge mess.”


“George, can you please bring that hammer over to me?” “Wow Dad, this thing is really heavy!”


You know, it’s kind of painful when you have to admit that you’ve made a mistake!



Lesson 40

dusk, August, couch, purr, Peter, teenage, adult, anybody, mistakes, notebook, loan, burning, savings, bushes, roots, taxi, diner, dozen, vegetable, jelly, fan, belly, crisp, strawberry, slice, snack, wedding, interesting, awesome, pony, grapes, laundry, washing, customer, mud, athlete, basketball, skate, veteran, oceans, either, trucks, electricity, highway, whistle, midnight, wax, vitamins, tissue, items, speakers, blanket, socks, wagon, guest, rules, rob, argument, path, failed, seventy, useless, rub, actor, awkward, university, studying, scientist, shocked, outer, spaceship, alien, savage, beast, surrender, taken, shower, tourist, explore, hobby, organ, image, fool, prove, eventually, sons, fourteen, remind

It was dusk on a wet August day before school had started back. Rich sat down on the couch with his son, as he had decided to talk to him about life. Their cat was in between them, and you could almost hear her purr from the next room!


Rich began, “Peter, you haven’t even hit your teenage years yet, but it’s never too soon to think about what you might want to do when you grow up and become an adult. Why, if you study hard and work hard, you can be anybody who you want to be!”


“Now, life won’t always be a bed of roses. You’ll make plenty of mistakes. But you’ll always learn something from each mistake that you make, and you’ll be an even better person after each one of them happens.”


Peter said, “Hang on, Dad. Let me go get a notebook. I want to write some of this down.” Peter obviously isn’t your usual twelve-year-old! When he came back into the room, he asked Rich, “What might I do when I grow up?”


Rich said, “I’ll throw a whole bunch of things out. Let’s start with this one. You could be a bank manager. You would loan people money and help them to build a new business. Or you could help them to build up their life savings.”


“This next idea would be nothing like working at a bank, but you could fight fire and keep a building from burning down. Or you could be a yard man and go to lots of homes to cut their grass and to keep their bushes looking nice and neat – oh, and to check on the roots of their trees, too, to make sure that they’re in good shape. What about this? You could drive a taxi and help people get from here to there.”


“Or you could be a cook in a really great diner. You might take a dozen eggs and make them into something really special. Or you could come up with the best vegetable recipe in the city. Better yet, you could make up some new kind of jelly that everyone around here would be a huge fan of.”


Peter yelled out, “Like bacon jelly? I could run an ad for the diner in the paper and say, Come fill your belly with our bacon jelly!”


Rich replied, “Very interesting idea! Now you’re talking. Let’s see, what else? Oh, you could open up a bake shop. You’d make an apple crisp that would be to die for. And strawberry pie – how yummy that would be; I’d like a slice of that right now! You’d make great cookies for people to snack on all day long. But the most exciting thing that you’d do is make the biggest wedding cake in the world!”


Peter said, “Please stop a second. I need to catch up with you and write all of this down. Ok, I’m ready now.”


Rich kept going. “You could own a farm. It could be an awesome place for kids to come to have a pony ride. And on the farm, you could grow grapes and sell them to people who like to make wine.”


“Oh, here’s an idea. You could own your own laundry. Lots of people live in a place that’s just too small for them to put a washing machine into. Many a customer would come to your place to get their clothes clean, such as their dirty trousers with lots of mud on them from having played football on a wet field.”


“And that just brought up another idea. Obviously, you could be an athlete. You might be a basketball star. You might skate on the ice.”


“And how about these jobs, where – either way – you’d be helping to protect your country. You might join the Army and become a famous veteran one day. Or you could go into the Navy. You would get to sail the great oceans of the world!”


Peter stopped his dad at this point and said, “Wow! So many things to choose from!”


Rich replied, “Indeed, right you are. Here are some more. You could drive trucks. You’d be taking things all over America that people need in order to have a good life.”


“Or maybe you’d be a police officer. You’d catch people on the highway who drive too fast – or too crazy. And you’d give them both a ticket and a warning that they’d better take more care when they drive. But you might also be a city cop with a whistle. You would help to keep traffic on the move. In either police job, you would be making sure that people were following the rules of the road.”


“I’m gonna keep going. Maybe you’d like to work from midnight to eight o’clock in the morning. You could have a job at a huge store and wax the floor each night. Or how about being at a special kind of food store where people would buy lots of vitamins?”


“Or what about working at a power plant, helping to make sure that people always have electricity? And there are many other different plants that you could work in. How about one that makes tissue paper? Or one that makes lots of items that you would want to have in your tool box at home? Or one that makes high-end speakers so that your music sounds great in your house? Or one that takes cloth and makes it into something like a blanket – or socks? Or finally, one that makes the famous little red wagon that so many kids in America have in their garage?”


Peter then spoke up. “Could I own a hotel, where every guest would say that I ran a five-star place?”


Rich replied, “Yes, of course. Now here’s one thing that I would NOT want you to do! It would NOT be good to join a gang of thieves that went out to rob a bank once a month.”


Peter laughed and said, “I’ll have no argument with you about that! That would be a poor path to take in life, wouldn’t it? If I did something like that, I’d feel like I had failed you, since you have taught me so well about what’s right and what’s wrong.”


Rich replied, “Agreed, and you can also think about it this way. When you’re seventy years old, you want to be able to look back on your life and know that you did good things in this world, not bad things! And it would be sad to live a useless life, wouldn’t it?” Then Rich was quiet for a minute. He had to rub at something in his eye.


Peter asked, “Anything else come to mind?”


Rich said, “Oh, yeah. Have you ever thought about being an actor?”


Peter replied, “I think that I’d feel a bit awkward doing that! Can you think of something that would suit me better?”


His dad said, “Well, I can see you going to a great university and studying to become a world- famous scientist.”


Peter exclaimed, “I don’t know about that. That sounds kind of boring to me!”


Rich exclaimed back, “Boring? Well then, what do YOU think that you would like to do that would be interesting for you?”


Peter replied, and what he said shocked Rich. “Well Dad, here it is. I want to go into outer space and fly a spaceship! I want to be the first person to meet a real alien and become his best friend!”


Rich asked back, “Well, what if it turns out to be a savage beast and it tells you to surrender your ship to it?”


Peter said, “I’ll never get taken. My ship will have a secret power so that he can’t see me anymore. If he can’t see me, he can’t catch me. And Dad, it won’t be an “it” – it will be a “he.”


Rich laughed and said, “You’re funny! Okay, I think that we’ve had a great talk here. I’ve got a couple more things to say, and we’ll be done. I always talk about how important hard work is. But you’ve also got to have plenty of fun in life. Make sure that you take vacations. As an example, nothing is more fun than being a tourist in a cool city or country. Make sure that you explore as many different places on Earth as you can.”


“And you need to have fun when you’re at home, too. Get yourself a really good hobby or two. Maybe learn how to play the organ. Or take up the great game of chess. Or take photos and come up with a world-class image. Or make up a magic trick that will fool every person, every time. A good hobby will always prove to give your brain a needed break from some problem that you’ve got – or something tough that’s going on at work.”


“One last thing. Eventually, you might have sons and daughters of your own. I hope that you will have talks like this with them every once in a while.”


Peter smiled and said, “I will; I promise!”


Rich replied, “Great! So, in two years, when you’re fourteen, remind me to sit down with you and check back in with you like we did today. You’ll have two more years of life under your belt at that time, and you may have a better feel for what you might like to do when you’re an adult. Meanwhile, I’m going to go upstairs and take a quick shower before dinner.”


That night, Peter had a really long dream about having cool adventures in outer space!

cub, meadow, piles, gross, knot, vote, apology, entrance, underground, crawl, pure, drawer

At the State Park today, we saw a bear cub run from a meadow back into the woods.


Miles and I were in the basement of his house today, and I’ve never seen so many piles of junk. And in fact, a lot of it was just gross!


This vegetable has lots of vitamins in it. On the other hand, the snack food over there is pretty useless, and it just makes you get fat.


My stomach is all in a knot because I still don’t know who I should vote for, for president!


I owe you an apology. I should have opened the door to the building for you when we got to the entrance.


I don’t know how she does it, but Pam can make the sound of a purr, just like a cat!


I would not like to live underground, like rabbits do. I’d have to crawl all the time, and that would be quite uncomfortable.


What that guy who is running for office said today is pure garbage, and I would never vote for him!


We have an extra key to the front entrance door that I hid in this desk drawer.


Do you see that athlete who looks about fourteen? I was shocked to see him having an argument with his basketball coach. A teenage boy would never have done that when I was growing up. The coach would have said, “Look, it’s my way or the highway. Do you want me to kick you off of the team right now? I am waiting for an apology!”


Look, there’s the famous veteran actor who plays the alien doctor in the outer space TV show that has the really awesome spaceship. I’m a big fan of his.


My belly wants a big slice of a crisp apple as part of my snack today. A bunch of grapes would be good, too.


I had a customer at my flower shop today who bought three dozen roses! He said that he would be taking them to a wedding tomorrow.


“What is that gross smell?” “I’ve got a couple of piles of dirty socks under my bed, Mom.” “Um, do you think that they might need washing? Put them in this bag, and I’ll get them clean the next time that I do the laundry. I’ve just got to ask this. How could anybody stay in a room with a smell like this. To think that one of my sons could be such a mess!” “Sorry, Mom. I owe you a big apology for that.”


A pony was just born on our farm. I’ll prove it! Look over there in the meadow. That’s her! Isn’t she cute?


“Rob, your grandpa will turn seventy years old in a week, on August the first. Do I need to remind you to buy him a special birthday present?” “No, I’ve got some good items in mind, and I’ve got plenty of savings right now.”


“Dad, do you think that we’ll eventually land people on Mars and get to explore it?” “Well, I know an interesting scientist at the university who thinks that we’ll do this in the next twenty years. He says that we’ll have to build a very special kind of spaceship to pull it off.” “Well, if I were old enough to be in college, that’s what I’d like to be studying about!”


I feel awkward about this, but my younger sister just beat me in a chess game. I made way too many mistakes and finally had to surrender. I feel like such a fool!


When I was a tourist in New York city, it was the first time that I had ever taken a taxi. He was driving like a crazy savage beast, and I had this image in my head that we’d end up in a bad crash. You can’t imagine how big the knot in my stomach was! When we got to my hotel, I was such a mess that I had to almost crawl to get in through the front entrance. I eventually felt normal again, but I still didn’t fall asleep until after midnight.


Oh, I failed to tell you this. At work, this coming August, we’re going to have a big all-day meeting, and we’ll get to hear from some really awesome guest speakers.


Gross! I just felt something in my ear, so I put my finger into it, and some ear wax came out!


My four-year-old daughter sat down on the couch next to me and said, “Mom, it’s useless. I’m just never going to learn how to whistle!”


I find that little boy to be a bit awkward, and I see him carry around a small blanket with him everywhere that he goes. I wouldn’t bet on his growing up to be a good athlete. But you never know!


My mom tried to make some home-made strawberry jelly, but it didn’t work out very well for her. She told me, “Well, I failed to follow the recipe well enough.” So, I said back to her, “No problem. Maybe you can try again, using grapes for the jelly the next time.”


Around dusk, you could tell that there was a lot of wind outside, because the leaves on the bushes and the trees were blowing like crazy. Then – at about six o’clock – the electricity went off.


Did you know that right here in our vegetable garden there’s a carrot that’s growing underground?


“Mom, something is in my eye.” “Well, don’t rub it too hard.”


Have you ever tried to ice skate? I’m very bad at it. I fall down about every sixty seconds and feel like such a fool!


Something is burning in the pot in the kitchen. I’d better go turn on the fan above the oven.


I need to take my vitamins before I head off to work. I think that they’re in a bottle in the drawer beneath that tissue box.


Can you imagine having to cross the country in an old-time horse and wagon? The trucks that we have today are so much faster!


“Mom, the bear cub that I saw at the zoo today was SO cute!” “Maybe now. But remember, that thing is going to grow up to be a savage beast! If you would rub it the wrong way, it might try to kill you.”


Did you know that very long ago, the oceans on Earth covered all of the rock that later become land?


Our new teacher said, “Here are the rules in my English class. Every time that you learn a new word, you have to write it down in your notebook. That way, you can go back and remind yourself what you’ve learned.”


Dad, animals don’t have to take a shower every day. So, why do I have to?


Please don’t walk on the mud in this path. I’d have to wash your shoes, and they don’t do very well in the laundry.


Watch this video and you’ll see a scientist at this company explain how they can prove that their water is so pure.


I had to take out a loan to buy this organ for our rock band.


Did you know that some vegetables that we eat are really roots of plants?


When I sat down on the couch, my cat jumped up next to me and began to purr. My dad doesn’t like cats, and he calls them “useless animals.” Well, I get angry with ANYBODY who doesn’t like cats!


Have you seen the new movie about a young basketball team? The child actor who plays the main part is really good. He looks like he’s about fourteen. I wonder if he’ll become famous and still be an actor when he’s an adult.


I had a strange customer at the diner late yesterday. It was around dusk when she came in. She put in an order – really! – for a dozen eggs, lots of crisp bacon, and a slice of toast with lots of butter. She was either very hungry – or crazy – or maybe both. While she sat at her table, she drew something in a notebook. She was a good artist, but what she drew was weird as all get-out. I think it was an alien. When she got up to leave, she said to me, “My belly isn’t quite full yet, but that snack will hold me for a while.”


Check out that teenage girl about twenty feet from us. Look at how well she can ice skate!


Where my young sons had taken their wagon this morning, they got mud all over it. They’re washing it in the back yard right now.


While I was sitting in a coffee shop today, I saw a tourist trying to whistle down a taxi. It took about twenty minutes before one finally stopped for her. She had on a very fancy dress, like she might have been going to a wedding. If that is, indeed, where she was going, I hope that she wasn’t late to it.


Honey, what drawer is the wax paper in?


I’m going to use this pretty tissue paper to put around this gift.


It was a perfect rain shower to wet the roots of the plants in our garden.


Is the pony next to the fence in that meadow the one that I’m going to get to ride in a little bit?


The guest who played the organ at our church service this morning made too many mistakes! I’m sorry to say this, but we should never ask him back.


I just saw the cat crawl into those bushes. I have an image in my head that she wants to explore around in there to see if she can find any rabbits.


When I was in the United States Navy, I got to sail in all of the oceans of the world.


At my university, we have a scientist – he’s about seventy years old – who is a genius in the field of electricity. He has so many piles of science books in his office that you can hardly move in there. I am lucky to be studying in his class.


That man who is running for local office has a sign that says “Vote For An Army Veteran. I Will Never Surrender In Working For You!”


I live right on a very busy street, and on some nights, there are so many loud trucks driving by that I have to turn my speakers way up to hear my music!


Gran asked if we’d like for her to make some home-made strawberry ice cream. I yelled, “Hooray! You’ll get no argument from us about you doing that!”


I was burning up last night while trying to go to sleep. When I took the heavy blanket off of my bed, I was able to cool off.


This afternoon, before we got to the entrance to the highway, we saw a mama bear and her cub cross the dirt road that we were driving on.


I was shocked to find out how much money I still had in my savings. So, I was able to buy a number of items that I needed for my favorite hobby. When my dad heard about this from my mom, he said to me, “Wasn’t it great that no one had to loan you money, which meant that you wouldn’t have to pay anybody back! I’m glad to see you being more responsible with how you spend your money.”


When you go to their home, remember their rules! Take your shoes off before you go into their house. They want only nice, soft socks to touch their gorgeous wood floor.


That building has an underground parking lot.


Mom, help me to get rid of this knot on my shoe.


It was midnight, and the only way that we could see the path that we were walking on was by the light of the full moon.


These jewels are made from real, pure gold.


Don’t ever walk around this bad part of town at night. Someone will try to rob you, for sure!



Lesson 41

absolutely, apartment, background, barely, briefly, bully, calm, Charlie, Clark, classmates, dangerous, December, definitely, difference, disease, downstairs, eighteen, enormous, exam, fantastic, fighting, gathered, generous, glasses, gotten, halfway, healthy, heck, hero, ideas, impatiently, individual, insects, jail, jazz, knowledge, laughter, lessons, Lewis, listening, NASA, necessary, newspaper, nonsense, organisms, packages, Pacific, particularly, pepper, pickles, planet, pleased, porch, reasonable, received, schools, snakes, spices, statue, sweater, tossed, vocabulary, wilderness, wondering

Charlie yelled to his mother Joy, “Hey Mom; come downstairs! We just received some packages from Amazon. They’re on our front porch.”


Joy came down and said, “I bet you’re wondering what’s in them.”


Charlie replied, “Absolutely. I hope that there’s nothing dangerous in them.”


Joy said, “Definitely not!”


The two of them opened the front door, gathered up each box, and brought them all into their apartment. Charlie impatiently asked, “Come on, Mom; what the heck did you get?”


She said, “Some of these items were necessary for us to buy. Some other things I got just to try them.” As she opened each individual box, Joy explained what was in them. She started with, “All right, this box has different spices in it that I need for my cooking. This is a sweater that I got for your dad for his birthday that’s coming up in December.”


Charlie said, “I know you already have some other stuff for his birthday that you’ve shown to me. You’re always so generous with what you give to other people.”


Joy replied, “Well, thanks! Let’s keep going with these packages.” Next was an enormous jar. “These are some bread and butter pickles that I wanted to try. And we are almost out of pepper, so I got some more of that, as well.” This went on for a few more minutes.


When they were finished and everything was put away, Joy said, “I’ve barely caught up with you since you’ve gotten home from school. How was your day?”


Charlie replied, “It was fantastic. First, I got back my vocabulary exam and got a really good grade on it. Here, take a look.”


Joy took the piece of paper and put on her glasses to better read it. A big smile came across her face, and she said, “Wow. There are some tough words in here. There aren’t many schools out there that would give words like these to a student in your grade! Your Mrs. Cash is a great teacher. What else made your day so good?”


Charlie kept on, “Well, the second thing was that during our twenty-minute music time, Mrs. Cash played some really cool jazz stuff for us.”


“Then, third, during American history time, Mrs. Cash has decided to build our knowledge about the famous explorers Lewis and Clark. They went on a long trip out west to see what that new part of America was like. They got all the way to the Pacific Ocean! Though a few of my classmates don’t particularly like these history lessons, most of us in the class find them to be very interesting.”


“Each one of these two men is a real American hero. It was a dangerous trip, where they had to go through a lot of wilderness area, and, as a country, we learned so much from them. I imagine that the president back then was very pleased with what they found out. There must be a statue for each one of them in some big city somewhere in the United States.”


Joy said, “I’m sure that there is. Well, I’m so glad that you had such an interesting school day.”


Charlie said, “Yeah. And there’s one more thing. Mrs. Cash read us something from the newspaper about NASA. It talked about a plan to get people to land on Mars. They have so many new ideas now about how they might pull off a trip like this. Just think of it. You would land on another planet and then get back to Earth safe and healthy! Why, you might even bring back some alien organisms if there was any life on Mars.”


Joy said, “Well, if they do that, I hope that they don’t bring some horrible disease back to Earth! But I kind of think it’s nonsense to think that Mars could have any kind of life on it.”


Charlie said, “You’re probably right. But think of the horror movie that they could make with that idea in mind. Halfway through the trip back to Earth, the organisms turn into enormous snakes and insects, and the people on the spaceship spend the rest of the trip fighting them off!”


Charlie and Joy almost fell to the floor with laughter. Then Joy wanted to talk about something else. She asked Charlie, “By the way, you know that bully who’s in your class? What was he like today?”


Charlie said, “He was both calm and reasonable today, and he didn’t bother anybody that I’m aware of. Something has made a big difference with him over the past week.”


Joy said, “They’ve probably told him that he’s had his last chance and that they will kick him out of school the next time he does something bad.”


Charlie replied, “Well, I know that he’s been tossed out of two other schools before, so he must believe them that he’s had his last chance! I have to admit that I feel sorry for him in a way. I’ve talked to him briefly a couple of times, and it’s sad listening to his story. I know that his family background is really tough. For example, he’s got an eighteen-year-old brother who’s in jail. I hope that he can finally pull his life together and learn to stay out of trouble!”


Joy was very pleased with her son because of this kind thought of his.

airport, Asia, earlier, shortly, urgent, supervise, trot, cemetery, entertainment, costume, captain, Facebook, lab, magnetism, observation, rooms, moist, exhausted, acres, potato, melt, fighting, offensive, faithful, shark, outdoor, given, attractive, diamond, gravel, foreign, election, furious, necessary, bedtime, amongst, meow, therefore

“Which airport will we fly into when we go to Asia on our holiday?” “I wish that I had known that earlier, but I’m still not quite sure. I should finally know shortly, because I told the travel person that getting this answered for us is an urgent need.”


I need to supervise you carefully since, so far, you’ve had just two lessons on how to ride a horse. Don’t let your horse go faster than a slow trot. You’ll be safe at that speed.


Before we went out for trick-or-treat, all of my friends and I gathered together at the cemetery that’s near our neighborhood. This would make it feel more like Halloween night for us, and it would add to our entertainment. My friends particularly liked my costume. I dressed up like a pirate captain. I took a good photo of all of us and later put it out on Facebook.


In science lab today, we’re going to study magnetism. Our homework will be to write down our own individual observation about what we learned.


Because of the flood, the floor in all of the rooms downstairs is still very moist; therefore, we won’t go down there until it’s finally dry again.


I’ll be exhausted after I mow that big yard. There are about two acres of land that I’ll have to cover.


Shortly, I’m going to bake an enormous potato, shake salt and pepper on it, and then melt a lot of butter on it. I might even put some other good spices on it, as well.


It makes the world a more dangerous place when fighting starts because one country goes on the offensive against another one.


My faithful cat let out a loud “meow” and jumped up onto the couch with me so that I could pet him.


I was looking out at the calm water of the Pacific Ocean from our ship, when I saw what I thought to be a shark that was very close to us. I told the captain about it, and when he put on his glasses and looked out there, he said, “You’re absolutely right. I agree with your observation. You know, when I think of the top ten scary animals on planet Earth, that big fish is definitely on my list!”


My favorite outdoor spot for a picnic is by the lake at the State Park that’s near us.


Mrs. Hunt was given a very attractive diamond ring for her birthday. Mr. Hunt is quite generous, isn’t he?


Follow that gravel path for about three minutes, and you’ll get to where the pony ride is.


The United States has a close eye on that foreign election. The President will be furious if their people don’t vote their present leader out of office.


It’s necessary that you brush your teeth before bedtime every single night!


The teacher asked her class, “Who amongst you is going to the beach over spring break?”


“I’m definitely not pleased with the poor state of being that my father is in. I’m furious with him, and I’ve pretty much lost hope. Here is my tough observation about him and his present state. On the weekend, he’s nothing more than a couch potato. He’s either watching TV or listening to jazz music all day long. That’s his entertainment. He’s gotten absolutely way too heavy, because he’s always eating junk food and pickles. There’s no way to tell how much salt is in his awful diet. He’s eating nothing healthy.”


“Heck, he was my hero when I was growing up. But now I’m eighteen, and it’s clear to me that he’s no longer the man who I knew earlier in my life. There’s barely a minute that I’m with him when I’m not worried about him. I fear that he’s going to find himself with heart disease one day, for example. When he has to walk upstairs, by the time he gets to the top, he’s exhausted.”


“I should have seen this coming. There’s no difference between himself and his brother. My uncle is also in terrible shape. Given all of this, I’m wondering what I could – or should – do. I feel in my heart that this is really urgent.”


“Now that you’ve briefly heard this background story from me, do you have any good ideas for what I might do?”


Right now, if you go outside to sit on the porch just briefly – like I did earlier this afternoon – you’ll become way too hot in about two minutes. Further, the insects out there will not only drive you crazy, but some of them will bite you! It’s just not good outdoor weather when it’s that awful outside. Stay inside and stay cool, I say!


I’ve got to leave the house for a while, because I have an urgent need to go to the dentist; therefore, I need you to supervise your two little sisters and make sure that they don’t get into any trouble. Particularly, you need to keep them out of the yard, because I’ve seen snakes out there during the past couple of days! Your dad is too scared to do anything about them.


When I told my British uncle that I had been made captain of my football team, he yelled, “Hooray! Well, bully for you!”


“Mom, do you know where my soft old sweater is?” “Oh my, honey, I tossed that into the trash last December. It had hole after hole in it, and I couldn’t have even given it to a used clothes store, because it was so beat up.”


“Clark, I have barely had time to clean myself up and get ready for the party!” “Honey, don’t you worry. You’ll be a hundred times more attractive than any of the other women at the Lewis party.”


I think that the rest of the snow will finally melt by the end of the day since it’s so warm. But the ground will still be very moist.


Our cat is not an outdoor animal. She has to always stay inside. There are too many nasty little organisms out there that could make her sick!


I told my two boys that it was quite reasonable for me to ask them to keep their rooms clean on their own, and that I shouldn’t have to supervise them to make sure that they do a good enough job!


I think it’s nonsense to be scared to walk in a cemetery at night, but both of my friends – Clark and Lewis – will not go in there with me.


When we went to the museum, we saw a statue of George Washington.


“Dad, we heard from Mom that you screamed this morning because you had gotten so much junk mail in just one hour.” “That’s true. They just make me furious. Of course, I know that I should learn to act less impatiently and learn to calm down.”


If you could fly halfway around the world – over the Pacific Ocean – to go to Asia, which foreign country there would you want to visit the most?


As I was walking down the hall, I heard a lot of laughter in the science lab. As it turned out, that class was studying some weird insects, and a few of them were just plain funny-looking!


I was wondering if we could check out the lot that I am looking at in this ad. It’s two acres, and it has a fantastic mountain view. If we lived there, we’d feel like we were in the wilderness, but the local town would be only twenty minutes away!


Amongst all of the schools in our state, I bet that none of them have a teacher who would give his students an exam as hard as the one that Mr. Smart gave to us today!


When someone yelled, “SHARK!” everyone ran out of the water back onto to the sand. And they didn’t trot; they ran like crazy!


I received an email from the boss today with a vocabulary word in it that I’d never seen before. I wonder where he got the background knowledge to know what that word means!


Have you ever known an individual who has spent some time in jail? I met someone who had been there for a few years, and the stories that he told me were pretty scary.


I got to wear a cool costume for my part in the school play.


After I pick up my bag at the airport, I’m going to head straight back to our apartment. I hope that I can find my bag – amongst all of the other ones – very quickly!


The coach was tough with us halfway through the game. He yelled, “Guys, you were worse than lazy out there in the first half. Now get back out there and get on the offensive. And stop that bully on their team who is playing dirty! Look, you’re hardly even fighting for the ball. Come on, this is basketball, not bedtime!” I said “ouch” to my classmates who were on the team with me.


When we got close to the mountain house, we had to turn onto a gravel road for a couple of miles more before we got there.


In that small foreign country, there’s no such thing as a “free” election. That they hold this thing and think that we don’t see right through them is just nonsense! Further, so much that you read in their newspaper is false, as well.


We couldn’t help but break into laughter after Mom read us something funny that she saw on Facebook.


I’ll meet you at the science lab after lunch. Of all of the rooms at school that we could meet in, that’s the best one.


As we sat down for dinner at the table on the porch, Mom brought out her incredible potato salad.


When I sat down on her bed at bedtime, Penny looked up at me and said, “When I grow up, I want to work at NASA and be an astronaut!”


You could see the magnetism between Van and Rose, and you just couldn’t miss that they were very much in love with each other.


“The travel book says that this is a four-diamond restaurant.” “Oh, so that’s why the meal was so expensive!”


I was listening carefully, and I finally heard the cat meow so that we’d let her back into the house.


I’ll bring my faithful dog with us when we go out to hunt for wild turkey on Sunday.


We had a “wear an ugly sweater” day at school today, and all of my classmates looked funny wearing each awful sweater that they had chosen.


I watched as Mom tossed some spices and a bit more pepper into the soup, and from the wonderful smell of it, I knew that our dinner was going to be fantastic.


In early December, my younger eighteen-year-old brother was put into jail – for one night – for fighting another person at a local bar. I have no idea why they got into an argument with each other. I was waiting impatiently the next morning to get him out of there and to give him a ride back to his apartment. We gathered up his things and walked outside and got into the car. I couldn’t help but say to him, “What the heck were you thinking? That was really stupid of you! Was that really necessary, to get into a fight? Or was that some kind of sick entertainment for you?” He looked exhausted, because he probably didn’t get any sleep the night that he was in there. I went on, “All right, what you just went through is one of those big life lessons that you must really learn from to make a big difference in your adult life. This new knowledge of what it feels like to be in a jail is important. You need to remember this so that you’ll stay out of trouble the next time you’re in the middle of something like what was going on at that bar!”


My very attractive Aunt Violet is my hero. She’s really smart, and some of her ideas at work have been so good that she’s now a leader of a team at NASA. Their work is top secret! She can’t talk about it; therefore, I never bother to ask her any questions about it.


Honey, I think that I left my glasses and my diamond ring downstairs. Can you please see if they’re on the kitchen table?


Our teacher had us look at the big map in our class and showed us where Asia is. She said, “It’s easy to see that that land area is a big part of our planet, isn’t it?”


Our local newspaper has a little area on the back page where you get to learn a new vocabulary word every day.


Did you know that a large, busy airport might need at least 3,000 acres of land to be able to allow the biggest kind of airplane to fly in and out?


I put a generous bit of butter onto my toast and watched it quickly melt.


The rain shower had just stopped, and I walked down the moist gravel path into the cemetery. I heard a loud “meow,” and shortly, an enormous black cat walked in front of me. I tried to pet it, but it turned and ran away from me at a fast trot.


I put a post out on Facebook to talk about how I didn’t like the way that the election had turned out – and why.


It’s quite reasonable to be scared of a shark! That goes for snakes, too.


Can I please have extra pickles on my sandwich?


My doctor said, “You’re very healthy and don’t have any kind of disease. You’ve just got a really bad common cold.”


Honey, we received two packages from your grandma today. I guess they’re for your birthday.


When my faithful dog came home after being gone for two days, he was a mess. Mud was all over him, and he had an awful, offensive smell about him. I said to him, “Boy, where the heck have you been? The first thing that we need to do is give you a bath!”


I hear that they’re going to have a jazz band at the costume ball tonight.


For a few days here and there, I love to camp out in the wilderness to briefly get away from the human-led rat race.


After you finish your final exam, meet me at the statue in front of the gym, and let’s go have lunch together.


Today, our science teacher explained to us what magnetism is, and some of what she said really surprised me.



Lesson 42



Lesson 43