Click here for educator instructions on how students will use these Phonics Read-Along sentences
Phonics Read-Along “Daily Living” Sentences – SET EIGHT
For grown-ups: the link at the very top of this page will explain how the student will use this activity. The sentences below are “random-topic / daily living” kinds of subject matters. These range from at-home, to at-school, to at-work, to shopping, to pets, etc., etc.
The sentences often have “somewhat adult” words in them (in black-colored font), because one of the purposes of this activity is to help to build ORAL vocabulary for children. But there is no expectation that your early-learning readers would be able to READ the black words.
The red words, however, are intentionally placed as written “teaching words.” We DO want the students to learn to read these written red words. The fancy term for what we are doing is “building an explicit, systematic phonics scope and sequence.” In layperson terms, we are exposing students to phonics-learning in a logical order, suggesting that the word “phonics” can be described in a more user-friendly way as “letter-sound-matching.” Ex: EA sounds like letter-name (“long-vowel”) E in “meat.” EA sounds like “short-vowel” E in “bread.” And EA sounds like letter-name (“long-vowel”) A in “steak.” It is the massive variation of so many “spelling patterns that offer multiple sounds” that makes learning to read the written English language so challenging for so many of our nation’s students.
Thus, we want to move from the “simplest-to-understand” letter-sound matches to the more complex ones, in a very gradual fashion. You will see our descriptions starting with Lesson 1 as often using “V” and “C.” “V” is for “vowel,” and “C” is for “consonant.” “VC” means that it’s a 2-letter “vowel-consonant” word. “CCVCC” means that it’s a 5-letter “consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant-consonant” word. Etc.
Also, we will NOT introduce a letter-sound match until it “gets its own specific focus time.” Example: when we get to covering in Lesson 24 the “long-U –> consonant –> silent-E pattern,” we WILL have words like “mule,” “cute,” “fume.” But we will NOT offer up the word “huge” at this point, because we have not yet taught that “G” sometimes sounds like “J,” as in the words “gem,” “giant,” “fudge,” etc. We’ll cover “huge” later, in Lesson 47 about “soft-G” (G sounding like J).
Finally, we plan to build written vocabulary with the red words in as “simple” a fashion as we can, and you will notice that it will be quite some time before the student ever encounters even a 2-syllable red word. For as long as we can, we will concentrate on making the red words ONLY 2,3,4, & 5-letter SINGLE syllable words.
A printable pdf of the red-teaching-words can be accessed here: (TBD)
Our ultimate objective is to make this AOCR phonics-learning activity the most powerful and comprehensive resource ever created for building letter-sound-identification mastery, thus becoming THE place where all American children go to “learn their phonics.” And our intention is to comprehensively cover — from a probability perspective of what letter-sound oddities one is likely to be hit with over one’s entire reading life — 99.5% of anything that one would ever encounter. It will all be right here, free to the world, in one convenient, easy-to-use digital portal. It’s right here to “work every child’s brain” with what s/he individually needs in terms of differentiated practice and repetition. It’s right here to allow each teacher to bring it to every child’s brain, without the teacher needing to be a linguistic expert, nor being expected to memorize all of this crazy stuff!
(You may ask why we have “set one,” “set two,” etc. Frankly, each “set” hits a point within our WordPress software where we have loaded so much information that things start to bog down. Thanks for being patient with us regarding this minor inconvenience.)
Click here to go straight to Activity 80: TWO SYLLABLE WORD WORK –> CVC – CVCC
Click here to go straight to Activity 81: THE “SCHWA” SOUND SPELLED WITH LETTER-A
Click here to go straight to Activity 82: THE “SCHWA” SOUND SPELLED WITH LETTER-E
Click here to go straight to Activity 83: THE “SCHWA” SOUND SPELLED WITH LETTER-I
Click here to go straight to Activity 84: THE “SCHWA” SOUND SPELLED WITH LETTER-O
Click here to go straight to Activity 85: THE “SCHWA” SOUND SPELLED WITH LETTER-U
As the pioneers headed west, when they found a region that couldn’t produce crops, they might have called it a “badland.”
Get two bagfuls of canned goods at the grocery to donate to the church’s food pantry.
The baldest man I ever saw didn’t have even a single hair follicle on his head.
The Sheriff found out where the bandits were hiding out in the desert, and his posse captured them there.
Those trees that have odd, large spreading roots are banyans.
Everyone in my extended family is a member of the Baptist church.
The farmers’ market contained countless baskets of delectable looking fruits and vegetables.
As he spoke, he took from his coat pocket on the bedpost an envelope containing his commission and other papers.
Did you know that the doomed cruise ship – the Titanic – was built in Belfast, Northern Ireland?
The farmer told us that twenty acres of strawberries were set out betwixt his rows of apple trees.
The company bigwigs are at their annual conference to determine this year’s strategic priorities.
The image was unrecognizable due to the corrupted array of bitmaps on the computer screen.
In the boldest play of the game so far, the coach risked calling a long bomb, and it turned into a touchdown!
The speeches at the political rally were just a lot of meaningless bombast.
The rich old heiress sat up in bed with her yappy poodles and snacked on chocolate bonbons.
In the Middle Eastern outdoor market, most of the people were wearing caftans.
With snow coming down like this, I bet that Dad cancels his appointment with the dentist today.
Please add these two canfuls of tuna to the soup.
In our camping trips to photogenic canyons, we got used to hearing odd animal sounds at night.
Two capfuls of this cough medicine is the correct dosage.
When you pick up this antihistamine for me at the pharmacy, make sure that you get me the gel caplets, because they’re easier to swallow.
The caskets of the dead soldiers were all draped with the American flag.
Dad loves to take catnaps on each weekend day.
When they descended into the dank basement, they had to brush away thick cobwebs from their faces.
The weatherman predicts that this will be the coldest night of winter, so far.
Batman combats crime in the dead of nighttime.
If you were to throw a match into this attic’s piles of old, dry papers, they would combust almost instantly.
Comcast Corporation, incorporated and headquartered in Philadelphia, is the largest American multinational telecommunications and media conglomerate.
The cheapest sized car that you can rent from us is a compact.
The guilty look on the defendant’s face compels me to ask more questions about where he was on the night of the murder!
Please go outside and throw these coffee grounds into the compost pile.
The veteran physicists were struggling with the new concept that was being presented by the brash young genius.
The witch was going to concoct a potion that included eye of newt, fillet of finny snake, and owlet’s wing.
In your visit with the Queen, make sure to conduct yourself with impeccable politeness and respect.
The huge crowd coming from the baseball stadium is going to completely congest the subway entrance.
When you buy this product, you must first consent to their terms and conditions of purchase.
With this recipe, your soup will consist of broadly available ingredients.
Ancient Roman consuls typically ruled their regions of authority with an iron hand.
I need to consult with an attorney to make sure that my last will and testament is up to date.
Oh no, I just dropped a contact lens, and I hope that I can find it on the rug quickly.
The prosecution team will contend that there is ample evidence to prove the defendant guilty.
I’ll be content for hours sitting on the deck with an iced tea and a good book to read.
This year’s spelling bee will likely be a contest between two prior-year winners.
A word with multiple meanings has to be defined based on its context within a specific sentence.
I have a friend who became a Catholic nun, and she now lives in a convent.
The defense lawyer claims that there’s not enough evidence to convict her client of a crime.
I need two cupfuls of pecans for the pie that I’m baking.
That dog’s cuspids are particularly sharp!
The professor lived with the tribespeople in the jungle to better understand their customs.
For tonight’s dinner, I bought veal cutlets at the butcher shop.
We’ve been invited to a party at the Daltons this Saturday evening.
This rainy day dampens my enthusiasm for going to the football game live.
The floor in this basement is the dampest that I’ve ever seen it; walk carefully so that you don’t slip.
In this series of old western novels, the hero is always rescuing damsels in distress.
This is an old-model freezer, and you have to defrost it every once in a while.
With the deftest of touch, the pool player amazed his audience with all kinds of trick shots.
As we entered the densest part of the jungle, I was freaking out, worried about deadly creatures hiding in the brush.
The dentist had to fill a cavity in one of my back-right molars.
We had a guest singer who sang a beautiful descant along with the choir.
My source claims that of all of history’s most evil despots, Mao Zedong was the worst, responsible for 49- to 78-million murders.
Nothing will detract more from a theatrical or musical performance than to have someone’s loud cell phone start to ring!
In politics, dictums like “follow the money” usually lead to uncomfortable truths.
Dikdiks are the cutest little African animals, and the females whistle through their long and tubular snouts to alert others about predators, and they’re named for this sound that they make.
I watched with disgust as the rude teenager shoveled food into his mouth and chewed with his mouth open.
Boss, I hate to disrupt your train of thought, but there’s an emergency down on the assembly line, and they need you there, pronto!
During my youth, I was obsessed with the desire to travel to distant lands.
The Dobsons just put up a basketball net on their driveway.
The designer of this golf course put in some brutal doglegs to test the players.
Back when usage of the Internet was spreading like wildfire, dotcoms were popping up everywhere.
Mom asked me, “Which one of these fabrics would you like for me to make your new dress out of?”
The well-researched factums presented in the case nailed a guilty verdict for the prosecution.
The Atlanta Falcons are one of twelve pro football teams to have never won a Super Bowl game.
The judge decried, “That’s about the falsest statement that I’ve ever heard!”
Celebrities like Taylor Swift usually build gigantic fandoms.
I’m betting that dog #27 is the fastest greyhound on the track tonight.
Bobby, there’s no monster under your bed; that’s just a figment of your imagination.
In 2021, a survey determined that the happiest people in the world live in the country of Finland.
For sailors caught in thick fog, fogdogs can sometimes be the only means of finding the shore.
I have to admit that of all my nieces and nephews, I am the fondest of Danny.
The foxhunt was banned by the Hunting Act of 2004 in England and Wales, and by the Protection of Wild Mammals Act of 2002 in Scotland.
The slight ripples on the lake’s surface reflected fulgent patterns of sunlight.
Our vacation to Disney World ended up being a giant funfest for our kids.
The ladies’ monthly book club session was more of a gabfest than a serious discussion of their latest book.
That seasoned politician has a history of gambits that have turned into successful legislation under her leadership.
Look at how that foal gambols about on a sunny day like this.
The professors in this department are just a bunch of old gasbags.
The gaskets on your old refrigerator’s doors need to be replaced.
Doc, if the pills that you’re prescribing for me come in gelcaps, I’d prefer those, please.
The psychology behind gestalt learning theory states that we use our senses and previous experiences to gain knowledge about the world around us.
My granny puts giblets into her gravy, and it’s the best that I’ve ever tasted.
My dad’s guitar collection is made up entirely of one single brand: Gibsons.
My uncle brought out his tool kit and showed me how gimlets work to bore holes.
Mom put her silver goblets on the table for her fancy dinner party.
A lot of kids were dressed up as goblins this year for Halloween.
It was a godsend that Tony showed up to help with this week’s food pantry, because we were slammed with customers.
My dad has two godsons, and he’s taught both of them how to play golf.
With the sun as bright as it is today, the gold dome on the West Virginia State Capitol might just have the goldest shine on Earth!
Our Bible study group has launched on a deep-dive exploration of the Four Gospels of the New Testament.
On their hunting trip, dad and his brother said that their gundogs did a superb job of pointing and retrieving game.
We went through many tiny hamlets on our tour of the English countryside.
Sherlock Holmes noted two suspicious-looking hansoms that were parked outside of his client’s home.
At the funeral, he wore a black hatband as a sign of mourning for his lost comrade.
Mom needed three hatpins to keep her hat snugly on top of her head during the windy day.
Both players’ football helmets flew off as they slammed into each other.
He surprised even himself as he played his way toward becoming the golf tournament’s champion.
Watch that young executive work the room as she hobnobs with the members of the Board of Directors.
There were fewer bank holdups in the U.S. this past year compared with the prior year.
Anthony Hopkins was chilling when he portrayed his evil character Hannibal Lecter in “Silence of the Lambs.”
The downtown areas of Main and Oak Streets are hotbeds for illegal drug sales.
Dad asked if we’d like for him to grill hotdogs for lunch.
If you click on this hotlink, it will move you down the page to where more data is displayed.
This restaurant specializes in different recipes for delicious hotpots.
Look at how shiny that trucker keeps his hubcaps.
Her new husband seems to be quite a kind person.
A massive hutment was set up to give shelter to those who had lost their homes in the devastating hurricane.
Of all of my jetlags on my many international flights around the globe, I’m suffering the most from my latest trip abroad.
One of my favorite cartoon shows when I was growing up was “The Jetsons.”
The ghost tour of that empty sanatorium gave me the jimjams!
We need about two jugfuls worth of apple cider for the company picnic.
I really enjoyed my two fishing junkets with my best friends last year.
The “justest” country in the world is Denmark; it stands out for its strong adherence to the rule of law, judicial independence, and low corruption.
This is the part of the movie where the vigilante kidnaps the bad guy.
Honey, please show the babysitter where the kidvids are, because those will keep the children entertained.
That was the kindest thing when that young man helped that elderly lady cross the street.
Before we start hiking on the trail, I’m going to give all of you kitbags with trail mix, insect repellent, etc. in them.
I’m not good at putting kitsets together; everything that we buy needs to be fully assembled for us.
We learned about an Old World tropical plant called a hyacinth bean; it’s in the legume family, and it has purple or white flowers and black or white seeds in a papery, beaked pod; its nickname is “lablabs.”
At the aquarium today, one fish tank had different labrids in it; they are very colorful fish!
The President is going to lambast the Veep for his stupid comments at the press club meeting today.
As we moved further through the tunnel and turned a corner, a lambent light appeared some 100 feet or so away.
The lampads were the seven lamps of fire that are referred to in the New Testament book of Revelation.
The nurse brought in a tray of sanitized lancets for the surgeon.
That is the lankest center who I’ve ever seen on a basketball court; he’s going to need to beef up to play well in this league!
Regulatory agencies are supposed to be watchdogs, but some have become lapdogs of the industries that they oversee.
She brought out a lapheld computer to show us more about the product.
Eating large amounts of certain types of lectins (found in raw legumes, potatoes, eggplant, etc.) can damage the gut wall.
The right-wing dictator imprisoned the country’s best-known leftist revolutionary.
I’ll be adding lentils to the stew in about an hour.
A lentisk is a small Mediterranean tree of the cashew family; it’s the source of an aromatic resin used in making varnish and adhesives.
Leptins help to prevent hunger, and they regulate energy balance so that your body doesn’t trigger a hunger response when it doesn’t need energy (calories).
That young man gave me the limpest handshake that I’ve had in a long time; someone needs to teach him to shake with a firm grip!
Today we learned that limpets are a group of aquatic snails with a conical shell shape and a strong, muscular foot.
Our architecture professor showed us today how lintels support the weight above an opening, such as a window or a door.
Logjams on roadways occurred all across town due to many downed trees from the hurricane.
Did you know that the Ludlums are going to house an exchange student from Malaysia this semester?
In science class today, we studied how magnets work.
Our friends were kind enough to bring two magnums of red wine to our party.
We ordered two malteds at the ice cream shop after lunch.
Maltols are food additives that are used to enhance the flavor of baked goods, candy, ice cream, and other desserts.
The detective organized a manhunt for the kidnapper.
Neil Armstrong’s famous quote – upon stepping out of his spacecraft – was, “This is one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”
The mantels throughout the mansion were decorated with Christmas greenery.
The praying mantis is an insect from the order called “mantids.”
Of all the possible names of mascots that the new high school’s student body debated voting for, they oddly chose “wyverns.”
The seamstress went through an array of meltons to find a few that she would make overcoats out of.
The new CEO is quite a data guy, and he’s obsessed with watching the company’s key metrics over time.
Our vacation took us to the midland area of England.
If you can land the golf ball in the midmost area of the green, then the slope will force the ball to roll back down toward the pin.
I’m betting that this will go down as one of the mildest winters that we’ve ever had.
My brother was completely miscast to play a good guy in the school play; he should have been the bad guy!
There were so many miscuts in the apprentice dressmaker’s fabric that they had to throw the cloth out.
Although the team was often described as a bunch of misfits, their playing to each other’s strengths led them to win the debate championship.
Although the series of mishaps was generally purely accidental, it was enough to convince the general manager of the team to fire the coach.
In England, you might hear farmers refer to their cow sheds as “byres” or “mistals.”
Although I was without my computer, my cell phone’s software allowed me to do moblogs from anywhere, as long as there was good Internet service.
My Mom is frequently referred to as “the hostess with the mostest!”
Motmots are found from northeastern Mexico through most of tropical South America, as far south as northern Argentina, and they are very colorful birds.
On our fishing trip, we caught a few mudcats, which are a type of catfish with a flattened head.
Mudhens are birds that inhabit marshy areas, and perhaps the best-known of them is the American coot.
We need a couple more mugfuls of coffee, please.
The mukluks that I got for Christmas are the warmest winter boots that I’ve ever had.
We gathered lots of muscats this afternoon so that Dad can make his annual batch of wine with them.
According to the Ministry of Religious Affairs data in 2022, 87.02% of Indonesians identified themselves as Muslims.
The common housefly belongs to the family of insects called muscids.
Muskegs are bogs of northern North America, commonly having sphagnum mosses, sedge, and sometimes stunted black spruce and tamarack trees.
The Revolutionary War sergeant taught his troops how to use their muskets.
The fabrics that we use to make our brand of bedsheets are the finest muslins.
Please don’t forget to bring some napkins for our picnic.
Natrons were used during mummification ceremonies in ancient Egypt because they absorb water and behave as a drying agent.
Okay kids, please make sure that you don’t neglect to send thank-you notes to your relatives for their Christmas presents to you!
The new folks who are moving into the house down the street are named the Nelsons.
In today’s fishing expedition, we pulled in many netfuls of shrimp!
The nitwits who our company just hired couldn’t even run a lemonade stand.
The King was clearly grieving at the funeral of his noblest knight.
The noncoms in our military camp gathered for an evening of beer drinking and pool playing.
A “nonself” is any antigen-bearing foreign material that enters the body and normally stimulates an attack by the body’s immune system.
That family is a bunch of nudniks, always complaining, criticizing, and just being generally annoying to be around.
Numbats are banded anteaters from Australia, and they feed mostly on termites.
The numbest part of my body due to this brutally cold weather is my left foot.
The huge outdoor market had a vendor who specialized in nutmegs found from several tree species.
The sage had studied with many well-known pandits in India.
We had no idea how difficult it is to make caramel from scratch, and we had to throw out two panfuls of ingredients before we got it right.
This painter is best remembered for her beautiful pastels.
The patrols reported no unusual activity over the prior night.
The gala was well-attended by many patrons of the arts.
Pectins are used in some foods, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics for their thickening capabilities.
Would you please sharpen these pencils for me?
That diamond pendant that you’re wearing is beautiful.
Pepsins are enzymes that are made in the stomach; they break down proteins in food during digestion.
Petrels were flying around the harbor in large groups.
We’re big on having family picnics during the spring and fall when temperatures are milder.
The piglets are following their mama pig over to the feeding trough.
You can make your own paint from a pigment found in natural products such as hibiscus, roses, blueberries, spinach, coffee, or charcoal.
Pignuts, from the hickory tree, have been used to treat digestive problems, such as indigestion and diarrhea, as well as respiratory ailments such as coughs and bronchitis.
We rounded up the sheep and led them back to their pinfold.
Outside of the building, the sheriff and his deputy had cocked their pistols, anticipating that the bank robbers would be coming out shortly.
With the new pistons that we just replaced, your car engine is now running like a top!
I just listened to an interesting podcast about the negative impact of cell phones on the mental health of our nation’s teenagers.
The cheerleaders displayed quite a collection of colorful pompoms.
Back in the 1960s, when I was growing up, popguns were favorite toys of kids.
My dressmaker is fond of making clothes out of poplins due to that fabric’s silky, lustrous surface.
Over the winter season, my Mom makes potfuls of tasty soups from many different recipes.
Among the publics of many nations, there are lots of protests right now regarding increasing prices for goods and services, while wages have stagnated.
In pulpits all over the world, religious leaders are giving sermons asking for military aggressors to put down their weapons and to strive for peaceful resolutions.
Opinions masquerade as news, while ill-informed pundits and vested interests cloud the issues and bend the truth into pretzels.
I really like this Indian cuisine for its pungent spices.
With her strong southern accent and dialect, my Granny asked, “Are you chilin’ ready to carve your Halloween punkins?”
Please get me a soft cloth from one of the ragbags in the laundry room for me to use to polish the silver.
We saw a number of ragtops on the highway today, with folks enjoying driving on such a warm, sunny day.
Their nation’s police force is known for its rampant brutality.
The militia leader taught us how to use ramrods in preparing the charges in our firearms.
Ramsons are an edible wild garlic that come from a flower in the amaryllis family.
That is about the rankest spread of weeds that we’ve ever had in our garden.
The detective was quite experienced in dealing with kidnappers and their ransoms.
I bet that it was those rascals down the street from us who poured dish soap into the neighborhood’s fountain.
Those ratbags in the legislature are in it for their own financial gain, and they don’t care about the average citizen.
That ratfink told all of my friends my little secret, and now I’m a pariah among them.
Their company is paying expensive consultants to rebrand their products.
I love it when the spring redbuds are in full bloom in the woods.
I found out that some people call chiggers “redbugs,” but whatever you call them, I hate the little beasties!
The redcaps at the train station were busily helping people with their luggage.
Redlegs were members of a secret organization, formed in Kansas in 1862, that engaged in guerrilla activities during the Civil War.
We need to redraft this announcement to the company’s employees; I just don’t like the tone of this first proposal.
Let me reflect on your suggestion for a few minutes; I think that you might really have a good solution there.
Please send my regrets to the Millers that I am unable to attend, but I just don’t want to give my cold to anyone else.
If you regrind medium and coarse coffee grounds on a finer setting, it will likely clog your coffee grinder.
I wonder if this chunk of clay might be a remnant of pottery from some ancient civilization.
I’m sorry sir, but car rentals have gone through the roof, and right now we don’t have any SUVs to rent.
We need to replant this in a larger pot.
This book became such a bestseller that we need to reprint it as a second edition.
I have the utmost respect for my grandparents after hearing stories about their impoverished childhood.
I can’t respond to his email just yet, as I haven’t come up with a good answer to his question.
The Governor will retract his statement from the other day because he has become aware of different facts surrounding this situation.
Try to retwist this cap off from the glass jar after you have run it under hot water for about a minute.
These riblets that are “grooved” onto the exterior of the airplane are designed to reduce drag while in flight.
My sister is always watching these sappy romcoms, and I can’t stand them!
My great-grandfather calls my dogs “ronyons,” an old word that means “mangy creature.”
I’m warning you that if you drink any of these dirt cheap rotguts, you’re going to end up getting an awful headache.
Our Human Resources company is now trying to create tech-driven rubrics that help match employees’ experience to their compensation.
My grandfather gets annoyed by little kids pretty quickly, and he calls them “munchkins” or “rugrats.”
We saw many sampans in the harbors of the East Asian cities that we visited.
Blast it; the dog has chewed up my sandals!
Rulers of the ancient Persian Satraps were often despotic in nature.
The enlightened ruler surrounded herself with savants who helped guide her successful reign.
She became an expert at uncovering the hidden secrets of the Royal Family.
Please segment the pie into eight relatively equal slices.
When a Presidential candidate selects a Vice-Presidential running mate, usually a massive amount of due diligence has gone into the choice of that individual.
The best skits in the revue were sendups of TV game shows that showed contestants acting absolutely stupid.
Ravel, Saint-Saens, and Beethoven each composed very popular septets.
Once it was invented, the sextant became the “tool” of choice for sailing ships to use in navigating the Earth’s oceans.
My aunt used to play her cello in a symphony orchestra, but she now prefers to play in smaller ensembles, especially string sextets.
Traffic signals all over town are messed up due to the lightning storms.
All of the official royal correspondence bore signets on the back flap of the envelopes.
In science class today, we learned about “silvics,” which is the scientific study of trees and their environment.
House finches are heftier than pine siskins, with a much thicker bill and a longer tail, but they’re both part of the finch family.
We binge-watched sitcoms all through the rainy weekend, and I’ve never laughed so much in my life.
Here’s a weird word for you: a “sitfast” is a sore on a horse’s back caused by too much rubbing of the saddle.
The General reviewed his morning sitreps before deciding how to adjust his troop movements for the day.
Since a low last month, COVID-19 cases have risen more than sixfold.
If you can provide me with the softest pillow that you have, then I know that I’ll sleep better.
The process uses a liquid solvent to dissolve individual plastic components off of a product.
The blue bloods were preparing their subdebs for their debutante ball that would occur in the following year.
My friend’s mom is Chinese, and when I’m invited over for dinner, she fixes the most delicious subgums.
The subject of the next chapter is civil rights legislation in the 1900s.
When she goes on multi-year overseas assignments, she sublets her condo in mid-town.
Mrs. Brown, your daughter always submits her assignments right on time, and her writing is very neat.
Pleasant-smelling things excite different subsets of receptors than putrid-smelling things do.
I don’t know how these refugees can subsist on the meager amounts of nourishment that they are provided.
This author’s style is easy to digest, but it will force you to contemplate its potent subtext.
One of my favorite all-time classic rock songs is Dire Straits’ “Sultans of Swing.”
On the cruise ship, many sunbeds were nicely laid out for all of the sunbathers.
I would never move to the already-too-hot sunbelt, because global warming is just going to make temperatures there continue to go up.
All of the clothes by this brand are sunfast, and they will never fade in even the brightest of sunlight!
Most of the folks on the beach today were careful about their skin by wearing sunhats.
My aunt has seasonal affective disorder and has a special bulb that she uses in a sunlamp; sitting under the lamp is called “phototherapy.”
Our sunsets this past fall seem to have been prettier than I’ve ever seen them before.
It looks like I got too many suntans as a teenager, so my dermatologist is always on the lookout for any little skin cancers that might pop up.
The European squirrels called “susliks” are so cute to look at.
The suspect surely looked mighty guilty up on the witness stand today, didn’t he?
The PGA had to suspend playing today in the golf tournament because of lightning storms.
We need to reorder tablets of paper with our business logo on them.
That chess grandmaster is simply diabolical with his clever tactics.
The new family that is moving in down the street is named the Talbots.
Judaism’s two Talmuds are called the “Jerusalem” and the “Babylonian.”
Lots of families had rented tandems to ride on the boardwalk today.
If the Senator goes off on a tangent every two minutes like he did at the last press conference, I’m just going to leave.
It hailed during last night’s tempest, and the unusually large hailstones actually damaged the roof of our car.
When tendons become inflamed, the condition is called tendinitis.
In the last 5 years, there has been a tenfold increase in traffic near us since so many new subdivisions have sprung up.
When young kids go bowling, tenpins is better, because the kids aren’t strong enough to deal with regular-sized bowling balls.
Last night’s Super Bowl was one of the tensest football games that I’ve ever seen.
I picked up a few tidbits of dicey information about the Smiths during our book group today.
Have you ever heard of “tiglons“; a tiglon is the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion!
Kettledrums can also be called “timbals.”
The three plays in this year’s summer series were all tinpots; I couldn’t stand any of them.
Which of these different colored tinsels do you think will look best on our Christmas tree?
If you stay here for a little while and keep focused on the tiptops of those trees, you might see an eagle!
She was the first three-time titlist in the history of the competition.
Tocsins were sounding all over the ship as an enemy submarine was identified nearby.
Tomcats in our downtown’s alleyways were wailing unusually loudly last night.
I had to have my tonsils and adenoids removed when I was five years old.
Then the fore-topmast and mizzen-topgallantmast of the Raleigh were shot away, leaving her in a crippled state.
You have to reach the topmost step of the stairway in order to obtain the best view of the city.
Oh my, I think you’ve way overdone it with the soap, and you now have tubfuls of bubbles in your bathtub!
The mayor said, “We’ve got to do something; there seems to be a vagrant at every street corner of our downtown area.”
The Vandals ruthlessly plundered Rome in the fifth century.
The spaceship approached the vastest asteroid belt that it had ever encountered.
I wonder how many vatfuls of bourbon this distillery can produce in a typical year.
The velvets on this shelf are the most expensive, but that’s because they’re made of silk.
This photographer is widely recognized for his extremely vibrant images.
The employees who just got laid off are really victims of the CEO’s mismanagement.
Mr. Spock “felt” the deaths of his fellow Vulcans on the U.S.S. Intrepid when a giant amoeba gobbled up their spacecraft (in the episode called “The Immunity Syndrome”).
Webcams of the riot were spreading fast across the Internet.
We watched the live webcast of Apple introducing its new products.
The wetland area of the Everglades is home to mammals like the marsh rabbit, the North American river otter, manatees, striped skunks, and the bottlenose dolphin.
Wigwams are Native American dwellings, usually of rounded or oval shape, formed of poles overlaid with bark, mats, or skins.
Professor Wilkins assigned chapter four of the textbook for us to read before the next class with him.
I could barely believe it, but when I saw pictures of wombats, I realized that they look a lot like the Ewoks in Star Wars!
Mom, please make sure that you put lots of wontons in the soup, because you know that’s my favorite!
Watch how this rabbit zigzags back and forth at high speed in order to get away from the fox.
I really like Shakespeare’s play “Much Ado About Nothing.”
Long, long ago, dinosaurs ruled the Earth.
Ava Gardner was a famous Hollywood actress whose career took off after her role in the 1946 movie “The Killers.”
It creeped me out when I saw the boa constrictor at the zoo today!
Let’s drive to our vacation spot via a scenic highway rather than on the busier interstate.
Abba has been one of the most popular global rock bands in history.
You’ll be charged with treason if you aid and abet the enemy!
My little sister was all agog when Taylor Swift finally came out to the stage.
The pirate captain yelled out to his partners in crime, “Ahoy, mateys!”
Don’t leave the door ajar, or flies will get into the house.
Something akin to vertigo has been bothering her.
My friend Alan just became an Eagle Scout.
Alas, I should have studied harder for that test, and now I’m afraid that I flunked it.
A cardinal alit on the big tree branch outside my bedroom window.
Did you know that your uncle Harvey is an alum of West Point Academy?
Amid the tension at the emergency room last night, I was able to keep my cool, and I helped a lot of patients.
Everyone was running amok toward the shore after someone yelled, “SHARK!”
My friend Anna got the lead role in the school play.
Summer vacation is over, and another grueling school year will begin anew tomorrow.
That area of the complex is off limits to anyone who doesn’t have special security clearance.
The diva sang a popular aria for her encore, and she received yet another standing ovation.
Asia is the largest of Earth’s seven continents.
Look atop that tall building and you’ll see Spider-Man!
A knight in this kingdom must avow complete loyalty to his Queen.
My favorite Christmas carol is “Away In A Manger.”
From afar, we could tell that the threatening storm clouds were heading towards us.
I have a bias toward listening to this news channel because their political viewpoints are similar to my own.
Dial the TV channel to see if any other basketball games are being shown.
In our small school district, the leader has dual roles as both School Superintendent and Chief Academic Officer.
The Johnstons have named their new baby boy “Noah.”
My best Christmas present was a beautiful opal pendant.
You don’t need to write me a formal report regarding this incident; just give me an oral recitation about what happened.
A tennis ball is shaped like a circle, but an egg is shaped like an oval.
I saw Mr. Ryan mowing his lawn with a new riding mower.
If I could have any car, I’d get an aqua-colored Thunderbird.
Our new boss has such an aura of confidence about her.
Load this new software on your computer, and you can be one of the folks here to beta test it.
I’d like an ice-cold glass of Coca–Cola, please.
This symbol is called a “coda,” and it tells you that you must jump to another section of the musical score.
The doctor says that the patient in room 451 has finally come out of her coma, and she seems to be doing really well.
This data suggests that the new product introduction is exceeding expectations.
Jane Austen’s book “Emma” is one of my all-time favorites.
Adding some feta cheese to the salad was a great idea!
The gala event was well attended, and it raised lots of money for charity.
If you were out in the desert and came upon a gila monster, you’d want to keep your distance, because their bite is venomous.
Susie has become quite an expert at twirling a hula hoop around her hips.
I hear that Osborn came up with a great new idea for an advertisement about this product.
Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.
Lava poured down the mountainside as the volcano was erupting.
Mom, do I really have to eat these chewy lima beans?
The lira was the currency of Italy between 1861 and 2002.
My sister Lisa has a piano recital this evening.
Look, the mama cat is licking her newborn baby kittens to keep them clean.
I think that this new song that we’ve written has the potential to become a mega-hit!
We were awed by the cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde National Park.
I finally got to see the famous painting – the “Mona Lisa” – during our trip to Paris.
We call our grandmother “Nana.”
We toured a lot of wineries during our vacation in Napa Valley, California.
I can’t stand to eat okra when it’s been boiling for a long time and has gotten really slimy.
I wish that they didn’t nickname the orca a “killer whale,” because I think that they’re quite friendly looking.
My dad called his father “papa” when he was growing up.
I was quite taken aback by her insulting comments.
When the Van Halens stepped into the house for the dinner party, Mom said, “Welcome to our humble abode.”
When the negotiations resulted in a successful truce, the President ordered the Army to abort a planned attack.
I don’t know much about Norse mythology, but I do enjoy my Thor comic books.
Due to the surgery, I have bruises above both of my eyes.
Why do so many politicians get into office and then abuse their powers?
The company was abuzz with rumors about the new owner.
The spelunkers stopped abruptly as they came upon what appeared to be the abyss of a deep chasm.
In business, you must always be ready to adapt to new technologies and to competitors’ actions.
My uncle is quite adept at card tricks.
When we were in the Southwest U.S., we saw lots of adobe buildings.
I just heard that the Parkers are going to adopt a baby girl!
The last line of the romance that we were watching ended with the protagonist saying to his wife, “My dear, I simply adore you!”
When we cross the street, each of you children needs to be holding hands with an adult.
Sherlock Holmes gleefully barked out, “Watson, the game is afoot!”
I don’t need to tell you this again, right?
The surface of the lake was aglow with the reflection of the full moon.
I’ll walk ahead, but I need all of you to stay close behind me.
Lucy, get ahold of yourself; that harmless little bug can’t hurt you in any way.
When the alarm clock went off, Dad let out a loud groan.
When you’re driving in a dense fog like this, you have to be especially alert and ready to slam on the brakes.
We must align all of the employees of the company with our new business strategy.
We must treat all of our customers alike, giving each one of them our highest quality products and services.
After Mom got over the flu, she said, “I’m pleased to report that I’m alive and well, and I’m ready to get back to my routines.”
We don’t allow anyone into our shop who isn’t wearing shoes.
I feel so alone when my dear wife is away on a business trip.
Somewhere along the way I lost my hat.
The new kid in the class is a bit aloof and snobby.
Trent, please read the next two paragraphs aloud.
The magician said to the audience, “I will now amaze you with my magical powers!”
Are there any among you who would volunteer for this important task?
No one here is more loyal to the King than I am.
NATO is currently going through naval exercises in the Baltic Sea.
This tabloid is always printing stories about the British Royal Family.
I wish that the people in that country could depose their tyrant leader.
I have good news for you; we do have one vacant apartment that we can offer you.
I just ordered three CDs from Amazon, and they’ll be here within 48 hours.
I’m proud to live in the United States of America!
Russia and North Korea seem to be forging a stronger alliance than at any other time in the past.
Thank goodness that the new boss seems to have an affable personality.
Alfalfa is used to feed several animals, including horses, cattle, chickens, turkey, and sheep.
That bartender is quite amiable, and she lets people unload to her about the various challenges in their lives.
The apparel that she chooses to wear is, frankly, a bit too young-looking for someone of her advanced age.
I wish that I could arrange flowers as beautifully as my mom does.
Banana pudding has never been one of my favorite desserts.
Her gymnastic specialty is the balance beam.
Our summer vacation will be in Quebec, Canada this year.
Save this one catalog for me, and you can throw out the rest of them.
The wealthy dowager still has a lot of pull with the King, even though her husband has passed on.
A trait that’s important for a pastor to have is empathy for all of the members of their congregation.
Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction in 1831.
The Milky Way galaxy is beautiful to look at when you’re out in the wilderness with no background city lights to suboptimize your view of the sky.
What do a honeycomb and a soccer ball have in common; they both incorporate the shapes of a hexagon.
I can’t believe that my buddy Tim got an iguana for a pet!
Did you know that our Principal has a black belt in karate?
You are lucky to have such a lovable cat; mine hisses at me all the time!
My first job coming out of college was being a restaurant manager.
The teacher said, “I think that you could make this paragraph a bit more concise.”
I think that the rutabaga is one of the most disgusting tasting things to come out of the vegetable world.
That young man will certainly receive a sizable inheritance from his tycoon father.
Let’s all go out on the veranda to relax with some delicious peach iced tea.
The cinema was packed on the opening day of the new Star Wars movie.
The district attorney decided to prosecute him even though he was a very popular celebrity.
It’s sad to see this happening, but her twin sister has now become her own worst enemy.
So, here we are on our vacation out west, where the deer and the antelope play.
Do you have a stamp that I can put on this envelope?
Our new baby granddaughter is named Josephine.
The hardest hitting element of your presentation was when you demonstrated – and proved – that our competitor’s product is highly inferior to ours.
We just don’t get to see each other often enough, do we?
The chess finalists are now even in the tournament, with five losses and five wins for each of them.
If one egg in a carton of a dozen is cracked, then you’ve still got eleven good eggs, right?
Do you want the oatmeal cookie or the chocolate chip cookie?
The zoo just announced the birth of a healthy baby elephant.
The Webb Space Telescope is the largest, most powerful, and most complex telescope ever launched into space.
My parents have gone to Florida for a week’s vacation.
Let’s level this wobbly table.
When I’m older, I want to travel all around the globe.
Do you prefer Marvel Comics or DC Comics?
Keep working this hard, and you’ll get that promotion; it’s bound to happen for you sometime soon.
A key cornerstone of the founding of the United States was that it is very wrong to persecute anyone for their religious beliefs.
I’ll use mesquite wood chips on the grill to give the steaks an enhanced smoky flavor.
The U.S. built the archetype form of government to which other countries looked toward when creating their own democracies.
Many European countries were satellite states to the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
My Granny grew up in Wartrace, Tennessee.
Oops, I think that I’ve forgotten to bring the napkins to use at the picnic.
My favorite Beethoven symphony is his sixth, often called “the pastoral.”
The bunnies were comfortably nestled in their warren on that cold, rainy night.
The CEO exclaimed, “We must execute the implementation of the new software platform with perfection.”
If I saw an alien in the woods, I’d probably faint right on the spot.
I got my algebra test back, and I did pretty well on it.
The rebel said, “I can’t ever go back to my home country, because they will never grant me amnesty.
My dad has a virtual arsenal of tools in our garage!
The doctor said, “It would benefit you a lot if you’d lose about twenty pounds.”
The cadence of chirruping crickets outside was somewhat mesmerizing.
Mom’s favorite Broadway musical of all time is “Camelot.”
The cement factory in town is hiring 25 new employees.
The doctor looked at my skin irritation, and he’s going to treat me for eczema.
The opposing army captured our hero, denounced him as a heretic, and now they’re threatening to burn him at the stake.
Has anyone ever been so kind and helpful to you that you thought they might have been a true angel from heaven?
Please turn on the oven and set the temp to 350 degrees.
Our insurance agent was very helpful to us when we had roof damage due to the big storm.
She just never had the impetus to go back to school to get a Masters Degree.
Decades ago, my great-grandfather was a javelin thrower on the U.S. Olympic team.
I’ve got to go get my driver’s license renewed before it expires in a month.
Finally, the kids are all in bed, and we can enjoy some peace and quiet.
The defendant was found guilty of libel and was ordered to pay the complainant a million dollars.
Miles Davis was simply a legend and was considered to be among jazz music’s greatest instrumentalists.
The farmer fastened his oxen up to the plow and headed out to till the fields.
Give me a bagel with cream cheese, smoked salmon and capers, and I’m in food heaven.
Heidi was absent from school today due to a bad cold and a sore throat.
The knight addressed his king, “Your majesty, how else may I be of service to you?”
Our professor was very cerebral, and she challenged our critical thinking skills with complex questions and dialog.
The character Jezebel, in the Christian Bible, has come down through the ages as the primary symbol of wanton, shameless womanhood.
The couple was in good personal financial shape when they left their jobs, and they were able to enjoy many niceties in life during their retirement.
One of the panelists on the news report was an expert on Middle Eastern international affairs covering the last 50 years.
I got to ride a camel during our trip to Morocco.
An ashen look came over her face as the dog started to bear its teeth towards her.
My new investment client wants me to take a fairly conservative approach in managing her assets.
Batman was clearly unnerved when he learned that his nemesis, the Joker, had escaped from prison.
Holmes brushed off the young pickpocket as just “your average juvenile delinquent.”
Stacy started to feel insecure about her appearance when she got braces on her teeth, and you’d rarely see her smile any more.
Please bring home a dozen eggs from the grocery.
The painter set the canvas up on her easel and started to paint the beautiful landscape.
That was a decent meal, for sure, but it’s certainly not a 5-star restaurant.
It’s estimated that Thomas Edison was awarded 2,332 patents across the world during his lifetime.
How about we celebrate your birthday with a swimming party at the YMCA?
My dad is fluent in both Serbo-Croatian and English.
I haven’t eaten anything in hours, so now I’m starving!
Our embassy is located at 1813 Belvedere Avenue.
The doctor said, “This medication should remedy your pain rather quickly.”
The judge slammed down his gavel and yelled, “Order in the court!!”
The housemaid said, “Ma’am, your linens are now all nice and fresh.”
Her lucent eyes had almost hypnotized me!
What’s the answer if I add these three integers together?
They might perfume the air by releasing small molecules that smell like a whiff of strawberries, perhaps.
To “monetize” something refers to the process of turning a non-revenue-generating item into cash.
My favorite novelist is coming to our local bookseller for a book signing!
I’m proud to say that I got good grades last semester.
We need more young adults going to college with the objective of going into the sciences.
Our new baby boy has hazel eyes.
This peach should ripen in about three more days.
I’ll be there in a moment; I just need to save this file first.
As the prosecution uncovered more of his unsavory secrets, the defendant’s case was unraveling at a quick pace.
Our nominating committee is going to be very selective about who we choose as the new university president.
I’ve been in the telecommunications industry for some thirty years now.
I got a birdie on the seventh hole of the golf course today!
Put this label on the ziplock bag and write today’s date on it before you put it in the freezer.
Just think, in seven hours our flight will be over, and we’ll be at our destination for a long vacation.
The CEO pushed us to try to get patents on any new product features that we came up with.
The lutenist is performing a program that highlights the wonderful music of John Dowland.
I get such a feeling of serenity when I’m out on the lake fishing as the sun is coming up.
I give you my solemn promise that your secret is safe with me.
That imbecile in the finance department doesn’t fully understand how the impact of a big price increase is going to negatively affect our market share!
I grew up in Tupelo, Mississippi.
An ambulance with a blaring siren passed us at about 80 miles per hour.
The architect showed us a lifelike model of the proposed new shopping development.
I really like kimchi because of its potent flavor.
The famous Bayeux Tapestry depicts the events leading up to the Norman Conquest of England in 1066.
I tried to get into the U.S. Naval Academy, but I didn’t have a high enough GPA; it’s really tough to get in there!
I’m in the mood for a barbecue pork sandwich with lots of creamy cole slaw on it!
For the salad tonight, I made a simple oil and vinegar dressing.
The letter-Y is weird, because sometimes it acts like a consonant, and sometimes it acts like a vowel.
I doubt that your coat has been taken; it’s probably here in the lost-and-found.
The prince regent is ruling the country while his father is off leading the troops in battle.
Mom, there’s some kind of rodent in the basement!
Well Jones, that’s quite a novel idea; let’s try it!
Ann puts her mom on a pedestal, since Mary does so much volunteer social work.
You need to get a token to ride the subway.
The Christmas Eve church service ended with the congregation singing “Silent Night.”
Zydeco is a blues-influenced type of Cajun dance music that’s popular in Louisiana and Texas, and it’s usually played on accordion, guitar, and violin.
We dared Johnnie to go walk in the cemetery by himself last night, but he didn’t have the guts to do it.
I learned carpentry from my dad when I was growing up, and I was so good at it that I decided to build my own remodeling business.
My big sister is really talented at playing the violin.
Go check the electrical panel in the basement and see if we just blew a fuse.
We watched a YouTube of a vixen trying to defend her pups from a badger.
Depending on how far the science goes, there are often ethical issues to debate in the field of genetics.
The lead trumpeter in our jazz ensemble is simply amazing.
I hope that this alcoholic recognizes that he has a serious problem and will turn to a life of sobriety.
“To pass away” is a euphemism for “to die.”
Please hold my calls, as I have an urgent matter to attend to.
She was always a rebel growing up and had fun challenging the status quo.
I hear that they’re going to widen the highway in this part of the interstate.
We had a delicious cookout on Memorial Day.
Mr. Harris, we’ll expedite this part to you so that you can get your appliance fixed as quickly as possible.
It’s inherent in human nature that much of the population does not like change, and they prefer to maintain the status quo.
The CEO knew that the Board of Directors would give him a “no confidence” vote, so he proactively resigned and abnegated his authorities to his CFO.
All of the women in my mom’s book group are fun to be around.
Mom, is this towel clean or dirty?
The preacher’s sermon was hitting the mark, and cries of “hallelujah” were yelled out all throughout the church service.
Because so many people came to her funeral ceremony, it was a testament to how many lives she had positively touched.
In this sci-fi novel, there’s a telepath who gets into other people’s minds and gets them to commit crimes.
Superpower world nations are still competing with each other for global hegemony.
When Susan got up on the stage and tried to yodel, we all cracked up laughing, and so did she!
Kids, you won’t be disappointed to hear that school has been canceled for today due to the severe ice storm that hit last night.
Does your school have a policy that outlines a student dress code?
We’re going to a resort on the coast of Mexico for our vacation.
My aunt is a civil rights attorney.
That’s a ludicrous idea, and it would be disastrous for us.
I need to sharpen this pencil.
Turn the sound up, because the speaker is barely audible.
This state park is a great place to examine fossil beds.
We have a paucity of goods for our church’s food pantry, and we need to stock up on more supplies.
Their friendship was forged in the crucible of Marine boot camp.
That final exam was close to impossible!
An errant missile whizzed by and missed the hospital by just 200 yards or so.
I was the victim of a purse snatcher on Saturday night when I was downtown.
Our family absolutely stays away from talking politics at Thanksgiving dinner.
It’s sensible to stay off of the roads with so much ice and snow on the ground.
There’s lot of debate on whether artificial intelligence will be mostly good or bad for humanity.
A plausible explanation for the computer glitch is that our system might have gotten hacked.
The imminent scholar was fluent in both Latin and Greek.
I hope that the judge will be somewhat merciful, especially since this is his first offense.
Mom’s fixing hominy grits for breakfast; I hope that she puts lots of extra sharp cheddar cheese in it!
We took a memorable boat ride on the mighty Mississippi River.
I was able to hand-feed a giraffe at the zoo today.
With all sincerity, your performance last night was top notch!
The blacksmith pounded the metal into shape on top of his anvil.
We hope that our new product initiatives will give our competitors major heartburn.
We worshipped at an interesting church while we were on vacation.
Trust, me, you absolutely don’t want the hassle of suffering from identity theft.
The children are now all comfortably tucked into their beds.
In this particularly ugly case, the ends definitely did not justify the means.
That group of politicians actually seems to be proposing legislation that will benefit the average citizen.
I find my Monday meditation group to be very relaxing.
Darth Vader led the evil Empire in Star Wars.
I wonder if that’s a real Rolex watch or just an imitation.
My snowbird friends are staying in Florida for a month during the coldest part of winter.
Honey, would it be possible for you to stop at the grocery on your way home from work?
We got a call from the security company saying that the house alarm has gone off.
I’ll make the deviled eggs for our picnic.
I called the 800-number and activated our new credit card.
With this broken leg, my lack of mobility is a serious limitation in my being able to get around town.
Son, this little cut on your arm is not a medical emergency, so please calm down.
We get to go to a Cincinnati Bengals football game this coming weekend!
Don’t worry, you are absolutely NOT a criminal suspect in this investigation.
The assassination of Abraham Lincoln was a disaster for the United States since he’s generally considered to have been our greatest president.
When you babysit for your younger brother, it’s your responsibility to make sure that he doesn’t get into any trouble.
That dedicated worker is the first to get into the office, and she’s the last to leave.
The reunification of East and West Germany was a milestone of 20th century history.
Calistoga, California is known for hot springs, mud baths, and wineries, including one set in Castello di Amorosa, a medieval-style castle.
There’s no minimum quantity requirement for the purchase of this product.
That clause is not applicable in this rental unit, since it doesn’t have a swimming pool.
That abandoned mental institution gives tours, and it’s said that there are ghosts in there!
My grandma still hasn’t entered the digital age, and she doesn’t own a computer or a cell phone.
You have to be 18 years or older to be eligible to enter this drawing.
I’ve got my bachelors degree in communications.
I hope that the storm doesn’t knock out our electricity.
We stayed at a rental home right on Lake Michigan, and it was gorgeous.
Right now is the optimal time of day to be playing golf.
It is now my privilege to introduce our guest speaker to the stage.
She voluntarily stepped up to lead the project.
You should have seen the trick that he pulled on me on April Fool’s Day.
The chef said, “I have used juniper berries on wild game such as venison, as well as a flavoring for vegetables and even desserts.”
Mr. Spock looked up from his viewer and uttered his often-heard exclamation, “Fascinating!”
My uniforms are filthy, and I need to get them washed.
Benjamin Franklin is certainly one of the most important historical figures in U.S. history.
Please wrap these leftovers up in some aluminum foil.
Our dog isn’t some fancy breed; he’s just an ordinary mutt.
I’m leading a longitudinal research project where we’re tracking a group of people for 20 years.
The city’s beautification initiative has certainly made our downtown more attractive.
In Sunday School this morning, we learned more about the Virgin Mary.
Are you a Republican or a Democrat?
Make a duplicate of this in case you lose the original key.
I don’t have the authority to refund your money, so I’ll get my boss and bring him over to talk to you.
The boss asked us to neaten up our work cubicles since the CEO is coming over tomorrow for a tour of the call center.
A 747 jet engine is around 160 decibels immediately behind the engine (only machinery can get that close).
If you buy our main product, we offer a number of ancillary products that can further augment your user experience.
Mom does a lot of her charity work at a nearby food kitchen.
When you were growing up, did you ever have an imaginary friend?
I think I’ll heat up some marinara sauce to go on the pasta tonight.
When we visited Monticello – out near Charlottesville, Virginia – we saw a number of cool things that Thomas Jefferson had invented.
Buzz Lightyear yelled, “To infinity and beyond!”
Please call me back on my mobile phone.
My little brother is so gullible that when I told him that there was a shark in the lake, he actually believed me.
The mayor has just chosen a new police commissioner for the metropolitan police force.
The coach’s halftime address in the locker room was inspirational, and we played much better in the second half because of it.
The famous U.S.S. Constitution is docked in the Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston.
The wizard was said to have had dangerous mystical powers, so no one ever wanted to get on his bad side.
Sherlock Holmes said, “I wonder what evil machinations Dr. Moriarty is concocting these days.”
Mom, what culinary masterpieces are you cooking me for my birthday dinner?
Did you know that gerbils are safer than hamsters for very young children, because they almost never bite.
The judge barked to the prosecuting attorney, “How is your line of questioning in any way pertinent to this case?”
The pianist’s facile fingers took total command of the keyboard, and she played the concerto like she could have done it in her sleep.
There are still an estimated 100 to 200 groups of indigenous peoples across the Pacific Islands and South America that we would likely call “primitive societies.”
The country’s troops committed one atrocity after another, obviously caring nothing about the Geneva Convention and the rules of warfare.
The eye doctor dilated my pupils in order to examine them.
It’s funny to get the reactions of some little kids when you first tell them that humans are actually animals, too!
The old king finally abdicated his throne in favor of his son, the prince, admitting that he could no longer carry out his duties due to poor health.
Tony Curtis, the actor, was famous for his light comic roles, especially his role as a musician escaping from gangsters in Some Like It Hot (1959).
In one of our nursing school classes today, we learned how to apply a tourniquet to a trauma wound.
Punitive damages are damages that are assessed in order to punish the defendant for outrageous conduct – or to reform or deter the defendant and others from engaging in conduct similar to that which formed the basis of the lawsuit.
I finally realized that it was an act of futility for me to try to learn to play golf, so I gave up trying and switched to pickleball.
She had an unusual ability to interview people very effectively to find out if they were a good fit for a job or not.
As much as humans have learned about all kinds of sciences, “gravity” is one place where we lag; if we are to be honest, we do not know what gravity “is” in any fundamental way – we only know how it behaves.
When the lifeguard saw a child in peril – possibly caught in a powerful riptide – she rushed into the water, swam out to the child, and brought him back into shore safely.
The Earth is some 4.54 billion years old, but human civilization has existed for only the last 6,000 years or so, a blink of an eye in comparison!
Son, I like your positive attitude about having lost the game today; rather than whine and moan about it, you are going out to practice more so that you can do better next time!
Here are examples of what we call “universal truths”: the sun rises in the east; the Earth revolves around the sun.
Everyone on the team was jubilant about having won the state championship.
Man, your dog has the grossest halitosis that I’ve ever smelled!
I have exciting news; the Martins are going to have a new baby girl in 8 months.
Wisconsin is called the “dairy state” because it produces so many dairy foods, especially cheese.
I can’t thank you enough for your wonderful hospitality; you are an amazing hostess!
Now honey, that’s just a fanciful notion that there are real live fairies that come out in the woods at night.
In the mid-1600s, the Puritans in England actually executed their king, Charles I.
His vanity took a big whack when his girl friend dumped him.
There are a lot of quirky people in their extended family!
Of the planets in our solar system, I think that Jupiter is the coolest looking one.
My cousin flies Black Hawk helicopters in the military.
A blight almost destroyed the French wine industry in the 1870s, but French grapevines were nursed back from the brink of extinction with the help of rootstock from – you’ll never guess it – the state of Missouri!
I will only put these garments in the washing machine if I set it to a “delicates” cycle.
The pasta dish that I’m making tonight calls for vermicelli, not spaghetti.
I notice that my young granddaughters certainly love unicorns!
I thought that Chicago was in Indiana, but it’s in Illinois.
I can hardly wait to go on our vacation to southern California.
We enjoyed the city of Lisbon on our visit to Portugal.
If you wrap the gift up, I’ll put the ribbon on the box.
Richard Nixon did some pretty radical things as president, like putting price controls into place and visiting Communist China.
Don’t forget to put a period at the end of each sentence.
I’d like to see someone make a horror movie about a giant man-eating octopus.
I think that I see a police car parked on the side of the highway up ahead.
Let’s solicit the Finance Team for funds to get this powerful new software.
The mandolin is a great instrument to have in a band that plays bluegrass music.
Mom, why is the flight attendant showing us how to connect our seatbelts; everyone knows how to do that!
I saw a gorilla banging his chest at the zoo today.
Tiger Woods has always been my idol among pro golfers.
This old-time locomotive will put a lot of black smoke into the air.
You’ve got to cut out eating all of that junk food and eat things that are more wholesome and nutritious.
I like to put lots of lemon juice on my grilled fish.
Class, we’re going to work on lesson thirteen in your science textbook today.
Good for you; you got that answer correct.
The word “glad” is a synonym for the word “happy.”
I once lived in Greenville, South Carolina.
I’m feeling kind of melancholy today.
I can’t get that catchy melody out of my head, and it’s driving me nuts!
The tour guide said, “Welcome to our beautiful island.”
Are you going to vote for the Democratic or the Republican candidate?
Now Tommy, it’s not nice to call someone an idiot!
Here’s a crazy big word for you to learn: an “ailurophile” is a cat lover.
It’s a shame that the woolly mammoth is extinct; I’d love to see a real one up close!
Biology class was gross today; we had to dissect a dead frog.
Did you know that birds descended from a group of meat-eating dinosaurs called theropods?
An important nutrient in bananas is potassium.
Let me know when you complete your homework, and then we can play a board game.
There was funny occurrence at school today; a dog got into the building, and no one could catch it.
An important leadership trait to have is to be a great communicator.
According to the “Worldometer,” there are 44 sovereign countries in Europe.
The defense lawyer barked, “Objection, your honor!”
A nuclear war would likely lead to worldwide obliteration.
Hey kids, what’s the commotion upstairs; you’d better not be breaking anything!
My uncle is a pilot in the Air Force.
The King ruled over his dominion with an iron fist.
If someone sneaks up on me from behind and yells “BOO!” I have an automatic reaction of jumping up and screaming.
I hear that the Carlsons have undertaken a big kitchen remodeling project.
In that horror movie, a demon took over the protagonist’s body and made him do very evil things.
My sister drives a Toyota Corolla.
My mom is a fitness nut, and she’s obsessed with never gaining any weight.
The waitress turned to the child and asked, “Can I get you your favorite carbonated beverage?”
This curry that I’m cooking just wouldn’t be right without some coconut milk in it.
This chapter is an introduction to the Ancient Greeks.
Mom, the violets in your flower arrangement are simply gorgeous.
It would be awesome if you guys could come to my birthday party.
Wow, Mona, your new boyfriend is really handsome.
Military operations should always try to avoid collateral damage that could harm civilians.
I love the old western tale about the gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
Kokomo, Indiana is named after a Miami chief, and it is known as “The City Of Firsts” due to innovations that occurred in tandem with the birth of the natural gas extraction industry there, especially as it pertained to automobile manufacturing.
Sherlock Holmes was frustrated with the monotony of not being on a challenging case.
In this tour of our extensive cave system, you will see many geological oddities.
My dad’s best dress shirts are monogrammed with his initials.
Freemasonry is fundamentally a self-improvement, volunteer association that teaches moral, intellectual, and spiritual lessons through three initiation ceremonies.
Let’s hire Masterson’s Catering Services to prepare the food for our big party.
The defense lawyers are trying to get the case thrown out as a frivolous lawsuit.
The Naval Commander ordered his armada to stand down as the enemy vessels turned and headed away from them.
Let’s break the trip into two days, and we’ll find a motel in Stockton, California tonight.
The population of Jefferson County is increasing about four percent each year.
The financial analyst said, “With this company’s new strategic initiatives, we see strong potential growth for them this coming year.”
At this cotillion that my parents are making me go to, I have to learn about good manners, how to do formal dances, etc.
Connecticut was one of the thirteen original American colonies.
This topographic map shows why this is going to be a very difficult hike.
This is a pretty sophisticated musical composition for someone so young to have written.
In a full solar eclipse – with safe glasses to wear to avoid harming your eyes – you can see the corona of the sun.
Superman lives in Metropolis, and Batman lives in Gotham City, but I think that both cities represent the real New York City.
Look at that energetic foal gamboling about in the meadow.
That very high-pitched melody is coming from the piccolos in the orchestra.
He’s a boring speaker because he speaks in a monotone voice.
With artificial intelligence, you can’t really be sure anymore whether a photograph has been altered or not.
A pulmonary embolism is a blood clot that blocks and stops blood flow to an artery in the lung.
My buddy has a huge collection of Hot Wheels vehicles.
That grandiloquent speaker needs to tune down his pompous vocabulary so that the average person can understand what he’s saying!
I’ll have the blackened salmon for my entree, please.
Although the two of us have some major ideological differences regarding politics, we’re still great friends.
I’m a bit wired right now because I drank voluminous amounts of coffee this morning.
As a candidate for the open job position, I would give her my highest recommendation.
My grandparents called a toilet a “commode.”
When you get into that specific subject area, you’ll find that Bob is very opinionated about it.
The emergency room has been hit with so many patients that we’re a bit discombobulated right now.
I’m obliged to tell you that you have a big chunk of spinach between your two front teeth.
I expect that working on this year’s taxes will consume my entire weekend.
I love Elton John’s song “Crocodile Rock.”
Marge, you’ve lost so much weight that I almost didn’t recognize you!
We need to obtain a loan in order to buy this necessary equipment.
Salt is a great example of a product that is a simple commodity.
Okay team, you need to come up with a workable solution to fix this issue.
The fearsome beast didn’t look so dangerous when it was sound asleep.
A lady named Mrs. Peterson was our substitute teacher today, and she was really nice.
One of my favorite TV cartoon shows growing up was The Jetsons.
The group of archaeologists was given a presentation on the discovery of a new dinosaur.
Hypothetically, we could catch up with availability on the new product’s unexpectedly high demand by introducing a third shift in the factory, at least for some period of time.
We need to allocate at least a million dollars in this year’s budget for advertising expenses.
I commiserated with him about his loss in the finals match, as it has happened to me a couple of times, and I know what it feels like.
That poor lad just doesn’t have much common sense, does he?
At it’s largest geographic coverage, the Ottoman Empire reached its peak between 1520 and 1566, during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent.
Her compulsive behavior often gets her into trouble.
“Cold” is the antonym of “hot.”
It’s depressing to see how much violence there is all over the world.
In my freshman literature class, we read Shakespeare’s tragedy, Antony and Cleopatra.
My next laptop will be configured for gaming with a fast processor and lots of memory.
I’ll have an occasional bite of red meat, just to taste it, but I’m close to 100% vegan with my diet.
Kids, I assume that you want me to sign us up to use the community swimming pool this summer, right?
Jimmy, can you please collect all of the tennis balls that we hit over the fence?
Andrew Johnson became U.S. president after Lincoln was assassinated.
My friend Mason got a full scholarship to a good four-year college.
Did you know that Brian May, the famous guitarist from the rock band Queen, has a PhD in astronomy (well, astrophysics, to be more accurate)?!
The Borg Collective was probably the most dangerous enemy that Star Fleet faced in the Star Trek series of TV shows and movies.
Commodore Matthew Perry was assigned a mission by American President Millard Fillmore to force the opening of Japanese ports to American trade, through the use of “gunboat diplomacy,” if necessary.
My favorite board game to play when growing up was “Monopoly.”
During Japan’s Tokugawa period (1603-1867), that country’s then-xenophobic distrust of foreigners moved them to become a very isolationist nation.
The service technician says that we need a new compressor for our HVAC system.
Leonardo da Vinci is clearly one of the greatest “renaissance-man” geniuses in human history.
Our young cat is quite troublesome, and he likes to shred the toilet paper in our bathrooms.
Astrology is the study that assumes and attempts to interpret the influence of the heavenly bodies on human affairs.
If you don’t continually get some amount of strength training, your muscles will atrophy.
Rococo architecture (at its peak from 1723 to 1759, in France) is characterized by lightness, elegance, and an exuberant use of curving natural forms in ornamentation.
I’m really concerned about grandpa’s health, since his recovery from his hip replacement surgery is going so slowly.
Our teacher, Ms. Anderson, told us that she’s going to get married this summer.
The nutritionist was disgusted when she saw the table heaped with fulsome mounds of greasy foods.
If you are going to become a doctor, you are going to have to become an expert on human anatomy.
Before we continue, please lay out the objectives that you have for this particular project.
There are a number of patrons of the arts at this gala event.
Gross, an opossum just went under the deck in our back yard.
The crew on the sailing ship was becoming more and more contentious, and the captain was worried that they might attempt a mutiny.
Here’s a good example of an analogy: “Finding that lost dog will be like finding a needle in a haystack.”
The weather today is going to be oppressive, with high heat, humidity, and smaze.
Since they have a large family, they are going to have to find a commodious apartment to rent.
In the Bible, Samson’s strength was his long hair.
My mom is opposed to letting young girls wear any kind of makeup.
I bet that it’s mighty lonesome to be a lighthouse keeper living far from any population center.
Holmes said to Watson, “I appreciate that you are trying to learn my methods.”
The American colonies may not have won the Revolutionary War had it not been for the African American hero John Lafayette, who was a double agent who sent information about Lord Cornwallis to the Marquis de Lafayette.
The kids made some decent money today by setting up a lemonade stand at the end of the driveway.
The school principal has called a faculty meeting for tomorrow morning at 7:00 AM.
Do you play any musical instruments?
I was able to fulfill my desire to photograph lots of beautiful churches and cathedrals during our vacation in Paris.
The preacher walked slowly up to the pulpit, readying himself to give a fire-and-brimstone sermon.
I have not had much success at trying to become a decent golfer.
Wait just a minute, and I’ll be right there.
I love to watch fireworks on our July the Fourth holiday.
What number do you get when you subtract 22 from 88?
August might be my least favorite month since it’s always so hot and humid.
We need to buy some more aluminum foil the next time that we go to the store.
My mom is an alumnus of Agnes Scott College in Decatur, GA, part of the Atlanta area.
My favorite character in the Peanuts comic strip is Linus.
This lettuce is very crisp and fresh.
Though I admit that the clown act at the circus was pretty amusing, I still think that clowns, in general, are pretty creepy.
I’m going to order the fettuccine with Alfredo sauce for my entree.
I’ll have a medium sized soft drink, please.
The crowd was almost in a state of pandemonium when the Rolling Stones came onto the stage to perform.
This thriller was about terrorists who acquired enough plutonium to make a nuclear bomb.
One of my favorite dictums is attributed to Albert Einstein: “Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler <than necessary>.”
Son, I like your class’s history curriculum because it teaches you about the War of 1812, which I never learned about when I was growing up.
I think that there’s a possum rummaging around in our garbage cans.
There’s a legend that the brothers Romulus and Remus founded the city of Rome, and that as babies they had been raised by a she-wolf.
Did you hear that Dad is thinking about buying a new Toyota Prius?
The planet Venus has an average surface temperature that’s somewhere around a toasty 867 degrees Fahrenheit.
This is completely voluntary, but we could surely use some more help serving food at the nearby soup kitchen.
The nucleus of an atom consists of electrically positive protons and electrically neutral neutrons.
The team finally started to gain momentum in the early fourth quarter, and with two more touchdowns, they handily won the football game.
Class, there are three bonus questions at the end of the test that could help you to get a higher grade.
If we don’t find shelter soon – and a deep cave would be ideal – we’re going to succumb to this brutally cold weather.
They moved the boulder using a stone as the fulcrum and a crowbar as the lever.
The ad says that their spa will provide you with a superior experience.
C’mon Chuck, don’t be a wussy; climb up there and jump off of the high dive!
Lots of folks don’t realize that Columbus led four different transatlantic voyages to the New World.
It’s a lot easier to throw a Frisbee than it is to throw a discus.
This model car is premium-priced because of all of its extra bells and whistles.
What number do you get when you calculate 20 minus 14?
The crew was successful at sailing around the world in record time.
The snooty waiter said, “Might I suggest the filet mignon, served with a shallot / cabernet reduction, and prepared medium rare?”
Our fresh pastas are made only with the finest durum wheat.
I tend to prefer citrus-flavored soft drinks to all other kinds.
Have you submitted your resume yet, for the open job position?
When you’re a race car driver, you must focus very hard behind the wheel; otherwise, you could find yourself in the middle of a horrible accident.
We must find a way to supplant these radical extremists in our political party with more moderate thinkers.
The caucus was in a tense debate about who should become the nominee, but after 48 hours, no front-runner began to appear.
I don’t know why banana pudding is so popular; I just simply can’t stand it.
Because of its incredible new songs, the rock group’s third album outsold the first two albums combined.
There was a ruckus at the opposite end of the bar, and before we knew it, two big guys were duking it out and throwing bottles at each other.
The consensus of the class is that they’d rather go to the natural history museum than to the art museum.
The candidate held a forum – town hall meeting style – and the crowd pelted her with very difficult questions about controversial topics.
The abacus is a calculation tool that was independently developed – with slightly different designs – in many cultures all over the world.
That politician is just spewing a bunch of hokum; you can’t really take him seriously.
The magician said, “Hocus–pocus,” and then he pulled a rabbit out of a hat.
It is a sublime day for a round of golf!
The two Opium Wars (in the 19th century) between European powers and China weakened the Chinese government’s authority and forced China to open specified treaty ports (including Shanghai) to Western merchants.
“Despite the nodus of the car not starting, they both managed to get to work on time.”
In 1922, the typhus epidemic reached its peak in Soviet territory, with some 20 to 30 million cases in Russia.
When you are on the witness stand in a court of law, you must answer all questions truthfully.
The hardest math course that I ever took was calculus.
In the beauty products industry, there are all kinds of face and hair serums that you can buy.
In the story of Noah in the Bible, flood waters inundated the entire planet.
The Colonel yelled, “We must not let the enemy surround us!”
I just love the autumn colors in New England.
This pulley system lifts your bike high on the wall and frees up floor space.
You can take tours of this abandoned insane asylum, but I will guarantee you that it will totally creep you out!
It’s obvious to anyone that Albert Einstein was a complete genius.
Pope Pius XII employed diplomacy to aid the victims of the Nazis during World War II and, through directing the church to provide discreet aid to Jews and others, saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
She doesn’t know what she’s talking about, so most of what she says is just a lot of bunkum.
I wish that he would not subject me to yet another discussion about all of his health problems.
If we keep the pressure on, I think that the enemy troops will surrender soon.
Gypsum can be used in making plaster of Paris, ornamental materials, fertilizers, etc.
Five of our favorite restaurants are within a 3-mile radius of our house.
Mozart’s Requiem is considered by many to be his grandest opus.
If you fill a balloon with helium – and then breathe it in – when you talk, it makes you sound hilarious.
Suffice it to say, I’m never going back to that lousy restaurant!
Global supply chains plummeted into chaos due to the combination of the COVID-19 pandemic and Putin’s war with Ukraine.
It’s our civic duty to fill out the U.S. census paperwork every ten years.
The U.S. Supreme Court was designed to be a check and balance on both the Executive and Legislative branches of American government.
A magnum of wine holds twice the liquid of a standard 750 mL wine bottle.
Make sure that you don’t trip on the stairs as you approach the podium to speak.
I try to keep to a very low sodium diet, because too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes.
When sunlight is passed through a prism, the white light is separated into its full spectrum of its component colors.
Marie Curie won the 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her discovery of the elements polonium and radium, and she was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize for her research.
My allergies have given me a bad case of sinus congestion.
There’s a suspicious-looking character roaming around the parking lot, so I’m going to report him to the police.
Lots of foods are high in the important nutrient calcium, such as orange juice, dairy products, canned beans, and certain green vegetables.
I did well learning addition, subtraction, and multiplication, but division threw me for a loop!
The president’s State of the Union address will be a litmus test for whether he starts off his reelection campaign strongly or not.
My dad drives a fire engine red Ford Taurus.
In the Christian religion, Jesus Christ is considered to be the son of God.
The CEO has called a meeting to get an update on the status of our software migration.
Is your perspective based on subjective opinion, or is it based on cold, hard facts?
Your cranium is the part of your skull that encloses the brain.
Mom gave us an ultimatum: if we don’t get our bedrooms spit-shined by dinnertime, then we can’t watch TV for a week!
The democratic process cannot be allowed to be subverted through unlawful protests.
She planted her feet firmly into the stirrups and compelled the horse to take off like a rocket.
The Lord and Lady hosted the King and Queen with completely proper decorum.
I got some great photos of flowering cactus plants at Saguaro National Park.
If you get a subpoena to be a witness in a trial, you must attend the trial to testify.
This city is a victim of suburban sprawl; it grew too fast and the highways desperately need to be upgraded to handle the current heavy traffic.
I responded to a Gallup poll on the phone; they asked who I was most likely to vote for in the upcoming election.
I’m pretty sure that Mom suspects that we’re going to throw her a surprise birthday party.
Brutus agreed to be a part of the assassination of his friend because he feared Julius Caesar’s power and allowed himself to be manipulated by others who used his good nature against him.
Tommy, I think that this paragraph is a slight bit long-winded; could you tighten it up and say this more succinctly?
We need a tasty hummus dip to go with these pita chips.
“E pluribus unum” is the U.S. motto meaning “out of many, one”; you’ll see it on the Great Seal and on lots of American currency.
I suppose that you can go to Susie’s party, but I expect you to be home by 11:00 PM.
Don’t you love those gorgeous wispy cirrus clouds?
In Egyptian mythology, the Lotus flower is associated with the sun; this is because they bloom by day and close by night, and the Egyptians even believed that the lotus gave birth to the sun.
Any male who wears suspenders with their formal suit is not exactly in step with today’s fashion trends!
The island nation of Cyprus is known for gracious hospitality, Neolithic ruins, Byzantine churches, and wonderful Greek-inspired food.
The way that they are organized and compensated protects their status quo, and I don’t think that they have any impetus to change for the better.
When I was looking through the periscope and saw an enemy destroyer in the distance, I suggested to the captain that we submerge the submarine.
When I realized that this was a bogus scam, I immediately hung up on the salesperson.
Eat a bit of trail mix, and it should sustain you for the remainder of the hike.
Sirius Black is one of my favorite characters in the Harry Potter saga.
The campus where I attend university is quite sprawling.
The detective said that they had finally caught the hoodlum who’d been robbing houses in the vicinity of where we live.
Airlines do not permit any Lithium Ion batteries in checked-in baggage; if found, they will be confiscated, but you will be not be arrested.
You must be at this minimum height or taller to ride this roller coaster.
Up on the rostrum, there were three professors who were experts in the field of Middle Eastern archaeology.
Patients with an injury to the sternum or the breastbone typically experience a sudden onset of chest pain at the time of injury.
The doctor said, “With heavy mucus discharge like you’ve got, you obviously have a dandy of a head cold.”
That poor boy doesn’t even have a modicum of common sense.
At the grocery store this morning, we saw a toddler having a serious tantrum, and the poor mom had no idea what to do with him.
Our marketing professor took a brief detour from his lecture today, and he talked about how we should be wary of subliminal advertising.
There wasn’t an empty seat at the stadium at this year’s Super Bowl.
Did you know that the average male walrus weighs around 2,200 pounds?
Kidney damage has been seen in humans and animals after inhaling or ingesting uranium compounds.
I can’t decide whether I want maple or boysenberry syrup on my pancakes.
Please bring me some ketchup to go with my french fries.
We studied the Old Testament Book of Exodus in Sunday school this morning.
The CEO said, “I’ve seen some sloppy processes in our factory these last few months; please resurrect the quality control practices that we committed to two years ago and get things under control!”
Mushrooms, molds, mildews, smuts, rusts, and yeasts are each a type of fungus.
That pussycat LOOKS sweet, but if you get close to it, it will hiss at you and try to bite you!
That pretty baby looks just like an angelic cherub.
The conundrum that Holmes faced was whether to enlist Watson’s help or not; what he would ask of his friend could be very dangerous.
We heard an erudite podcast last night about what the typical traits and behaviors of dictators are.
In classical mythology, in defiance of Zeus, the god Prometheus stole fire from Olympus and gave it to humankind; thus, he was chained to a rock where an eagle daily tore at his liver, until he was finally released by Hercules.
The president’s phone calls were instrumental in getting enough votes for the bill to pass.
The defendant is being charged with involuntary manslaughter.
Krampus, in central European popular legend, is a half-goat, half-demon monster that punishes misbehaving children at Christmastime, and he is the devilish companion of St. Nicholas.
Thank goodness, the flood waters have finally subsided!
My favorite composition by the composer Frederick Delius is “On Hearing The First Cuckoo In Spring.”
This singer’s lugubrious love songs are too depressing for my tastes!
Dagnabbit, my computer has been hit with an aggravating virus!
We’ll be driving through Albuquerque, New Mexico on our trip to check out the alien and UFO territory around Roswell.
If you turn the stereo to its maximum volume, it might blow out the speakers.