Click here for educator instructions on how students will use these Phonics Read-Along sentences


Phonics Read-Along “Daily Living” Sentences – SET FIVE


For grown-ups: the link at the very top of this page will explain how the student will use this activity. The sentences below are “random-topic / daily living” kinds of subject matters. These range from at-home, to at-school, to at-work, to shopping, to pets, etc., etc.

The sentences often have “somewhat adult” words in them (in black-colored font), because one of the purposes of this activity is to help to build ORAL vocabulary for children. But there is no expectation that your early-learning readers would be able to READ the black words.

The red words, however, are intentionally placed as written “teaching words.” We DO want the students to learn to read these written red words. The fancy term for what we are doing is “building an explicit, systematic phonics scope and sequence.” In layperson terms, we are exposing students to phonics-learning in a logical order, suggesting that the word “phonics” can be described in a more user-friendly way as “letter-sound-matching.” Ex: EA sounds like letter-name (“long-vowel”) E in “meat.” EA sounds like “short-vowel” E in “bread.” And EA sounds like letter-name (“long-vowel”) A in “steak.” It is the massive variation of so many “spelling patterns that offer multiple sounds” that makes learning to read the written English language so challenging for so many of our nation’s students.

Thus, we want to move from the “simplest-to-understand” letter-sound matches to the more complex ones, in a very gradual fashion. You will see our descriptions starting with Lesson 1 as often using “V” and “C.” “V” is for “vowel,” and “C” is for “consonant.” “VC” means that it’s a 2-letter “vowel-consonant” word. “CCVCC” means that it’s a 5-letter “consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant-consonant” word. Etc.

Also, we will NOT introduce a letter-sound match until it “gets its own specific focus time.” Example: when we get to covering in Lesson 24 the “long-U –> consonant –> silent-E pattern,” we WILL have words like “mule,” “cute,” “fume.” But we will NOT offer up the word “huge” at this point, because we have not yet taught that “G” sometimes sounds like “J,” as in the words “gem,” “giant,” “fudge,” etc. We’ll cover “huge” later, in Lesson 47 about “soft-G” (G sounding like J).

Finally, we plan to build written vocabulary with the red words in as “simple” a fashion as we can, and you will notice that it will be quite some time before the student ever encounters even a 2-syllable red word. For as long as we can, we will concentrate on making the red words ONLY 2,3,4, & 5-letter SINGLE syllable words.

A printable pdf of the red-teaching-words can be accessed here: (TBD)

Our ultimate objective is to make this AOCR phonics-learning activity the most powerful and comprehensive resource ever created for building letter-sound-identification mastery, thus becoming THE place where all American children go to “learn their phonics.” And our intention is to comprehensively cover — from a probability perspective of what letter-sound oddities one is likely to be hit with over one’s entire reading life — 99.5% of anything that one would ever encounter. It will all be right here, free to the world, in one convenient, easy-to-use digital portal. It’s right here to “work every child’s brain” with what s/he individually needs in terms of differentiated practice and repetition. It’s right here to allow each teacher to bring it to every child’s brain, without the teacher needing to be a linguistic expert, nor being expected to memorize all of this crazy stuff!

(You may ask why we have “set one,” “set two,” etc. Frankly, each “set” hits a point within our WordPress software where we have loaded so much information that things start to bog down. Thanks for being patient with us regarding this minor inconvenience.)


Click here to go straight to Activity 58) MORE WAYS TO SPELL THE “LONG-O” SOUND

Click here to go straight to Activity 59) MORE WAYS TO SPELL THE “LONG-U” SOUND

Click here to go straight to Activity 60) MORE WAYS TO SPELL THE 5 SHORT-VOWEL SOUNDS

Click here to go straight to Activity 61) LETTERS “S” & “H” MAKING THE CONSONANT-“SH” SOUND

Click here to go straight to Activity 62) LETTERS “C” & “H” MAKING THE CONSONANT-“CH” SOUND

Click here to go straight to Activity 63) LETTERS “T” & “H” MAKING THE “HISSING” CONSONANT-“TH” SOUND

Click here to go straight to Activity 64) LETTERS “T” & “H” MAKING THE “BUZZING” CONSONANT-“TH” SOUND

Click here to go straight to Activity 65) CONSONANT-D CAN SOUND LIKE CONSONANT-T 



Letters “OA”:


That poor oaf is always tripping over his own feet.


Is that an oak or an elm tree?


I ate every last oat of my oatmeal.


Clowns in a circus can really act like complete oafs.


If it weren’t for oaks and their acorns, I don’t know what squirrels would eat.


Grab a new bag of oats for us to feed the horses with.


That’s the boat that will take us on a cruise around the harbor.


The coal industry, as a source of fuel, has fallen on hard times.


Coat the chicken breast with this egg mixture, then dip it into the panko crumbs.


Could I coax you into having another piece of lemon chess pie?


I love watching that foal as he romps in the pasture.


Take a look at that bubbly sea foam.


I will not let you goad me into a fight; I’m just walking away.


My biggest goal for the coming year is to start to learn to speak Spanish.


Goat cheese has a strong flavor, but I really like it.


The news reporter discovered that their claim was just a hoax.


Load the washing machine and set it to “heavy wash.”


Can you pick up a loaf of pumpernickel bread on your way home?


Let’s use this loam to create a plaster-like mix.


Can you loan me your toolbox for the weekend?


All he does is moan and groan if you ask him to help you with anything.


The Queen’s castle had a large moat around it for protection.


Gross, there’s a dead skunk in the middle of the road.


Roam around the fairway next to the woods and see if you can find any lost golf balls.


Principal Roan is our school’s sports teams’ biggest cheerleader.


That horse has a beautiful roan coloring to it.


A soak in a hot tub will help make my sore muscles feel better.


I’ve always thought that soap-on-a-rope was a rather odd invention.


Class, can anyone remember what the difference between a frog and a toad is?


The cowboy yelled to his horse, “Whoa, boy, calm down!”


Here he goes again; he’s going to boast about getting an A-plus on the test.


Most of the fishing boats will have headed out to sea by 5:00 AM.


The West Coast of the U.S. is under a tsunami watch because of a huge earthquake in the Pacific.


Okay kids, put on all of your coats so that we can go outside for recess.


This spring, we were blessed with three new foals on our farm.


If an animal foams at the mouth, it might be a sign that it has rabies.


My uncle goads me into an argument about politics every time that I see him.


If it wasn’t for our three field goals in the football game, we wouldn’t have won.


Farmer Brown raises goats and hogs.


Poor Mom had to do four loads of laundry today.


That boy just loafs around and doesn’t accomplish anything.


Our bank’s Branch Manager has a good sense for making successful loans to customers.


My little brother moans when it’s his bedtime.


Because of a severe drought, the moats around castles in this region have mostly dried up.


Where we plan to hike, we’ll be driving on lots of dirt roads to get to the trails.


There’s a new cat in the neighborhood who roams around our yard most days.


I think I’ll roast a chicken for dinner tonight.


This recipe says that the pork soaks in the marinade in the fridge overnight.


Mom always puts out fancy soaps in the guest bathroom.


My son is constantly bringing home frogs and toads from the pond out back.


We’ll have a special breakfast today, and I’ll make French toast from scratch.


Eating all of that fatty, spicy food is going to bloat your stomach.


My Dad works for Broan, and they make range hoods, bathroom exhaust fans, and other products.


Nothing’s more entertaining than a good cloak and dagger spy movie.


I hear the croak of what must be a giant bullfrog.


Son, your float is bobbing, so a fish might bite the worm on your hook!


As the gloam came upon us, we could hear the sounds of night critters stirring.


I have to gloat a bit; I just won a chess game with Dad for the first time.


With a loud groan, she turned over and shut off her alarm clock.


The two friends clicked their glasses together and shouted, “Skoal!”

Letter O has the Long-O sound “roll into” the “ER” sound, i.e. the “OR” sound spelled “OAR”:

Use your oar to keep that water moccasin away from the boat!


Learn to use your oars to shift the boat to the right or the left.


We saw a wild boar in the woods, but we didn’t get near it.


A brittle looking hoar covered the windows on the icy morning.


The animals cowered when they heard the roar of the lion.


I wish that I could soar in the sky like an eagle.


They stealthily oared their canoe very quietly through the river’s waters.


I think they’re finally about to let us board the airplane.


Did you know that wild boars are pretty vicious animals?


All Ebenezer Scrooge did was hoard his money.


We could hear the roars of all the people screaming on the roller coaster.


After my test-ride of this new glider, I can tell you that I love the way that it soars so smoothly.

Letter “O” “By Itself”

Oh, by the way, did I tell you that they cancelled this afternoon’s meeting?


In certain meditation practices, you might chant a tone like, “Om.”


Our Uncle Bo was an Air Force pilot when he was younger.


The giant yelled, “Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman!


Go on up to the stage to accept your award.


Santa shouted, “Ho, Ho, Ho!”


My friend Jo is going to be an exchange student in France.


Well, lo and behold, for once you actually got here on time.


Donald Trump withdrew his support for Mo Brooks’ reelection attempt.


There is no way that I’m jumping off of that high dive!


I’m so hungry that I could eat an entire buffet table by myself.


Yo, how are you doing, good buddy?


When you’re older, you’ll learn that an “ohm” is a measure of electrical resistance.


Why Betsy, you’re behind the times; that’s old gossip about Sandra!


You may hear the saying, “He has the patience of Job,” who is a character in the Bible who is tested severely while maintaining his good character.


Noh is a form of classical dance-drama that comes from Japan.


Hey, bro; how are things going with you and your family?


The bunny scurried to and fro at great speeds, trying to escape a fox.


That golf pro can hit his drives over 300 yards!


The President made a bold statement about human rights in a speech today.


Boll weevils can do massive damage to cotton crops.


A huge bolt of lightning flashed in the sky, with thunder following it in a split second.


I’d love an ice cold glass of water to wet my parched throat.


Many folks were eyeing the frolicking colt as a future potential racehorse.


I need to comb my hair before entering the room.


I felt like such a dolt when I realized that I had on two different colored socks.


Can you please fold the towels that are in the clothes dryer?


That folk song is an old favorite of mine.


Vincent Van Gogh is a famous painter who, unfortunately, had severe mental problems.


My favorite skater won the Olympic gold medal.


Hold the golf club like this, and I think you’ll do better.


Mrs. Holt, our science teacher, lets us do lots of experiments in the classroom.


If only three other couples are involved, we can host the dinner at our house.


He gave a sudden jolt when he touched the frayed lamp cord and it shocked him.


These leftovers have mold on them, so throw them out!


A lobster will molt its shell up to twenty-five times in its first five to seven years of life.


I do some kind of exercise on most days of each week.


The latest poll shows the President with a five point lead.


I’m going to drop by the post office to mail this package.


I think I’ll have another dinner roll, please.


Guess what, there’s finally a “sold” sign up in the yard of the house down the street.


If I’m right on this, I’ll rub it in and keep telling you that “I told you so!”


If we take this route, we’ll be on a toll road for about two hours.


A “volt” is another measure of electricity that you’ll learn when you are older.


The hikers ascended to a wold, and they’d have a long stretch before reaching the base of the mountains.


Mom, when you cook my fried egg, I don’t want the yolk to be runny.


All of our teammates are close friends, and we call ourselves “the bros.”


The bolds in this painting are what make it stand out against the rest.


I’ve got a random collection of nuts and bolts in my toolbox.


This is one of the worst colds that I’ve ever had.


The colts out in the pasture are all being quite frisky today.


I don’t know why that kid combs his hair that way!


Okay guys, let’s outsmart those dolts on the other team.


I’ll show you how this card table folds up.


The folks in the car next to us seem to be laughing a lot.


Tom now holds it against me that I got the promotion and he didn’t.


Mr. and Mrs. Smith were wonderful hosts for the neighborhood Christmas party.


The kayakers received countless jolts back and forth as they went through the dangerous rapids.


I’m going to Kohl’s to shop for a new pair of tennis shoes.


Which of these molds should I use to make our Jell-O fruit salad in?


When a snake molts, it’s the only animal that sheds 100% of its skin.


David Pogue is an Emmy-winning correspondent for CBS.


The polls did a poor job of predicting election results this year.


Mom posts something new on her blog at least once a week.


That young rogue is always getting into some kind of trouble.


Mom rolls her eyes at lots of things that I say in our dinner table conversations.


This month’s bill for all the tolls that I’ve had to pay adds to forty dollars.


This new fashion statement is quite in vogue these days.


The kind of battery that you’ll need for this device is nine volts.


Whisk these egg yolks for about two minutes.


I hear that Santa Claus has a droll sense of humor.


Scooby-Doo was convinced that he’d just seen a ghost.


That’s gross the way you keep gnawing at your fingernails.


Do you see that ram perched at the top of that knoll?


Mom’s gonna scold you for eating those cookies before dinner!


A “smolt” is a young, silvery salmon in the stage of its first migration to the sea.


That nasty, hairy troll is going to demand payment before we cross this bridge.

Letters “OW”:

How much money do I owe you?


I own an antique Ford Edsel.


Dad is going to wear a bow tie to the theater tonight.


The weatherman said that a low pressure front is coming in.


Son, can you please mow the lawn in the next day or two?


Let’s row the canoe over to that shady area.


Have you heard the saying, “You shall reap what you sow?”


The car battery is dead, and we’re going to need a tow to the service shop.


I owed her $100, and I finally paid off that debt.


Dad owes me some one-on-one time for reading my favorite stories together.


My neighbor owns a popular bicycle store.


Could you give the cat a bowl of milk?


Life is a constant back and forth between personal highs and lows.


I just love the smell of freshly mown grass.


My uncle mows his lawn with an electric — not a gas — mower.


Let’s line these chairs up in neat rows.


The farmer’s freshly sown fields received a welcome gentle rain all day yesterday.


This dictator sows seeds of distrust with his speeches.


I know someone who tows cars for a living.


Our daughter just learned how to blow a bubble with bubblegum.


A crow on the back fence is cawing loudly.


The flow of water in our bathroom shower is now a frustrating trickle.


Tonight’s full moon has a hazy glow to it.


We want to try to grow tomato plants in our yard this summer.


I know exactly what you mean.


You’d better slow down, because I think I see a police car up ahead.


We’re supposed to get around three inches of snow overnight.


Let’s stow this box of Christmas ornaments in the basement.


This used car was owned by a little old lady who hardly ever drove it.


We’ll use these bowls for folks to have their cereal in.


I need to go to Lowe’s to buy some lawn and garden items.


I told Dad that I mowed the lawn this morning.


We rowed the boat out to our favorite fishing spot.


The farmer sowed all of his crops’ seeds last week.


I hate to tell you this, but my car got towed because I parked in an illegal space.


Tons of leaves from our next-door neighbor’s lot have blown into our yard.


The wind blows from different directions each day.


Crows have a high intelligence level that some scientists compare as being equal to a seven year old human child!


I’ve flown to see clients in other cities at least fifteen time so far this year.


Lava flows from volcanoes are very dangerous to any nearby human dwellings.


The handle on this flashlight glows in the dark, so you can find it easily at night.


My nephew has grown three inches taller since I last saw him!


This weed that grows in my garden drives me batty.


If I had known that you were in town, I would have had you over to dinner.


That snooty girl thinks that she knows it all.


Mom always slows WAY down at railroad crossings.


I live far enough south where it very rarely snows.


Dad stows all of his “hoardings” on shelves in the garage. 

Letters “OE”:

A doe is a female deer.


Sir Gawain will face his biggest foe, the Black Knight, in a jousting contest.


Using a hoe will help me get rid of these weeds in the garden more quickly.


My friend Joe is having his birthday party at a roller skating rink.


Edgar Allan Poe wrote lots of very creepy stories.


Certain fish roe, or eggs, become a delicacy called caviar.


I tripped coming up the stairs and stubbed my toe.


Dr. Smith from “Lost In Space” moaned, “Oh, woe is me, William!”


The army troops saw their foes coming over the hill, ready for battle.


I like the saying, “What goes around comes around” as a great description of “karma.”


The farmer hoed his garden for most of the morning.


Dad said, “There were a number of types of hoes to choose from at Home Depot today.


We saw a three-toed sloth at the zoo today.


Mom said, “I think that my toes need a pedicure.”


Granny just complained about all of her various woes all day long.


The ship’s captain was nervous about getting too close to a nearby ice floe.


The lumberjack was using a froe to strip some young trees.


Sloe is the small, sour, blackish fruit of the blackthorn, and is a flavoring in some gins.


The fishing trawler had to navigate many ice floes each day.

Letters AR have the Long-O sound “roll into” the “ER” sound, i.e. the “OR” sound spelled “AR”:    

Most folks don’t realize that in the War of 1812, it was the U.S. that actually declared war on Great Britain.


This old man with mental issues is now a ward of the state.


I need to warm my cup of coffee in the microwave.


I need to warn you that my chess play is very aggressive.


I need you to complete this assigment at warp speed.


Lots of people thought that World War One was “the war to end all wars,” but they were wrong.


That wicked witch has a humongous wart on her nose.


In this scene from the movie, the hero wards off blows from his enemy.


It warms my heart to see these kids getting along so well.


Mom always warns us to look both ways when we’re crossing the street.


I love it when the U.S.S. Enterprise from Star Trek warps to light speed.


Sneezy is my favorite dwarf in the Snow White story.


Don’t step on that hive, or a swarm of bees will come after you!


It looks like that boat is pulling into the wharf to dock at way too fast a speed.


Letters “OU”:

We’re going to eat out at a great new soul food restaurant on Friday night.


We want to make sure that we mould our kids into children of integrity.


A snake will moult its skin, on average, three to six times per year!


Why bless your souls, kids, you couldn’t have given me a better birthday present.

Letters OU have the Long-O sound “roll into” the “ER” sound, i.e. the “OR” sound spelled “OUR”:

My brother will turn four years old tomorrow.


Can you pour me another cup of tea, please?


We need to sweep away a couple of puddles on the tennis court from last night’s rain.


Our baby crawls around lightning fast on all fours.


That gourd that you got to decorate our Thanksgiving dinner table looks like it has warts.


The country will mourn the loss of this popular Senator.


When grandma pours milk on her cereal, she always splatters a little bit of it.


I wish that your dog would stop chasing our cat.


Letters “AU”:

Au jus” is the natural juice that flows from meat as it cooks, and it’s like a very light gravy.


Mom’s pearl necklace is pretty, but they’re just faux pearls.


The “Fauve” painters in the early 1900s used vivid colors and bold contrasts in their paintings.


That famous chef has won many awards for his haute cuisine cooking.


I’d like a dress with a purplish color, something like this mauve gown.


I’d like some pants that are dark brownish  gray, like these taupe trousers.

Letters “EAU”:

Mom’s fancy French term for this brandy is “eau de vie.”


My favorite acting role that Beau Bridges played was in the movie “The Fabulous Baker Boys.”


Mom’s divorced friend has a new beau, and they seem to be a good match for each other.

Letter O has the Long-O sound “roll into” the “ER” sound, i.e. the “OR” sound spelled “OOR”:   

Make sure that you lock the front door when you leave.


On the show “Let’s Make A Deal,” you have three doors to choose from.


Mom yelled, “Why is the kitchen floor so sticky?”


Letter O has the Long-O sound “roll into” the “ER” sound, i.e. the “OR” sound spelled “OER” or “OHR”:

The cow jumped o’er the moon.


There were two Boer Wars in which England fought against who we now call South Africans.


Niels Bohr was a physicist who made important contributions to quantum theory, and he won the Nobel Prize.


Letters “EW”:

That fashion designer learned how to sew when she was just eight years old.


Granny sews pretty bibs for babies who are in families of her friends.


Mom sewed up all of the holes in our various pairs of socks yesterday.

Letters “OUGH”:

Dad let me help him knead the pizza dough that we’ll use for dinner tonight.

Letters “EO”:

Michelle Yeoh is one of my favorite all-time actresses.



Letters “EW”:

Did you know that you call a female sheep a “ewe?”


I’m going to eat a few more potato chips.


It’s amazing to watch a sculptor hew a statue from marble.


Kew Gardens, in southwest London, is one of the most amazing botanical gardens in the world.


That little kitten is so cute when she makes her “mew” sound.


I got to church late, so I just sat in the back pew.


The bark from a yew tree is important for many modern drugs.


The ewes out in the pasture almost looked like they were having a social gathering!


Their dining room had beautifully hewn wood beams in the ceiling.


That huge wrestler hews his way through a crowd with ease.


Our cat mews incessantly when he wants some food.


The church pews had no cushioning, and they were uncomfortable to sit in.


They hiked through a thick stand of yews as they searched for the witch’s cottage.


Phew, that was a close call!


You need to skew your presentation more to the teachers in the audience than the parents.


Have you ever heard of a smew; I learned that it’s a Eurasian duck.


The volcano began to spew black ash and hot lava.


Our New York hotel had a great view of Central Park.


Whew, I thought the other team was going to score a winning basket in the final seconds of the game.


The tree man hewed huge dead branches from the oak tree in our back yard.


The kitty mewed until her owner finally poured her some milk.


On most political issues, my uncle skews to the liberal side of things.


We saw a flock of smews fly over the lake.


The demagogue always spews vitriol in his speeches.


That journalist’s views are generally conservative.


Loud “whews” arose from the crowd as the thrown rodeo rider escaped from the bucking bronco.


Letter U “by itself”:

Yul Brynner is best known for his acting role in the play and movie “The King And I.”


My best friend is named Hugh.


My favorite professor, Dr. Pugh, gave an interesting lecture today on gas giant planets.


The pioneers sighted a great butte rising above the otherwise flat plains.


I think that a Bach fugue is a devilishly difficult thing to learn to play on the piano.


Letter U “by itself” has the Long-U sound “roll into” the “ER” sound, spelled “URE”:

I wonder if we will ever find a cure for the common cold.


The King said, “We must mure our city behind thick walls to protect ourselves from enemy invasions.


Honey, I am so jealous of your pure, unblemished skin.


I’ve been cured of a bad case of pneumonia.


We studied a primitive tribe that had some odd cures for various maladies.


They mured their dead pharaoh deep inside a pyramid.


Their society mures its dead emperors in giant tombs.

Letters “UE”:

After hitting a bad shot, the pool shark snapped his pool cue in half.


Tonight’s sunset is giving off a more crimson hue than usual.


The movie director cued the actors on when to deliver their lines.


The music director cues the choir on when it’s time for them to stand.


This famous painter tends to prefer hues on the blue and purple side.


In England, they say “get in a queue,” rather than “get in a line.”

Letters “OU”:

I thought that I’d find you here for your hiding place.


You’d better be careful walking on that slick ice.


I know that you’ll enjoy this new dessert recipe.


I heard the gang leader bark, “Which of youse guys is gonna start the fight for us?”

Letters “EU”:

Have you heard of the famous feud between the Hatfields and the McCoys in the late 1800s?


Every time these two teams play each other, two or three feuds are likely to break out among the opposing players.

Letters “EAU”:

Oh, man, that’s one beaut of a black eye that you have!



Short Vowel A, “AU”:

My Aunt Alice taught adults who wanted to get their high school diploma.


Both of my aunts are older than my mother.

Short Vowel A, “A->consonant->silent E”:

Tell me what you have in your hand.

Short Vowel A, “AI”:

That’s a very handsome plaid shirt that you have on.

Short Vowel E, “EA”:

You’re gonna be dead when Mom finds out that you broke that vase!


My grandpa has almost gone deaf, and he uses a powerful hearing aid.


That’s disgusting; a bird pooped on my head!


Lead blocks the radiation from kryptonite that would endanger Superman.


I wasn’t dealt a single good hand of cards in today’s bridge game.


Are you going to call “heads” or “tails” when the ref tosses the coin?


I leant our set of training wheels to the Smiths that that their young son Troy could use them.


Spider Man leapt from the skyscraper to “web” his way through downtown.


I have no idea what the professor meant during that lecture on quantum physics.


In the Queen’s realm, there was peace for decades.


I think I’ll choose rye bread to make my sandwich with.


I really dread having to take tomorrow’s math test.


The Secretary of State attended the funeral in the President’s stead.


The tread on our car’s tires is getting dangerously thin.

Short Vowel E, “E->consonant->silent E”:

I had more than one delicious cepe in today’s salad.


There was a countrywide fete the day Cinderella married the Prince.


Neve Campbell is well-known for her roles in the “Scream” series of horror movies.


The two chess masters went tete-a-tete after each other’s pieces in an aggressive game.


My favorite dessert is creme brulee, especially the charred sugar on top!

Short Vowel E, “AI”:

I heard what you said; I just don’t believe you.


My cousin Craig just got a cool sports car.

Short Vowel E, “AY”:

Mom, Tommy says that he feels like he’s coming down with a cold.

Short Vowel I, “UI”:

I hear that they’re going to build a new hospital where that abandoned warehouse is.


The third pig who built the brick house was the smartest one.


A guild with people in the same trade was an important institution in the Middle Ages.


My brother had a look of guilt on his face when Mom caught him sneaking a cookie before dinner.

Short Vowel I, I->consonant->silent E:

Would you please give me that screwdriver that’s on the bench?


I wonder what it will be like to live 100 years into the future.

Short Vowel I, “EE”:

When did we last see each other; how have you been?

Short Vowel I, “IE”:

The recipe says that next I need to strain the broth through a sieve.

Short Vowel O, “A” & “AA”:

Ah, now I think that I understand your point.


The music director sang, “Fa, la, la.”


Dad yelled, “Ha, I knew that I could fix that problem with the car on my own!”


One of my favorite songs is “La Bamba,” made famous by Ritchie Valens.


My Ma always insisted that I eat everything that was on my plate.


My Pa is great at coming up with funny puns.


The doctor poked a popsicle stick in my throat and asked me to say, “aah.”


Let’s hear the nursery rhyme “Baa, baa, black sheep.”


Ebenezer Scrooge yelled, “Bah, humbug!”


My sister yelled, “Hah, I really scared you that time, didn’t I?”


Kaa is the name of the giant snake in Kipling’s “The Jungle Book.”


Nah, I don’t need any more food; I’m stuffed.


Pah, that’s disgusting; the cat just threw up a hairball!


The cheerleaders yelled, “Rah, rah, sis-boom-bah!”


The British Raj in India lasted from 1858 to 1947.


In our trip to India, we got to see the Taj Mahal.


Please wad up this paper and throw it into the trash.


My friend looked very wan after dealing with a long illness.


I said to my little brother, “I wish you wouldn’t wap me on the head like that!”


I was hoping that you’d say that!


Angkor Wat is this amazing temple complex in Cambodia.


She kept babbling on, “Yah, yah, yah!”


Honey, please bring me the bra that’s hanging to dry in the laundry room.


The jazz ensemble included a couple of ska tunes in their concert.


Mom went to a fancy spa one day while on our California vacation.


The crowd let out “ews” and “aahs” as the magician did his tricks.


One of the greatest classical composers in history was J.S. Bach.


I’m in a blah mood today.


Mom bought three new bras at the department store today.


One of my favorite desserts is flan.


My favorite brand of dress shoes is Cole Haan.


Professor Hwan okayed my doing my term paper on the subject of black holes.


Kwan Baptiste is a soccer player from Grenada.


Mach 1″ is a term for the speed of sound, which can vary slightly depending on weather factors, but is generally around 750 miles per hour.


When we eat at an Indian restaurant, I love to order the bread that they call “naan.”


Rahm Emanuel was Mayor of Chicago, and is now the U.S. Ambassador to Japan.


Mom and a number of her friends like to go to spas on their vacations.


The teacher asked, “Why are all these wads of paper all over the classroom floor?”


Harry Potter held up his wand and yelled, “Luminos!”


Tell me what you want to get for Christmas.


If my little sister waps me on the head once more, I’m going to scream!


Be careful that you don’t let that wasp sting you!


The king was grieving at the loss of his top general, and he said, “Alas, he wast my best warrior.”


On our photographic trip to Southeast Asia, we visited many impressive wats.


The sixty-watt light bulb in this lamp has burned out.


The pilgrims headed down the ghat in order to bathe in the sacred waters of the river.


Genghis Khan was one of the most fearsome military leaders in the history of our planet.


I need a cotton swab to help me take off my make-up.


Look at that beautiful swan floating on the lake.


Can I swap my grapes for your pear?


The police chief sent out a SWAT team to catch the criminal at his hideout.


J.S. Bach’s musical compositions are among the most impressive in history.


The wizards held their wands at-ready, about to attack each other with their magic.


Who wants to go see the latest Avengers movie?


There are a bunch of wasps buzzing around the back porch.

You can watch TV for a half-hour after you’ve completed your chores.


How many watts is this guitar amp rated at?


I’ve got the blahs today and need to find something to do that will cheer me up.


I love Brach candies, especially their red hots.


On our trip to South Africa, we saw one kraal after another filled with cattle.


All along the river, ghats were built so that the people could easily get to the water to bathe.


Did you know that Slavs are the largest ethnolinguistic group in Europe?


Notice how the nurse swabs your arm with rubbing alcohol before giving you your shot.


Be careful, because there are alligators all through this dismal swamp.


The swans floated by our boat looking very peaceful.


Dad swaps out his current car for a new car about every five years.


Mom swats flies with pinpoint accuracy.

Short Vowel U, “O->consonant->Silent E”:

Can I come with you to play at the park?


I hear the soft sound of a dove cooing.


I love to play golf on a warm, sunny spring day.


None of us were there when it happened.


Some of these tomatoes have rotted.


When night comes, the vampires will come out!


Doves are perched on windowsills all over that building.


I loved the latest season of that TV show.


Grandma loves to eat chocolates.


I seem to have lost my right-hand leather glove.

Short Vowel U, “O ‘By itself'”:

We’re reading the book “Of Mice And Men” by Steinbeck.


Hi, Hon; how was your day at work?


We’re proud that our son is going to enlist in the Navy.


Did you know that a “ton” weighs two-thousand pounds?


We won the basketball game by a single point.


I saw a Buddhist monk on a downtown street corner today.


We had tons of fun at Sherry’s birthday party.


John Donne, who lived from 1572 to 1631, was an influential English poet.


Did I hear someone knock on the front door?

Short Vowel U, “A”:

What in the world was he thinking when he did that?


What would you like me to fix for your birthday dinner?


You look really sad; what’s the matter?

Short Vowel U, “OO”:

The doctor said that my red and white blood cell counts are right where they should be.


Many cars and homes were ruined in the big flood.

Short Vowel U, “OU”:

I’m sorry, but you’re still too young to see that movie.

Short Vowel U, “U->consonant->Silent E”:

Mom and Dad splurged and stayed in a really luxe hotel on their vacation.




Do you think she knows that her socks are two different colors?


Shh, be careful to not wake the baby!


Their young daughter is very shy around adults.


Ash from the volcano is covering the ground.


Shad roe is the egg sac of the female American shad fish, a member of the herring family.


We’ve got to get rid of this ugly orange shag carpet after we move into the house.


By the 1970s, the Shah of Iran had built up the fifth largest military in the world.


Lots of dictators try to create a sham that they are actually a democracy.


Shaq O’Neal has always been my favorite basketball player.


The aristocrats passed by the peasants, looking down upon them from their comfy shay.


Mom’s preferred hand lotion is made from shea butter, which comes from a West African shea tree.


I wonder what she’d do if I asked her boyfriend out on a date.


Can you bring me the saw that’s in the shed in the back yard?


Some of my favorite children’s books were written by Shel Silverstein.


She’s really looking fantastic for someone at such an advanced age, isn’t she?


We’ll part a shim between these machine parts to compensate for wear.


I have a shin splint that really hurts when I run.


Ship these products overnight to this customer.


The inmate was caught with a shiv, and they put him in the hole for a week.


Be careful dealing with that guy; he’s such a shmo (also spelled “schmo”).


We shod the horse with new horseshoes this morning.


Have you ever been asleep thinking that you were falling, and then you woke up with a shog?


A great new jewelry shop opened up at the mall.


I know that it’s a long shot, but let’s give it a try.


Can you please show me how to do that exercise correctly?


My Dad’s on a diet, and he will shun eating any kind of dessert right now.


Please shut that window before the rain gets heavier.


Charlie’s New Years Eve party was quite a bash.


Don’t listen to a word coming out of her mouth; it’s all ridiculous bosh.


I need to get some cash at the ATM machine.


The robber who broke into our house hit me on the head with a cosh.


Yum, please dish me up some of that shepherd’s pie.


Please don’t fash about cleaning up your room right now; it can wait until tonight.


I wish that I could eat that, but I’m allergic to fish.


The nurse said, “My, that’s a nasty gash that you’ve got on your leg!”


Gosh, I didn’t know that you liked me so much.


It was such a strong storm that water started to gush into the basement.


I love Granny’s hash brown casserole.


Hush, you shouldn’t interrupt someone while they’re talking!


Did you know that Josh Brolin played Thanos in the Avengers movies?


Now don’t josh me about my new haircut.


Your uncle is likely to lash out in anger if you bring up politics.


We were amazed at how lush the rainforest was.


Mom, I can mash the potatoes for you.


You can put your dirty clothes into this mesh laundry bag.


The choreographer had his dance troupe end the performance with a wild mosh.


The hot sun turned my bowl of ice cream into a big mush.


The hikers took a break to nosh on some trail mix.


I think Suzy’s got a pash for Brad!


Pish, I just spilled coffee on my trousers!


I couldn’t afford to buy anything in that posh dress shop.


I bet that this rash on my neck is from a case of hives.


Okay, team, we’ve got an important rush job on our hands.


Mom loves the colorful sash that we got her for Christmas.


Aunt Tish has just bought a new mini-van.


Tosh, don’t listen to what that crazy politician says!


The directions say to wash this shirt only in cold water.


That beat up old shack looks haunted to me.


Let’s cool off in the shade of that big oak tree.


Finally, a shaft of sunlight is peaking through the dark clouds.


If I drink too much caffeine, my hands will start to shake.


That part of the State has become a hub for extracting shale gas.


Shall we go out to dinner tonight?


There’s a passage in the Noah’s Ark story that goes, “rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.”


I love the phrase, “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!”


I couldn’t tell you the number of email junk mail shams that I’ve deleted.


We’ve elected Shane to be the team captain.


This is the tenderest, tastiest lamb shank that I’ve ever eaten.


Mom’s fitness routines keep her in tiptop physical shape.


I think I’ve picked up every shard of glass from the wine bottle that I dropped.


The last thing that I want to run into while I’m snorkeling is a great white shark!


Now that is what I call one sharp knife.


Honey, would you please shave before we go to the party?


I think that she’ll do really well in her tennis match.


Would you please take that sheaf of papers into the copier room?


Well, it’s the time of the season to shear the wool from the sheep.


I hate how our cat sheds fur during the summer.


Wow, look at the sheen of the ice on that frozen pond.


I love how the sheep say, “Baa, ram, ewe,” in the movie Babe, about the prize pig.


Putin must have been consumed with sheer madness to have invaded Ukraine.


Would you please add your signature here on this sheet of paper?


We saw a Sheik from Saudi Arabia in the airport today.


Put the milk on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.


Mom, this egg’s shell has a crack in it.


My friend Sherm has the highest percentage for free-throw shots on our team.


Your cat shied away from me when I tried to pet her.


Dad shies away from eating seafood because he has some fish allergies.


I’m going to shift down to second gear for this hilly portion of the drive.


I bet that guy was a shill who was trying to get me to gamble at the blackjack table.


The shine on your shoes is so good that it’s almost like looking into a mirror!


Both of my shins are sore from kicking the soccer ball for so long.


On this pretty summer Sunday, there are lots of sailing ships out in the bay.


In England, what we’d call a “county” they’d call a “shire.”


There’s a lazy guy at work who always tries to shirk his responsibilities.


I’m going to shirr the eggs today rather than fry or scramble them.


I need to take this dress shirt to the dry cleaners.


Dad is fixing shish kabobs on the grill.


Put this shive back in the cask so that nothing leaks out of it.


It’s low tide now, so let’s swim out to that shoal.


That shoat (also spelled “shote”) by the barn door has been weaned from its mother.


That politician rants on like that for shock value.


The sun shone on the evil looking gator that was basking on a log.


Let’s check out the two new shops that have opened at the mall.


The shore was wall-to-wall sun bathers on the sunny Memorial Day holiday.


As soon as he enlisted in the Army, his long hair was shorn from his head.


Our teacher’s next project is to have each of us write our own short story.


Our dog was given two different shots by the vet today.


The dumpster is really full, but I think that we can shove this bag into there.


Now that I’ve shown you how to tie your shoes, try to do it yourself.


That is one of my favorite TV shows.


If you’ll shred the cabbage, I’ll make the sauce for the cole slaw.


I saw a mockingbird fly into that shrub.


The comedian’s shtik had us rolling on the floor laughing.


If you’ll shuck the corn, I’ll get the grill ready to cook it.


That rich snob shuns talking to anyone who he feels is beneath his station.


This strong cold front may shunt the tropical storm from coming inland.


Shush your mouth and stop uttering bad words like that!


This set of noise-cancelling headphones shuts out noise from the background pretty well.


She’ll blush if you ask her out on a date.


That brash new lieutenant is going to get herself in trouble with the top brass.


I need to brush a knot out of my hair.


Last night’s match was quite a clash between the two heavyweight boxers.


I avoided a car crash while driving today.


My favorite soft drink is Orange Crush.


I’ve got to run an errand, but I’ll be back in a flash.


Have you heard of the fantasy trading card game called “Flesh and Blood?”


You’ll meet an evil spirit that will weep and wail and gnash its teeth.


On their attempt to climb Mount Everest, the weather conditions were brutally harsh.


In our subdivision, one’s dog can’t roam freely and must be on a leash.


We saw lots of ducks in a peaceful marsh on our walk today.


I heard a little plash when a sparrow landed in our birdbath.


I sank my bare feet into our new plush living room carpet.


Between better insulation in our attic and new energy-saving appliances, we hope to slash our electric bill.


Dennis the Menace loves to slosh around in mud puddles.


The temperatures have risen enough for the snow on the roads to become an icy slush.


The one boxer yelled to the other, “I will smash you in today’s match!”


Dad showed us his stash of old postage stamps and said that they were worth quite a bit.


Look at the waves swash against the piers.


With a swish of her long hair, the head cheerleader got everyone in the arena into a frenzy.


Can you look out at the street and see if the trash has been picked up?


Mom’s friend Trish has just landed a job as a paralegal.


The Smiths’ new dog is a cute Welsh corgi.


Don’t welsh on your promise to help me move this furniture around this weekend.


The golf pro’s club made a loud “whish” as he drove the ball down the fairway.




Let me introduce Dr. Chi, the Chairman of our school’s engineering department.


This is Mrs. Cho, the school’s new librarian.


Mom, my friend Chad is going to teach me how to play Minecraft.


I just picked up the very last chad that fell on the floor from this hole puncher.


I’d enjoy a soothing cup of chai tea.


Dozens of films were made about the fictional Hawaiian detective, Charlie Chan.


Use this Chapstick, and your lips won’t chap.


I think I’ll have the Arctic char for my entree.


We need to have a little chat about your comments in the Board Meeting.


Captain Chen will give you a tour of the cruise ship’s navigation deck.


Chet Atkins was a famous guitarist who helped to define “the Nashville sound.”


Even when the chips are down, you have to try to hold your chin up.


There’s not a single potato chip left in this bag.


The British Prime Minister wrote a chit about his meeting with the French President.


Can I have some more gravy to put onto my pork chop?


The whitefish of the Great Lakes is a member of the chub family.


I’m so thirsty that I’m going to chug this mug of root beer.


I think that the new girl who moved in down the street is going to become a good chum of mine.


I think it’s really cool to watch a cat arch its back.


Each of you can have two cookies.


The jeweler can etch your wedding date into your wedding ring.


If you give that despot an inch, he’ll take a mile.


That serving is probably way too much for me to eat!


Buddy Rich was one of the world’s most influential jazz drummers.


Mom said a prayer to remind us how rich we are with our blessings.


Grandma, that was such a great dinner!


I hope that the collar of that wool sweater doesn’t chafe my neck.


Separate the wheat from the chaff and find the most important data in this analysis.


This story is about a prisoner who breaks free from his chain gang.


Your daughter is quite the champ, playing in three different sports during the school year.


Did you hear that the Chang family is going to become members of our church?


Let’s listen to this CD of peaceful Gregorian chant.


The British Queen asked, “Who are those chaps over there?”


My favorite vegetable is colorful Swiss chard.


I like the way that Dad chars the vegetables when he cooks them on the grill.


Students, what can you surmise from the data on this chart?


Mr. Smith is an executive with J P Morgan Chase bank.


I can’t help but laugh when I watch your dog chase his tail.


Mom is on one of her long phone chats with Aunt Liz.


The food at this diner is relatively cheap, but quite tasty.


Of course, it is very wrong to cheat on a test.


Let me check on the roast and see if it’s finally at the right internal temperature.


Mom kissed me on the cheek and said, “Have a good day at school.”


We heard the “cheep, cheep,” of baby birds that had just hatched from their eggs.


Let’s go out for ice cream; that will cheer you up!


A “chert” is a compact rock consisting essentially of microcrystalline quartz.


I really want to join the chess club at our school.


The doctor said, “This is just a minor chest cold, and you’ll be better in a couple of days.”


At the petting zoo, I got to hold a baby chick in my hand.


Students, I must chide your for your poor behavior on the school bus on our field trip.


The Police Chief was happy to announce a four percent increase in salaries.


The great chef Julia Child raised awareness in America of delicious French cooking.


Grandpa said, “Come here, child, and let me give you a big hug.”


I snapped at my younger brother, “Chill out and calm down!”


Students, if anyone knows the answer to this question, please chime up.”


Did you know that in most U.S. states it’s illegal to have a chimp as a house pet?


Her nervous response to our actions suggested that we’d found a chink in her armor.


All of them in their family have prominent chins.


How about I bring chips and dip to your party?


That mockingbird is making a loud chirk as it tries to taunt our cat.


We heard the loud chirm of hundreds of birds in the jungle.


The chirp of a cricket is made by its moving certain body parts together.


I hear the chirr (also “churr”) of a nearby grasshopper.


I’ll rip these chits up, as you have paid me back everything that you owed me.


Let’s add some chive as seasoning for the salad.


Yum, these cookies are chock full of chocolate chips!


Don’t you hate it if you choke on a fish bone?


The dog looks like he’s good and ready to chomp on this bone.


Hot dog, Dad’s grilling lamb chops for dinner.


I finally finished my last chore of the day.


Son, you chose wisely when you decided to become an Eagle Scout.


How many days old are these chubs; they’re starting to smell really fishy.


My friend Chuck has some cool new sunglasses.


You can chuck that note into the trash bin; I’ve already read it.


Our nextdoor neighbor is just a grumpy old chuff.


He’s gonna burp really loudly after he chugs down that soft drink.


Don’t be a chump; he’s a great card player, and he’ll take your money if you bet with him.


My chums and I are going to see the new horror movie tomorrow.


Who’ll eat this final chunk of cheese so that I don’t have to put it up?


That churl from the countryside is going to have trouble navigating around the big city.


On our field trip to Williamsburg, they showed us how they used to have to churn butter.


If we added this feature to our product, there’s a niche of consumers who would pay dearly for it.


Places like Costco and Sam’s Club let you buy things in batch quantities.


I got bitten by a bunch of horseflies at the beach this morning.


I’m pretty sure that this is a beech tree.


It’s impolite to belch, and even worse to do so at the dinner table!


How many pounds can you bench press?


I love the way that the white bark of a lugo birch tree looks.


The boss said that we’d better not botch up this project!


We sold a bunch of Girl Scout cookies today!


Catch me if you can!


This job is right up her alley, and it will be a cinch for her.


I bet that this conch shell would make a good paperweight.


I bet that this culch by the dock is a good bed for oysters.


My new driving student almost drove into a ditch today!


My ancestry is largely of Dutch origin.


My girlfriend suggested that we go dutch tonight when we go out to dinner.


Check out how my dog Ruff can fetch the Frisbee and catch it in mid-air.


I had to ask my friend, “Did you filch that pillow from a motel?”


Argus Filch was an easy character to despise in Harry Potter.


Each finch in our birdbath is a different color.


I can afford clothes from Walmart, but not from Abercrombie and Fitch.


Did you know that the European version of a skunk is called a “fitch?”


A flash flood ran through the gulch during the unexpected rainstorm.


Mom, I wonder when the jay bird’s eggs will hatch.


Orrin Hatch from Utah was the longest-serving Republican Senator in U.S. history.


Susie, if you want to hitch a ride with us from school, I’ll drop you off at your house.


I have a hunch that Dad’s gotten something special for Mom for their anniversary.


Grandma asked me to put the dry plates back into her kitchen hutch.


Put these fish into the kench and I’ll show you how we salt them.


A ketch has two masts, a mainmast up front, and a smaller mizzenmast at the back of the boat.


A larch tree yields tough, durable wood.


Make sure that you latch the deadbolt on your bike so that no one steals it.


See if you can leach out the stain on the rug by using bubbly sparkling water.


A leech got on our toddler when we were wading in a pond, and she freaked out!


I hope it’s time for lunch, ’cause I’m famished!


I told you that this old car would lurch forward when you start it up.


I love the huge character named Lurch in The Addams Family.


Dad’s gonna lynch me when he finds out that I put a dent into his car.


I found out that Mrs. Lynch down the street is a stock broker.


Look at the soldiers march in the parade.


I love “March Madness,” when there are tons of tournament college basketball games.


I need a long match to light up the grill.


Mitch Miller was a big player in the music industry during the 1900s.


We need to get our annual springtime order of mulch to put around the bushes and trees.


We’ve got lots of good food to munch on at our Super Bowl party.


Make sure to put a mutch on the baby’s head, as it is brisk outside.      


It’s only natch that she would bring an apple to Mrs. Smith, because she’s so much the teacher’s pet.


We need to put a notch in the wood here, to help the two parts fit together.


This blazing hot, dry day is going to parch our throats.


Nothing’s better than a straight-out-of-the-oven peach pie.


Our new birdhouse has a great perch for birds to rest on.


This recipe calls for just a pinch of salt.


My biggest baseball dream is to pitch a no-hitter.


I think I’ll poach a couple of eggs to put on toast for breakfast.


The boxer landed a brutal punch to his opponent’s face.


I get to spend a month on a dude ranch this summer!


Can you reach that container in the top cabinet for me?


The noxious smell coming from the sewer made me want to retch.


If I see one roach in this new apartment, I’m going straight to the management to complain.


If you’re ready, I’ll teach you how to ride a bike!


The tomb raiders took a torch with them into the depths of the pyramid.


She plays the piano with such a soft touch.


A vetch vine bears pealike flowers.


The soldier was assigned to the night watch.


Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric for 20 years, was considered one of America’s greatest business executives.


You owe me money, and you’d better not welch on the deal!


Which entree are you going to order for dinner?


They raised the heavy load up to the top shelf by turning a winch.


Glenda asked Dorothy, “Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?”


My sales of Girl Scout cookies today came out close to zilch.




This is the nth time that I’ve told you to not chew with your mouth open!


I’m going on a diet to thin down, hopefully losing ten pounds.


The boxer said to his opponent, “I will be like the hammer of Thor raining down on you in today’s match!”


The thud that we heard was our cat knocking a book off of a bed upstairs.


The police yelled to the thug, “Drop your gun and put your hands on top of your head.”


The dog stinks, and it’s time to give him a bath.


My friend Beth is taking ballet lessons.


I said to our two kids, “It’s time for both of you to see the dentist.”


A Goth will typically dress entirely in black.


Charles Lamb wrote, “Here cometh April again, and as far as I can see, the Earth hath more fools in it than ever.”


I identify with their kith, as many of them have “Be Kind” signs in their yards.


That kid is scary-good at math problems.


Meth is one of the most addictive and dangerous illegal drugs that you can find.


We saw a rarity today, a beautiful Luna moth.


We’re studying the Greek myth of “Uranus versus Cronus.”


The newest Knight of the Round Table took an oath to serve King Arthur.


A big snake skittered across our hiking path today.


The teacher asked, “What is the pith of Plato’s perspective in this thesis?”


Senator Roth voted “no” on this proposed bill.


In the Star Wars stories, the Sith were the ancient enemies of the Jedi.


My little brother asked, “Can I go with you and your friends to the park?”


Mom said, “Nice job Tom, you wrote a very nice thank-you note to your grandfather.”


Our neighbor reported a theft to both the police and to their insurance company.


The teacher asked, “Who wants to try to summarize the main theme of this story?”


I’d like a nice, thick cut of that juicy-looking prime rib.


The thief was easily identifiable because of our home security camera.


I think I’m hungry for a second chicken thigh, please.


Bobby brought some insect into the house, and Mom exclaimed, “Get that thing out of here!”


Dad asked, “What do you think about my wearing this tie to tonight’s party?”


Let’s wait until the crowd thins out before heading to the parking garage.


Earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar system.


Ouch, I poked my finger on a thorn on this rose stem.


My Grandpa’s favorite newspaper comic strip was “Gil Thorp.”


They won the basketball game by hitting a last-second three-pointer.


We could hear the throb of all the engines revving up at the racetrack.


The quarterback said, “Billy, I’m going to try to throw the ball to you on this next play.”


I’ll thrum the strings of this lute so that you can hear what the instrument sounds like.


We heard a series of thuds as the truck driver dropped bags of mulch onto our driveway.


The police rounded up all of the thugs who’d had a part in the bank robbery.


Don’t you think that their child is too old to still be sucking her thumb?


My big brother slumped down into the beanbag chair with a loud thump.


Who would have thunk that the underdog team could actually win that game?


Mom, things will be confusing this year, as there are three “Beths” in my new class!


I love urban myths, like having alligators living in the New York sewers.


The captain had to berth the ship without the aid of tugboats.


The Prince and Princess celebrated the birth of their first child.


This soup recipe calls for four cups of chicken broth.


I think I can get that food stain out of your blouse with a damp cloth.


One of Agatha Christie’s greatest mysteries is “Death on the Nile.”


The destroyer dropped a depth charge to try to force the enemy submarine to the surface.


I wonder if Earth is the only planet in the universe with life.


Aunt Faith always gives me great books for Christmas and birthday presents.


Have faith in your many years of training, and you will perform well.


The coach took the starting pitcher out of the baseball game in the fifth inning.


We were depressed to see all of the filth on the beach from the oil spill.


Colin Firth did a great acting job in the movie “The King’s Speech.”


Our boat took us up the Scottish firth to see some cool castle ruins.


From that day forth, the Grinch always had a kind heart.


Mom said, “Now, watch how I froth the egg whites with a whisk to make meringue.


Garth Brooks is a very popular country music performer.


I’m afraid that my girth is too big for me to wear these pants any more.


My favorite candy is a Heath bar.


Some developers are talking about turning that heath into a housing subdivision.


I love the excitement and mirth of the holiday season.


What month were you born in?


I think the kitty’s catnip mouse is ‘neath the sofa.


It’s the top of the ninth inning, and the baseball teams are still tied.


Dad, does Santa REALLY live at the North Pole?


Perth, on the west coast of Australia, is a city of almost two million people.


That incredible magician seems to have some kind of sixth sense about her.


My comrade at work is as slow as a sloth in getting his assignments completed.


I hear that Mr. Smith is trying to start up a debate team here at school.


Dame Ethel Smyth was a British classical music composer.


The alien spacecraft laid down a swath of destruction on the ground with its ship’s powerful ray guns.


The keyboard player played a great lead on his synth, and the crowd went wild.


We were surprised to learn that our grandmother has false teeth.


In the tenth game of the season, the team finally won its first game.


The perimeter of a square or rectangle is measured by multiplying the width times the height.


Let’s take this to a jeweler and find out how much this diamond is worth.


If you anger the Emperor, his wrath will be swift and brutal.


The wroth sea had thrown two sailors overboard.


George Wythe led a lifelong pursuit of virtue, and he influenced many early American leaders.


Dad admitted to us that in his youth he had been quite a rabble-rouser.




The pilot shouted, “What the heck was that?” as a possible UFO flitted past the jet.


I love the Maimonides quote, “Teach thy tongue to say ‘I don’t know,’ and thou shalt progress.”


Although we’re twins, my sister is taller than I am.


I think that strange animal is a wombat.


Emily Dickinson wrote, “I argue thee that love is life, and life hath immortality.”


All of these puppies are cute; which one of them would you like to take home with you as your new pet?


Finish your chores, and then you can head outside to play.


When my friends come over, I bet that they will want to play Monopoly.


This looks like a nice spot to set up for our picnic.


You were at the scene of the accident; thus, the police want to question you about what you saw.


That’s the craziest idea that I’ve ever heard!


These socks really need some mending, don’t they?


In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Polonius says, “To thine own self be true.”


While in a global food market, Dad asked, “What are those funky vegetables?”


After working hard in the garden, Mom said, “I need to go bathe to get all of this sweat off of me.”


Back in the Middle Ages, taking baths was a very rare thing for most people.


Dad’s doing some woodworking on the lathe in the basement.


Your daughter has the lithe body of a ballerina.


Dad is loath to drink anything with caffeine any more, to help keep his blood pressure down.


Look at all the moths flying around our porch light!


All of the soldiers took oaths to proect their queen and country.


We walked along many paths during our hiking today.


We gave our weekly tithe during our church service today.




My older sister walked in the door and yelled, “I aced yesterday’s math test!”


It’s amazing how the baby aped my different facial expressions.


Dad says that someone at his workplace was axed today for being rude to a customer.


The old man eked out a meager existence because he had little retirement savings.


I’ll have iced tea with lunch.


The cat woke from her nap and arched her back.


The electrical socket had been wired incorrectly, and when I turned on the vacuum, it arced at the plug-in.


My teacher said that I asked some really good questions today.


Mom baked a chocolate cake for my birthday.


I based my term paper on research from brain scans.


We biked for three hours this morning.


We boxed up some groceries to donate to the food pantry at church.


Our class was bused to the museum for our field trip today.


Mom yelled, “Bobby, don’t you dare come into this house with your shoes caked with mud!”


Batman is often called “the Caped Crusader.”


If kryptonite is cased in lead, it won’t hurt Superman.


Sally has coped with having the flu fairly cheerily.


This recipe calls for two cans of diced tomatoes.


Dad was pretty doped up on pain killers after his surgery so that he wouldn’t hurt too badly.


The doctor dosed mom with a daily 40 milligram pill of an anti-inflammatory.


The boxers duked it out, but neither of them could knock the other out.


I duped my little brother into thinking that there was a monster under his bed.


I finally faced into the fact that my opponent was a better golfer that I am.


The quarterback faked a handoff and then threw a twenty-yard pass.


I faxed the doctor the forms that he needed me to fill out.


The plumber fixed that annoying leak under the kitchen sink.


My sister foxed me into some bad trades with my Pokemon cards.


We gaped with our mouths wide open at the amazing tricks that the magician could do.


The wizard hexed the mean lady, and she grew a cat’s tail.


We hiked the entirety of a seven-mile trail yesterday.


I hoped that I would make the softball team, and I did! 


The new movie was being hyped on many TV stations.


We inked our signatures on the documents, and the contract was now in place.


It really irked me when my friend smacked me in the head with a rock-hard snowball.


Dad and my uncle japed with each other about dumb things that they had done when they were kids.


My classmates joked with me about my wearing two different colored socks.


The halfback juked like he was going left, but he quickly reversed course and ran to the right.


The athlete laced up her ice skates tightly.


I liked the way that you apologized for your mistake without me having to tell you to.


The horse gracefully loped down the track, warming up for today’s practice rides.


It was a larger room than they had expected, so they miked the podium so that everyone could hear the speaker.


Mom mixed three kinds of berries together for us to put on our cereal.


Most of the team members moped around school the day after they lost the championship game.


Mr. Steer nixed his son’s request to borrow the car to go out on a date.


Mom nuked the mashed potatoes in the microwave so that they were ready quickly.


The President paced nervously before she had to head to the stage for her State of the Union address.


The knight shrieked with pain when his adversary piked him in the leg with his sword.


After a long pause, Suzy piped up and gave the correct answer.


In our debate team match, we poked all kinds of holes into our challengers’ arguments.


Randy came out of the bathroom and yelled, “Gross, someone puked on the floor.”


We raced to the car, trying to stay as dry as possible in the heavy rain.


It was nice how the kids pitched in and raked the front yard.


Mom riced the potatoes in the colander.


After the stallion was roped, the horse whisperer came over and calmed the steed down.


Dad taped up the box and went to the post office to mail it to his brother.


The thirteen British colonies in the New World did not like being taxed without representation in Parliament.


I had to fire an employee who toped during work hours and wasn’t getting the job done.


Our Admin typed up a draft contract expeditiously.


When the usual official called in sick, my Dad volunteered and umped the softball game for us.


When the poker shark substantially upped the bet, all of the card players except for one dropped out of that hand.


A mockingbird vexed our cat under the oak tree for about an hour.


I need to buy a new roll of waxed paper at the grocery.


The toddler spilled milk onto the floor, and I wiped it up with a dishrag.


The farmer yoked his oxen to the plow and headed out to the field to till the soil.

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