Click here for educator instructions on how students will use these Phonics Read-Along sentences


Phonics Read-Along “Daily Living” Sentences – SET TWO


For grown-ups: the link at the very top of this page will explain how the student will use this activity. The sentences below are “random-topic / daily living” kinds of subject matters. These range from at-home, to at-school, to at-work, to shopping, to pets, etc., etc.

The sentences often have “somewhat adult” words in them (in black-colored font), because one of the purposes of this activity is to help to build ORAL vocabulary for children. But there is no expectation that your early-learning readers would be able to READ the black words.

The red words, however, are intentionally placed as written “teaching words.” We DO want the students to learn to read these written red words. The fancy term for what we are doing is “building an explicit, systematic phonics scope and sequence.” In layperson terms, we are exposing students to phonics-learning in a logical order, suggesting that the word “phonics” can be described in a more user-friendly way as “letter-sound-matching.” Ex: EA sounds like letter-name (“long-vowel”) E in “meat.” EA sounds like “short-vowel” E in “bread.” And EA sounds like letter-name (“long-vowel”) A in “steak.” It is the massive variation of so many “spelling patterns that offer multiple sounds” that makes learning to read the written English language so challenging for so many of our nation’s students.

Thus, we want to move from the “simplest-to-understand” letter-sound matches to the more complex ones, in a very gradual fashion. You will see our descriptions starting with Lesson 1 as often using “V” and “C.” “V” is for “vowel,” and “C” is for “consonant.” “VC” means that it’s a 2-letter “vowel-consonant” word. “CCVCC” means that it’s a 5-letter “consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant-consonant” word. Etc.

Also, we will NOT introduce a letter-sound match until it “gets its own specific focus time.” Example: when we get to covering in Lesson 24 the “long-U –> consonant –> silent-E pattern,” we WILL have words like “mule,” “cute,” “fume.” But we will NOT offer up the word “huge” at this point, because we have not yet taught that “G” sometimes sounds like “J,” as in the words “gem,” “giant,” “fudge,” etc. We’ll cover “huge” later, in Lesson 47 about “soft-G” (G sounding like J).

Finally, we plan to build written vocabulary with the red words in as “simple” a fashion as we can, and you will notice that it will be quite some time before the student ever encounters even a 2-syllable red word. For as long as we can, we will concentrate on making the red words ONLY 2,3,4, & 5-letter SINGLE syllable words.

A printable pdf of the red-teaching-words can be accessed here: (TBD)

Our ultimate objective is to make this AOCR phonics-learning activity the most powerful and comprehensive resource ever created for building letter-sound-identification mastery, thus becoming THE place where all American children go to “learn their phonics.” And our intention is to comprehensively cover — from a probability perspective of what letter-sound oddities one is likely to be hit with over one’s entire reading life — 99.5% of anything that one would ever encounter. It will all be right here, free to the world, in one convenient, easy-to-use digital portal. It’s right here to “work every child’s brain” with what s/he individually needs in terms of differentiated practice and repetition. It’s right here to allow each teacher to bring it to every child’s brain, without the teacher needing to be a linguistic expert, nor being expected to memorize all of this crazy stuff!

(You may ask why we have “set one,” “set two,” etc. Frankly, each “set” hits a point within our WordPress software where we have loaded so much information that things start to bog down. Thanks for being patient with us regarding this minor inconvenience.)


Click here to go straight to Activity 25) CVCCC words: “Short-A” repeated exposure
Click here to go straight to Activity 26) CCVCC words: “Short-A” repeated exposure
Click here to go straight to Activity 27) CCCVC words: “Short-A” repeated exposure
Click here to go straight to Activity 28) Other C&V words: “Short-A” repeated exposure, also including silent letters
Click here to go straight to Activity 29) CVCCC words: “Short-E” repeated exposure
Click here to go straight to Activity 30) CCVCC words: “Short-E” repeated exposure
Click here to go straight to Activity 31) Other C&V words: “Short-E” repeated exposure, also including silent letters
Click here to go straight to Activity 32) CVCCC words: “Short-I” repeated exposure
Click here to go straight to Activity 33) CCVCC words: “Short-I” repeated exposure
Click here to go straight to Activity 34) CCCVC words: “Short-I” repeated exposure
Click here to go straight to Activity 35) Other C&V words: “Short-I” repeated exposure, also including silent letters
Click here to go straight to Activity 36) CVCCC words: “Short-O” repeated exposure
Click here to go straight to Activity 37) CCVCC words: “Short-O” repeated exposure
Click here to go straight to Activity 38) CCCVC words: “Short-O” repeated exposure
Click here to go straight to Activity 39) Other C&V words: “Short-O” repeated exposure, also including silent letters
Click here to go straight to Activity 40) CVCCC words: “Short-U” repeated exposure
Click here to go straight to Activity 41) CCVCC words: “Short-U” repeated exposure
Click here to go straight to Activity 42) CCCVC words: “Short-U” repeated exposure
Click here to go straight to Activity 43) Other C&V words: “Short-U” repeated exposure, also including silent letters
Click here to go straight to Activity 44) Letter-R makes its letter-name “ARE” sound, and the vowel(s) in front of it is (are) silent


Activity 25) CVCCC WORDS: “Short-A” repeated exposure:


Do any of these banks give you a free checking account?


That crocodile looks so evil while it basks in the sunlight.


My uncle camps out every summer for two weeks in the wilderness.


Oh, great knight, canst thou slay this dragon?”


Liquors like whiskey can be aged in casks.


For an action movie, this is one of the best casts that has ever been put together.


Losing too many games in a row damps out my enthusiasm for the game.


You’d better get your facts straight!


Dad fasts one day each month and says that it’s good for his health.


Mom gasps every time a car honks at her.


Hadst thou forgotten your oath of loyalty to thy king?

Hank’s glasses fell off of his desk, and the right lens cracked.


Which of these three lamps is the least expensive?


The flavor in this chewing gum lasts for a long time.


Which of these Halloween masks is the scariest?


The masts on all five ships cracked because of the powerful hurricane winds.


I found a dollar bill in my pants pocket.


The pasts of so many immigrant families were fraught with challenges.


There are enough rafts on the cruise ship for every passenger, in case of emergency.


Ramps have been installed at our building to help those who are in wheelchairs.


My cousin rose through the Army ranks to become a general.


That wacko politician rants and raves about crazy things!


That lifetime cigarette smoker rasps when he breathes.


Which of these talcs is the best for babies, to reduce their diaper rash?


Watch how your uncle tamps down the tobacco in his pipe.


At the end of World War two, the Germans ran out of gas for their tanks.


When you finish these three tasks, you can take a break.


I love it when the saxophone player vamps to a jazz tune.


I hate it when my brother yanks things out of my hands.


The Yanks defeated the British in the American Revolution.


Activity 26) CCVCC WORDS: “Short-A” repeated exposure:


This restaurant’s food is just too bland for my tastes.


She drew a complete blank when the teacher asked for the answer to the question.


The rocket will blast off in about five minutes.


Is this brand of shoes really any better than most of the others?


Please, mom, don’t have Mrs. Smith and her two brats over for lunch.


We fear that the new dictator will clamp down on free speech.


We finally heard the last clang from the steeple’s church bell.


We heard the sound of a loud clank in the car’s engine.


His speech was so bad that there weren’t many claps from the audience.


Mom has taken up the craft of making costume jewelry.


I can’t go back in the water yet because I have a cramp in my stomach.


We need to crank out the products on the assembly line at a faster pace.


I feel a cold draft when sitting next to that window.


He drank his soda pop fast, and then he let out a huge burp.


The general thinks that there is a weakness in the right flank of the enemy troops.


Mom, how are you supposed to fold the flaps on this package?


Well, to be frank, I really didn’t like that recipe much.


I saw Frank at the movies today.


It’s chilly out, and I’m taking a flask of hot coffee with me to the kids’ soccer game.


Mom said she’d much rather wear flats than high heels.


How does a U.S. dollar compare with a French franc?


Some guys in my dorm are going to check out a few frats this weekend.


An “endocrine gland” secretes substances into your bloodstream.


The Congressman was sentenced to three years in prison due to dealings of graft.


We visited the Grand Hotel on our vacation to Michigan.


If a genie could grant you one big wish, what would it be?


Grant told me his mom got a new job, and they have to move away.


I just can’t quite grasp what the professor is saying.


I would like some Kraft ranch dressing on my salad, please.


The pirate yelled, “Arrgh, make him walk the plank!” 


We’re going to plant a new tree over there by the fence.


If you play a prank on someone, you’d better expect that they’ll get you back and play one on you!


I told dad that my scalp itched, and he looked and found lice in my hair.


I think that scamp took some money from my wallet.


There was scant food to be found during the Pilgrims’ first winter in the New World.


Our cat scats if our next door neighbor’s dog comes over.


The phrase, “Let’s hit the road” is a form of slang for “let’s get going.”


The slant of that roof is unusually steep.


My cousin slaps his hand on his knee every time his favorite team gets a basket.


Make sure that you dust the slats on the Venetian blinds.


Julie snaps her fingers really loudly.


The arrow landed spang on target.


I will never spank you, but I might put you in a timeout.


Our dog and cat are constantly having little spats with each other.


Hmm, this stamp won’t stick to the envelope.


Stand right here while I pay for the groceries.


The old man stank of potent cigar smoke.


The baseball coach kept lots of stats on his players’ performance.


The movie actress wore a swank dress to the Oscars.


The king provided a large tract of land to his favorite knight in return for his loyalty.


My favorite movie is Disney’s “The Lady And The Tramp.”


Hunters sometimes put out traps in the woods.


The guitarist’s out-of-tune instrument had an unpleasant twang to it.


Activity 27) CCCVC WORDS: “Short-A” repeated exposure:


I think that poor scrag is a feral cat.


Scram, you bumblebee, you’re scaring me!


I just need a scrap of paper to write this down.


I heard a big “SPLAT!” and a bird had pooped on dad’s head.


Activity 28) OTHER C&V WORDS: “Short-A” repeated exposure, also including silent letters:


I have a lot of angst about the test That I’ve got to take on Monday.


I asked mom if we could go to a movie, and she said, “yes.”


My two aunts are both really good singers.


Have you ever seen cats riding on the backs of dogs?


The mama cow is expected to calve some time in the next couple of days.


A “caste system” is when some people in society are considered “better” than others, based on the family that they were born in.


Boss, I faxed that letter just like you asked me to.


It was quite a gaffe when our speaker let out a loud burp in the middle of his speech.


We land big sports fish like marlin by using sharp gaffs.


I surely hope that no one ever hacks into my computer!


I think this is too big a serving, so how about we halve this piece of cake?


Grandpa said that when he was a kid he and his friends used to play a game called jacks.


I’m afraid that your book report lacks clarity about the main character’s fatal flaw.


I’m going to take a time-lapse photo of the stars tonight.


Our neighbors the Macks just got a golden retriever puppy.


The workers in that factory staged a walkout en masse.


When you print these photos, I’d like them to have a matte finish.


A nappe is a big chunk of rock that has been created by Earth movements.


Have you ever noticed how Dad packs the car with lightning speed?


The shoes on those racks over there are the ones that are on sale.


Can you help me bring in those sacks of Christmas presents from the car?


Let me put this salve on your cut so that it won’t get infected.


Post these notes on the corkboard with these tacks.


Because the British taxed the colonists without representation, they staged the Boston Tea Party.


We need to replace this valve in your car’s engine.


I had my eyebrows waxed this morning.


That baby yacks away in her own invented language.


Oh no, a black cat crossed my path, and that means bad luck.


Fort Bragg, in North Carolina, is one of the largest military installations in the world.


The President has called for a meeting with the military brass.


The glass made a loud clack when she slammed it on the counter.


I learned how to crack open an egg today.


I am offended by that guy’s crass comments.


The aircraft had to dodge the flack being fired at them by the enemy.


Roberta Flack is famous for the tune “Killing Me Softly With His Song.”


Uh-oh, this glass has a chip on the lip.


It’s buggy out today, and gnats keep flying up my nostrils!


Son, your chore for today is to mow the grass.


I think that she was born with a knack for being musical.


That’s a pretty plaid shirt that you’ve got on.


We should probably let up a bit and give this rope a little slack.


You’re going to really smack your lips when you taste how good this is.


Mom gave me a banana for a snack today.


Honey, I need you to wash this stack of dishes, please.


Hey guys, the boss has called an emergency staff meeting.


Did you hear about the train that came off the track downtown today?


With a hard whack to his opponent’s face, the boxer knocked him down.


I hate it when my little brother whaps me on the head.


Their dad’s crazy behavior drove their family to wrack and ruin.


I’d like a couple of turkey sandwich wraps.


The author was all wrapt up in finishing the final chapter of his new novel.


Activity 29) CVCCC WORDS: “Short-E” repeated exposure:


Which of these belts would look best with this suit?


Sally bests me every time that we have a tennis match.


Our family is descended from a group of Celts who lived in Ireland.


I love this delft china that you have on your dining room table.


On my trip to Europe this summer, one of my stops will be Delft, Netherlands.


Where did these dents in the car come from?!


Students, please return to your desks quietly.


Of these various felts, which color do you prefer?


Watch how dad bends his knees, and not at his waist, when he stoops and hefts a heavy box.


It helps to take a few deep breaths when you’re in a situation when you’re nervous.


Hemps are plants that can be refined to make paper, rope, textiles, paint, and a number of other things.


Surely mom jests when she says that she and the cat can talk to each other!


There are 30 different kinds of kelps, which are brown algae seaweeds.


Our friends the Kemps just had their first baby.


Take two immediate lefts from here, and you will dead-end into the boat ramp.


Ice melts at 33 degrees Fahrenheit.


It’s that time of year when the birds are building their nests again.


The trapper brought many beaver pelts to the trading post.


Termites are pests that eat the wood in your house!


My sister rents a small apartment in Manhattan.


Mom always rests while the baby’s taking a nap.


Different sects of the same religion can often have strong disagreements with each other.


The Seine river in France flows through the middle of Paris.


We need to hire more temps to work in the shipping warehouse during the Christmas holidays.


That piece of chocolate cake is going to tempt me to cheat on my diet.


We can pitch our tents in this area of the campsite.


Mrs. Murphy always gives her class challenging tests.


Dad always texts us if he’s going to be home late from work.


Let’s close the car’s vents so that we don’t have to inhale the exhaust from that old car in front of us.


This dance is so formal that we even need to wear our suit vests.


Look at all of these welts that I’ve gotten from chigger bites!


Our friends the Wests just put their house on the market to sell it.


Our cat always yelps when we try to cut her nails.


This recipe calls for the zests of both a lemon and an orange.


Activity 30) CCVCC WORDS: “Short-E” repeated exposure:


I am blest to have really great grandparents.


My friend Brent is on the debate team.


I think Bret’s around here somewhere.


When you learn to read music, you have to understand both the bass and treble clefs.


That doctor knows how to do surgery to repair a cleft palate.


He crept up slowly behind his brother’s back, and then yelled, “BOO!”


That surfer is riding the crest of that big wave.


Mom usually buys Crest toothpaste for us to brush our teeth with.


Gross, there are coffee dregs at the bottom of my cup.


Many early humanoids dwelt in caves.


My older sister frets about the tiniest things.


I’ll make the tartar sauce while mom preps the fish for frying.


I slept very well last night.


It was a hot day, and the athlete smelt of heavy sweat.


I’m pulling together the specs for the next house that we’re going to build.


Spelt flour is made from one of the earliest cultivated forms of wheat.


I think I’m going to spend more time exercising.


I spent last night at a sleepover with Polly.


Could you help me by scraping the snow off of the steps?


I swept out the garage, just like you asked me to.


Activity 31) OTHER C&V WORDS: “Short-E” repeated exposure, also including silent letters:


My sister was the “belle of the ball” at this year’s prom.


Belle Starr was a famous female outlaw who was often associated with Frank and Jesse James.


I was not dealt one good hand of cards in tonight’s bridge game.


The pirate captain yelled, “Swab the decks, mateys!”


Dad was pleased when Mom said that she’d paid off all of our credit card debts.


The customer service rep said, “I’d be happy to delve into your complaint, ma’am.”


On this brutally hot summer day, the air will be dense and smoggy.


Mardi Gras is one of the biggest fetes in America.


The wizard hexed his opponent and left him powerless.


Dad just about kecks every time he has to change the baby’s diaper.


The teacher leant over to look at the student’s colorful drawing.


The pro leapt up high and slam-dunked the basketball.


You do understand what I meant, I hope.


That woodpecker pecks at the tree very loudly.


Cinderella was the most beautiful young lady in the realm of the king.


That guy seems really book-smart, but he doesn’t seem to have much common sense.


What verb tense should I use in this sentence?


We were completely vexed at how the magician pulled off his tricks.


Yecch, what is that awful rotten egg smell coming from?


Our minister is going to bless the congregation’s pets today.


I think I want my turkey sandwich on rye bread today.


My favorite dessert is creme brulee.


To spice the salad up a bit, I’m adding some pungent cress.


I dread having to take that science test on Friday.


Honey, you need to stop hoarding and it’s time for you to throw out all that dreck of yours in the basement.


Should I wear a floral print or a solid color dress to the party?


You can’t dwell on mistakes that you’ve made, and you have to move on with your life.


The Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812 between the U.S. and Great Britain.


John Glenn was a famous astronaut and a U.S. Senator.


Our biology teacher, Mrs. Gregg, had us dissect a frog today.


I bet that you can’t guess what I’m holding behind my back!


I need to change the sheets on the beds in the guest room.


The candidate’s stream of boorish comments was the death knell for his campaign.


The elderly lady knelt at the alter to offer up a silent prayer.


The Congresswoman was interviewed thihs morning on Meet The Press.


To my nose, that awful perfume has a cloying over-sweet scent to it.


I’m afraid that awful smell is coming from your shoes.


I hate it when there’s even one speck of dust on my computer screen.


The Corporate Operating Officer came to the event in the Chairman’s stead.


Did you know that the reason you sweat is to try to cool down your skin temperature?


That’s swell of you to invite me to your birthday party.


The tread on your car’s tires is getting dangerously low.


A whelk is a type of sea snail that is actually edible.


The mama kitty and her whelp keep me company these days.


I hope this movie trailer whets Dad’s appetite for the next Avengers film.


Okay, son, drive VERY carefully and don’t wreck our car!


The boy was able to wrest his toy back from the bully who took it from him.


Activity 32) CVCCC WORDS: “Short-I” repeated exposure:


I bet that he bilks the government and doesn’t pay all the taxes that he should pay.


Don’t forget to grab those compact discs to listen to in the car on our trip.


In early computers, we had to store data on “floppy disks,” not on flash drives.


Those finks down the street surprised us with a barrage of snowballs!


When he put both fists up, I ran from him.


I got great gifts for my birthday.


I need some hints on how to do this math problem.


I don’t understand how he lifts up something this heavy.


I bet that my sister jilts her new boyfriend within a month.


What kind of high-jinks has that troublesome kid been up to lately?


Going to church on Sundays almost always lifts my spirits.


This music’s odd lilts make it challenging to dance to.


That poor dog limps, because he has one bad leg.


Class, please read the articles at these two Internet links for tonight’s homework.


That child lisps a little bit when she pronounces certain words.


Kids, have you written out your Christmas wish-lists?


Which of these flavored milks tastes the best?


Minks are in the family of minks, otters, weasels, and ferrets.


Can I have one of those breath mints?


Mom uses this spray bottle when she mists the plants with water.


Here are five shades of pinks that you can choose from to select your fabric.


There are two different ice skating rinks in our city.


You should never take risks when you are driving.


While Mom sifts the flour, I’ll beat the eggs.


That clothing store imports only the highest-quality silks from China.


In our science class, we’re studying samples of silts from rivers that flood, like the Nile in Egypt.


It’s so cold that the pipes to the sinks have frozen up.


When I blow this dog whistle, Rover tilts his head and looks funny.


We’re going to tinct this barrel of dye with an indigo color.


You have a choice of three different tints for your car windows.


When a potted plant wilts, it’s time to water it!


Wilt’s older brother is going to be a marine.


Coach said, “Guys, we can’t be wimps in today’s game; you’ve got to block and tackle hard!”


Grandpa winks at me a lot.


There are only a few wisps of cirrus clouds in today’s very clear skies.


Small levels of zincs can be found in meats, fish, fowl, eggs, and dairy products.


Activity 33) CCVCC WORDS: “Short-I” repeated exposure:


The Good Year blimp will be flying over our stadium in today’s game.


Let’s have a staring contest to see who will blink first.


Could those blips on the radar possibly be a UFO?!


The quarterback correctly guessed that the defense would blitz on the next play.


I’ll bring the soft drinks and chips to the picnic.


The scene at the harbor was at the brink of a disaster as the gale force winds hit landfall.


I’d love a brisk glass of iced tea with lemon, please.


If it weren’t for the Brits in 60s/70s rock n’ roll, American blues music might have never had a rebirth.


This cheap version of plastic food wrap doesn’t cling well to a plate or bowl.


She put the tea cup back on the plate with a loud “clink.”


Clint Eastwood is one of my favorite movie directors.


Close up the bags of ships with these clips.


There’s a handwritten note that’s clipt to this article.


All of these lawyers’ rules that we’ve got at work really put a crimp in my selling style.


Yum, this is a really crisp, sweet apple.


It’s okay to stop the boat here and let it drift while we fish.


I need a drink of water, please.


This leaky faucet drips all night long.


Watch how I fling my Frisbee into the air, and my dog will catch it in his mouth.


The Boy Scout showed us how to start a fire with flint and some small twigs.


I love how mom flips a pancake by tossing it into the air.


That celebrity actress flits around to lots of charity events.


When I went to visit a friend in jail, an officer had to frisk me to make sure that I didn’t have any weapons or drugs.


My Uncle Fritz played cello in the Berlin Symphony Orchestra.


This blasted DVD player is on the fritz again; can we get a new one?


In a glint of light, Harry Potter disappeared from the scene.


Let’s glitz up the hotel’s lobby for the Christmas season.


Before the night’s over, that crook is going to try to grift everyone in the bar!


He grips the baseball bat so hard it’s like he’s trying to squeeze water out of it.


Now that he’s an author, he regards his odd life experiences as grist to the mill.


I’m from the South, and I love to have buttered grits for breakfast.


Gustav Klimt was an Austrian painter who lived from 1862-1918.


One of TV’s funniest characters was Colonel Klink in the show “Hogan’s Heroes.”


Mom likes to plink a cow bell to let us know that it’s time for dinner.


Good grief, she’s going to primp up her poodle for the State Fair dog show.


Please print your name on this line.


There’s no need to skimp on the gravy for your biscuits.


A skink ran across her bare toes and I thought she was going to have a heart attack.


When my daughter is in a good mood, she skips all the way home from the park.


Skip’s dad is a police officer.


There were some hilarious skits on this weekend’s Saturday Night Live.


David launched a rock at Goliath’s head from his sling.


Poor Ted is going to slink out of here after the boss blasts him.


Before Granny leaves to go home, she slips a five-dollar bill into my back pocket.


Let’s put some slits in your Halloween ghost costume so that you can see where you’re going.


She snips paper into cool shapes with these scissors.


Uh-oh, my sister is getting into one of her snits about mom not letting her wear make-up yet.


Have you heard the saying, “Don’t cry over spilt milk?”


It’s gross how a camel spits on you if you get too close.


A spitz is a stocky dog with a thick coat of fur.


Mark Spitz is one of history’s most successful Olympic swimmers.


My favorite dessert is a banana split.


The clown lost a stilt and couldn’t perform in today’s circus event.


I got a painful bee sting today.


If you are sprayed by a skunk, you will stink for days.


My dad did a four-year stint in the Navy when he was younger.


Those rapids become really swift after lots of rain.


Come on, son; swing that bat hard and hit a homer!


We went on two great trips this past summer.


Can you help me twist the lid off of this jar?


Mom, do I HAVE to invite those two twits to my birthday party?


That politician is ‘twixt a rock and a hard place.


Activity 34) CCCVC WORDS: “Short-I” repeated exposure:   

My favorite dessert is a banana split.


Let me put a big sprig of rosemary on your plate to go with your lamb chop.


Where I go for my yoga class is located in a strip mall.


Activity 35) OTHER C&V WORDS: “Short-I” repeated exposure, including silents:  

The medieval king asked his commander, “What didst happen at the battle scene today?”


Thank goodness, the plumber fixed the singing toilet today.


I bet that those country hicks will have trouble getting around the city.


Ally kicks the ball with her left foot.


That mama kitty sometimes licks her kittens’ fur to help them groom themselves.


In the midst of the huge crowd, she sighted her husband.


If miffs me when he’s talking and gets that smirk of his on his face.


I think that all of the school’s baseball mitts are in that duffle bag.


Dad nicks himself shaving quite often.


Mom nixed my request to have a sleepover at our house this weekend.


That’s one of my top movie picks of all time.


In that huge warehouse, whiskey is in barrels stacked up on what are called “ricks.”


Wow, that guitarist just played some lightning fast riffs!


I tend to always rinse the dishes before I put them into the dishwasher.


I got to pan for gold using a large sieve.


Gross, I found two large, engorged ticks on the dog.


My younger twin brothers are always having tiffs with each other about something.


The wicks on all of these candles have burned down to nubs.


That couple is enjoying newlywed marital bliss.


Take a look at that pretty red brick house.


We’re going to build a small summer house on this lot.


That actress has built quite a following on Twitter.


The rock climber finally reached the top of the challenging cliff.


Ouch, I’ve got this nasty crick in my neck.


The dentist has to drill a little on my tooth before putting in the filling.


I’ll flick that crumb onto the floor and the dog will eat it.


I’m going to frizz up my hair to go along with my zombie Halloween costume.


Hot dog, Dad’s starting up the grill to fix steaks for dinner.


In the Middle Ages, a guild was an association of merchants or artisans.


Most of the jury thought that the defendant had a strong look of guilt on his face.


I love to watch how easily Grandma knits a little sweater for a toddler.


A large part of a penguin’s diet is eating krill.


The nurse will prick your finger to get a small blood sample.


That overly sheltered little girl is such a priss!


I’m going to take the skiff out into the lake to see if I can catch any blue gill.


She has amazing skill as a tennis player.


It was common in the 50s for young men to slick back their hair.


Let me snick that loose thread, and then this shirt will be good to go.


Take a sniff of this delicious sauce that I’m making.


Mom said, I’m going to go spiff up my make-up before we go out to dinner.”


The oil spill just off the coast is not going to be good for the marine animals.


Throw the stick and see if Fido will fetch it and bring it back to you.


My back is always a bit stiff when I get out of bed in the morning.


We can’t cut the cat’s nails because she won’t hold still.


I can’t believe that our pigs will eat that swill that we feed them.


I’d love an extra slice of Swiss cheese on my sandwich.


We opened the door and the kids yelled, “TRICK OR TREAT!”


That birdsong has an unusual trill to it.


I think that your new twill suit is quite handsome.


A whiff of cigar smoke almost makes me nauseous.


While mom whips the cream, I’ll get the dessert plates.


Get me the whisk so that I can beat the eggs for scrambling them.


The game of “whist” was an early version of today’s card game “bridge,” but there was no bidding.


Wring out this rag before you use it to wipe off the counters.


A century ago, a teacher might whack you on the wrist with a ruler if she was mad at you.


Activity 36) CVCCC WORDS: “Short-O” repeated exposure:


My baby brother bonks me on the head all the time, and I HATE it!


In this scene, the hero conks the burglar on the head with a huge dictionary.


I’m afraid this costs too much for us to afford right now.


Which of these print fonts should we use when we create our newsletter?


My grandpa golfs at nine o’clock in the morning every Saturday.


Dad honks his horn if the people in front of him are driving too slowly.


That golfer lofts his short iron shots very high.


It zonks me out if I have to stay outside a long time on a very hot day.


Activity 37) CCVCC WORDS: “Short-O” repeated exposure:


Throughout history, different sets of nations have tended to form trading blocs with their allies.


My mom dyes her hair blond.


Let’s hope that this sparkling water on a rag blots up this ink spill.


Listen to that huge ox clomp across the roadway.


Can you hear that boxer clonk his fists against the punching bag?


Did you know pouring orange juice into milk clots the milk?


The crocs in our zoo totally creep me out!


The farmer is outside harvesting his crops.


I see some drops of rain on the front window.


The farmer said, “Let’s rent the croft at the far edge of our property to a tenant.”


I loved the movie “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider.”


I’m going to wear my flip-flops to the beach.


Please cut this big frond off of this fern plant.


I need to scrape the frost off of the car windows.


The dog licked up the remaining globs of gravy from the dirty frying pan.


The rock that I threw went “plonk” when it hit the water in the lake.


My son plops his dirty clothes down in the middle of the floor every day.


In this part of the movie, the criminal plots how he is going to rob the bank.


Dr. Robinson was one of my favorite profs when I was in college.


This fork is missing one prong.


The stage props for the school play are back in that closet.


Scot’s dog is a Dalmatian.


Do you think that the Scots will take another vote about seceding from the U.K?


I hate how our son slops around in puddles every time that we get a big rain.


These food and drink machines have slots for both coins and paper bills.


I can’t stand those kids down the street; they’re a couple of little snots!


Mom, Spot’s chasing the cat again!


Honey, how did you get these black spots on your new white dress?


I will stomp out of the room if I can’t have a cookie for a snack.


Dad always stops the car before we drive across a railroad track.


The boxer yelled to his opponent, “I’m gonna tromp you in our match today!”


I prefer riding a horse when it just trots along slowly.


Activity 38) CCCVC WORDS: “Short-O” repeated exposure:


Strom Thurmond was still serving in the U.S. Senate on his 100th birthday!!


The barber rubbed the razor up and down on the strop to sharpen it.


Activity 39) OTHER C&V WORDS: “Short-O” repeated exposure, including silents:


I saw the robin fly into that copse of dogwood trees.


Our uncle always bows and doffs his hat in a rather formal manner when he greets you.


The sly crook foxed the detective, and he got away and escaped.


I’ll bet that she hocks some of her jewelry at a pawn shop in order to get some quick cash.


Those two jocks aren’t just great athletes, but they get all-As in their classes, as well.


On our Scotland vacation, I got great photos of some of their lovely lochs.


John Locke was a 17th century scholar who wrote a lot about political theory.


I forgot which keys go with those locks.


Her big sister mocks her if she has a temper tantrum.


Make sure that you don’t run the lawn mower over those rocks!


Mom, these two pairs of socks have big holes in them.


Dr. Watson said, “Don’t worry; Sherlock Holmes will solve this crime!”


My best friend lives just a block from our house.


Dr. Brock gave me my flu shot yesterday.


The clock has stopped, so I guess that it needs a new battery.


That crooked politician’s speech last night was a crock of bold-face lies.


Make sure that you look both ways before you cross the street.


A very loud flock of geese flew overhead.


Kids, make sure that you floss your teeth after you brush them.


It was a chilly spring day, and Grandma put on a frock before going on her daily walk.


In your speech today, make sure that you don’t gloss over that important point that I want you to emphasize.


Did you just hear a knock on the door?



Blast it, I can’t untie these knots in my shoelaces.


That golf pro’s championship wins are nothing to scoff at.


That bully Scott got sent to the Principal TWICE today!


Put on this smock, and you’ll stay warmer on this windy day.


I’m sorry, but our store does not stock this car part that you’re looking for.


We heard a big “WHOMP!” when the teenager started to play whac-a-mole.


After receiving a huge series of whops to the face, the boxer fell to the mat.


You were right, and I was wrong.


Activity 40) CVCCC WORDS: “Short-U” repeated exposure:


That tennis pro bulks up on carbs the night before a match.


Drive carefully, as there are some huge bumps in the road for the next couple of miles.


The sergeant surveyed how the men had made up their bunks, and he was satisfied.


I bet that the batter bunts the ball this time around.


I hope that the author busts out of his writer’s block some time soon!


My son has finally grown out of joining bizarre cults, and he now leads a normal life.


The service technician cleaned out the vents and air ducts in the office today.


My uncle is always searching for usable car parts in the various dumps around the city.


I love the way that pro dunks the basketball.


Kirsten Dunst is an American actress who has received many acting awards.


It’s hard to believe with today’s warm temperatures that four dusks ago we had snow on the ground.


Mom’s a clean freak, and she dusts the furniture once a week.


My older sister is in one of her weird funks right now, because she got jilted by her boyfriend.


I have been sailing in both the gulfs of Mexico and Alaska.


Tom gulps down tons of ice water when he gets home from football practice.


Today’s weather forecast says that we’re going to have huge gusts of wind.


A colony of camels that each had three humps was discovered in the Middle East in 2019.


I’m going to cut up some big hunks of cheese to have to snack on for the party.


Did you know that the female lion hunts for their food the most?


Watch how dad husks the corn so that we can have corn on the cob.


Our new kitten jumps up in the air when I’m bringing him a bowl of food.


I hope that your dad junks most of that useless stuff in the garage.


I’ll take two lumps of sugar for my tea, please.


The gambler had two lunks who stayed around him to be his bodyguards.


My aunt lusts after anything that’s chocolate.


That guy is a card-counter, and will mulct you in a game of poker.


I think that I had the mumps when I was four or five years old.


The humid dungeon of this castle holds the musts of centuries.


This juice recipe says that you will combine the pulps of oranges and limes.


I like how he pumps his fist every time he scores a touchdown.


Those two teenagers are just punks, and they get into lots of trouble.


That kicker punts the football as far as fifty yards sometimes.


Okay kids, please calm down and get your rumps into your seats.


That mama kitty seems to have an entire litter of runts.


This brand of refrigerator rusts too easily in the humid, salty air of South Florida.


I bet that my little brother sulks off if Mom says that he can’t stay up past 9:00.


Our kitty lost a few tufts of hair in a fight with the neighbor’s cat.


I hate poachers who kill elephants for their tusks!


Activity 41) CCVCC WORDS: “Short-U” repeated exposure:


The detective thinks that the victim was murdered with a blunt instrument.


The new boss is often brusk with his employees.


Can you please pull up that clump of weeds in the garden?    

The toddler clung to his mom as they crossed the street.     

Mom deposited the heavy shopping bag on the counter with a loud “clunk.”


I heard a loud “crump” from our dog as he gnawed a bone in half.


Drat, I burned the crust on the rhubarb pie.     

I had drunk so much water that we had to stop at two filling stations in an hour to use the rest room.


I was so tired that I had to flump onto the sofa and rest for a few minutes.


Dad hit a really bad golf shot and then flung his golf club into the pond.


Have you studied hard enough to not flunk this test?


My aunt was seven days into a bad flu bug, lying in bed, and looking like a pitiful frump.


Steer clear of your brother, cause he’s being a grump today.


It scared me when the gorilla let out a loud grunt.    

That poor klutz playing in the outfield couldn’t catch a fly ball if his life depended on it.


I think I’ve cooked up quite a plump, juicy turkey for Thanksgiving.


Ben tried skipping a rock on the pond’s surface, but it just went into the water with a loud “plunk.”


I wish that the neighbor behind us wouldn’t always skulk around our back fence and spy on us.


Our poor bloodhound was sprayed by a skunk today.    

Son, it’s not good for your posture to slump in a chair all day.


David slung a big rock at Goliath from slingshot.


My older brother slunk in through his open window because he’d stayed out later than he was supposed to.


My grandpa still has tons of spunk, even though he’s 95 years old!


Be careful that you don’t trip on that small tree stump.


Ouch, a bee just stung me on my right leg.    

The rotten egg stunk to high heaven!     

The teacher barked, “Tommy, if you ever pull a stunt like that again, you’re going straight to the Principal.”


She swung around when I yelled “boo” behind her back.    

In card games, a certain “suit” (hearts, spades, diamonds, or clubs) can take the other three suits if they are the “trump” cards.


President Trump was the first sitting President in 28 years to not win their reelection attempt.


Did you know that an elephant’s trunk has forty thousand muscles in it?    

Son, you should trust my advice on this!


Activity 42) CCCVC WORDS: “Short-U” repeated exposure:


You’ll have to scrub the burned food in this pot really hard.  

Can you strum your guitar a little more quietly, please?


Watch Dick strut about now that he has won the debate tournament.


Activity 43) OTHER C&V WORDS: “Short-U” repeated exposure, including silents:


Is there a chance that you could lend me five bucks


That shoeshine man really buffs your shoes to a crystal clear shine.


Mom made an awesome looking bundt cake for dessert tonight.


When I was young, I got bused all the way across town to go to my schools.


The mean coach yelled, “Get your butts in gear and do three laps around the track!”


Uh-oh, I seem to have splashed mud on my pants cuffs.


I’ve become disorganized, and I need to get my ducks in a row.


The drill sergeant yelled to his men, “Get off of your duffs, because we’re going on a night march!”


I bet that mean old wolf huffs and puffs about blowing my house down.


If Tim lucks out, he’ll get everything that he asked for this Christmas.


If Peg muffs up catching that fly ball, then we’re going to lose the softball game.


Look at those mutts trying to get into that trash can.


A strong slapshot can send hockey pucks at over 100 miles per hour.


When I was a kid, my favorite cereal was Cocoa Puffs.


The nurse said, “Your pulse rate is right at the normal average, at 80 beats per minute.”



If that golf pro putts the ball into the hole, he’ll win the tournament!


Huge rucks of high school athletes dream to be sports pros, but few ever get there.


My cousin Brian still sucks his thumb.


Mom or Dad tucks us into bed every night.


Mom, I ate up every crumb on my plate!


Honey, could you please fluff up the pillows on the couch?


I love the story “The Three Billy Gots Gruff.”


It’s okay for the little boy to pluck the strings on my guitar.


Let’s use this plumb-line to make sure that we’ve centered the wood correctly here.


Be careful to not scuff up your shiny brand new shoes.


Even though that skull is made of plaster, it still looks scary to me!


The boxer was dazed by a hard left to the chin, but his coach told him to sluff it off and to get back into the ring.


Sammy snuck an extra cookie into his lunch box.


I need to snuff out all of the candles before I head to bed.


Dad, that wasn’t your greatest parking job, and the car’s still stuck out into traffic.


Son, please go through all of that stuff in your closet and get rid of half of it!


The first toy that I can remember enjoying was my yellow Tonka dump truck.


The wrestler brought his opponent to the mat with a loud “WHUMP!”


Dad, I’ve wrung all of the water out of these rags that I can.


When I was young, I remember always dreaming about becoming an astronaut.



That arb took some unnecessary risks and lost a lot of money in the process.


Dr. Frankenstein’s machine gave off an electric arc.


Betty, did you know that you are my best friend?


The dog yapped loudly, “Arf, arf!” 


How many pairs of animals were on Noah’s Ark?


The nurse asked, “Which arm would you like your shot in,” and I said, “NEITHER!”


Mom, look at what I drew in art class today!


Dad, we learned to read bar charts in math class today.


That car is driving WAY too fast!


I found out how far away the sun is from Earth; it’s 93 million miles away!


A gar is a creepy looking fish with a long snout and sharp teeth.


Har-har, that was so funny that I forgot to laugh.


Could you please pass me the jar of orange marmalade?


The lousy weather this weekend is going to mar our plans for outdoor activities.


In today’s golf round, I got a par on five different holes!


The mad scientist was experimenting with electric arcs between electrodes.


If I hear any more “arfs” from your noisy dog, I fear that I shall go crazy.


The pirate captain yelled, not unexpectedly, “ARGH, ye mateys!”


In U.S. colonial times, small arks were built to be used as riverboats.


My aunt does fundraising for the arts around our city.


If you cut yourself on barb wire, it’s going to really hurt.


My friend Barb is going to college with the hope of becoming a doctor.


The famous writer William Shakespeare was often called the “Bard of Avon.”


This soup tastes so bad that I’m afraid I’m going to barf.


Our dog is so docile that she doesn’t even bark at strangers.


Why is that cow mooing so loudly in the barn?


William Barr was U.S. Attorney General under two different presidents.


This year, my Halloween costume is going to be Bart Simpson.


Our family is trying out a new low-carb diet.


Her overly-pampered poodles don’t have a cark in the world.


My Uncle Carl is really good at archery.


Carp is an important food fish in many countries.


Our new teacher is named Mrs. Carr.


Have you ever heard the saying, “don’t upset the apple cart?”


Before the early 1900s, Russia’s monarch was called a “Czar.”


It’s too dark in here for me to see where I’m going.


One of my favorite movies as a kid was “That Darn Cat.”


I just saw a deer dart through the woods.


In this part of the zoo, you’re going to see lots of farm animals.


What’s that smell; did Danny fart again?!


That rock star’s garb is outrageously garish.


Coach Garr is having us practice the basics, like blocking and tackling.


My dog will gnar at you if you put your hand near his food bowl while he’s eating.


The sailor called the thick wet fog along the seacoast a “haar.”


The dancers found that getting their moves right was really hard work.


My favorite Christmas carol is “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing.”


Kids, it won’t harm you to turn off the TV and go outside to get a little exercise!


Our daughter is learning how to play the harp.


A male red deer is called a “hart” after it turns five years old.


Beth Hart has one of the most powerful rock singing voices that I’ve ever heard.


Long ago, a Scandinavian chieftain was called a “jarl” (pronounced “yarl”).


My high school friend Karl became a family doctor.


Dad and I are building a fast go-kart.


Wow, look at this wrinkled old knar in this tree trunk.


My Gran has an old pastry recipe that calls for using lard to make it more flaky.


I think that’s a lark in our birdbath.


The Thompsons named their new baby boy “Marc.”


Put a pencil mark here on the wall to show me where to hammer in this nail.


My big brother Mark got to fly in a helicopter!


The farmer used some marl as fertilizer since his soil was deficient in lime.


My dentist, Dr. Marr, said that my teeth are in great shape.


Honey, can you stop at the Quick-Mart on the way home and get a gallon of milk?


That police officer is called a “narc,” and he goes after drug dealers.


Remember that you can’t park the car next to a fire hydrant.


You call a young salmon or codfish a “parr.”


A man named Jack Parr was the second host of the famous TV show called “The Tonight Show.”


Mom, Dad, I got a big part in the school play!


That’s too small a cut to leave a scar on your leg.


The two boxers are going to spar for about a half-hour.


Benedict Cumberbatch is going to star in a new Avengers movie as Dr. Strange.


The leak in our roof is so bad that we need to put a tarp up there.


Mr. Tarr is going to pay me to mow his lawn once a week.


Be prepared to pucker, because this cherry juice is very tart.


Look Mom, there’s a deer in our back yard!


Our cat loves to play with a ball of yarn.


If my dog sees a cat, he will yarr at it.


My colleague at work yelled “aargh!” after our boss dumped more work on her.


The scientist turned on the power, and the two electrodes arced.


The submarine commander asked, “Are the torpedoes armed?”


The queen’s dress had a lace barbe around the neck.


That toddler has a weak stomach, and he probably barfs at least once a week.


My dog barks at anything that moves, even a gnat if it flies past him.


The ballet dancer was warming up by stretching at the barre.


Dad is complaining that he has too many carbs in his diet.


My granny carks about everything that she sees on the evening news.


I love the art of the great children’s book illustrator Eric Carle.


Mrs. Conner constantly carps at her poor husband.


Everything on this dinner menu is a la carte.


Tom, can you bring in all of the empty shopping carts that are in the parking lot?


It’s time to carve the turkey for our Thanksgiving dinner.


Clark Kent hid in the stairwell to get into his Superman uniform.


Can you bring out more texture in your darks in this black & white photo?


I hit the bullseye three times in tonight’s game of darts.


We’ve never had a cat that farts, but our new kitten seems to have a little problem with that!


Try to put the Christmas tree lights in the box so that they don’t gnarl up too much.


My dog will gnarr at anyone who rings the doorbell.


The store manager decided that he needed to hire a security guard.


My grandpa harks back to his childhood memories quite often.


Harmonicas are often called “blues harps.”


We just saw two harts scampering through the woods.


High blood pressure can lead to a heart attack.


All of the go-karts in today’s race were painted with bright colors.


A flock of larks flew over the football field.


Thankfully, Marc’s grades have improved a lot.


Timmy, could you please erase those marks on the blackboard?


Uncle Mark’s new motorcycle is really cool.


Most of the local shopping marts now have the new soda brand that I like.


Two of the city’s narcs cooperated to catch a drug dealer.


We like to rent cabins in our state’s State Parks system.


We need to parle with the pirate captain to see if he will release the hostages.


Class, we’re going to parse this complex sentence into its various components.


I couldn’t understand parts of this recorded interview because of lots of background noise.


Mom is pleased with the scarf that we got her for her birthday.


There’s a scarp a couple of miles from here that is great for rock-climbing.


Be careful that you don’t scart your new shoes on these rough-edged rocks.


The king said, “I’m not going to let that lackey’s smarm influence me in any way.”


My big sister is super smart.


At the campfire, Dad told us a scary tall tale about a snark that would take away children from a wooded campsite.


When the dog let out a vicious snarl, I backed away from it quickly.


If conditions are really dry, a single spark can start a forest fire.


Although there was breathable air on the newly discovered planet, the astronauts found general living conditions to be pretty stark.


In the popular Marvels comic, Tony Stark becomes the superhero Iron Man.


Bart Starr was the Packers quarterback who helped them to win the very first Super Bowl.


Dad moaned, “Uggh, I think that I’m going to have to start on a new diet.


Tarps were covering lots of roofs in the aftermath of the hurricane.


The waitress recommended the cherry or blueberry tarts for dessert.

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