Module B – Lessons 11 to 20
Click here for Lesson 11
Click here for Lesson 12
Click here for Lesson 13
Click here for Lesson 14
Click here for Lesson 15
Click here for Lesson 16
Click here for Lesson 17
Click here for Lesson 18
Click here for Lesson 19
Click here for Lesson 20
Lesson 11 – Poems And Rhymes
NEW WORDS: Halloween, Hanukkah, Hanukkah’s, Tittlemouse, Tommy, blackbirds, blankets, boring, counting, cover, covers, dainty, ditches, doctor, dreidel, eleven, fiddle, finest, fingers, gentlemen, goblins, hanging, harm, honey, hungry, kissed, ladies, leather, manage, men’s, mitten, mittens, nighttime, nor, ourselves, papa, parlor, rye, sixpence, snowflakes, spin, sport, straightway, thumbs, twirl, weather, whether, witches
Cry, Baby
Cry, baby, cry,
Put your finger in your eye,
And tell your mother it wasn’t I.
Doctor Fell
I do not like thee,
Doctor Fell.
The reason why,
I cannot tell.
But this I know,
And know full well.
I do not like thee,
Doctor Fell!
In The Summer We Eat
In the summer we eat,
In the winter we don’t.
In the summer we’ll play,
In the winter we won’t.
All winter we sleep,
Each curled in a ball,
As soon as the snowflakes,
Start to fall.
But in spring, we each
Come out of our den,
And start to eat,
All over again.
Poem by Zhenya Gay
Little Fred
When little Fred went to bed,
He always said his prayers.
He kissed Mama,
And then Papa,
And straightway went upstairs.
On Halloween
We mask our faces,
And wear strange hats,
And moan like witches,
And screech like cats,
And jump like goblins,
And thump like elves,
And almost manage,
Poem by Aileen Fisher
The Cat And The Fiddle
Hey, diddle, diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon.
The little dog laughed,
To see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
Hot Boiled Beans
Ladies and gentlemen,
Come to supper,
Hot boiled beans,
And very good butter.
The Mitten Song
“Thumbs in the thumb-place,
Fingers all together!”
This is the song
We sing in mitten-weather.
When it is cold,
It doesn’t matter whether,
Mittens are wool,
Or made of finest leather.
This is the song
We sing in mitten-weather.
“Thumbs in the thumb-place,
Fingers all together.”
Poem by Marie Louise Allen
Little Kitty
I like little Kitty,
Her coat is so warm,
And if I don’t hurt her,
She’ll do me no harm.
So I’ll not pull her tail,
Nor drive her away,
But Kitty and I,
Very gently will play.
Dreidel Song
Twirl about,
Dance about,
Spin! Spin! Spin!
Turn, Dreidel, turn.
Time to begin!
Soon it is Hanukkah,
Fast, Dreidel, fast!
For you will lie still,
When Hanukkah’s past.
Poem by Efraim Rosenzweig
Sing A Song Of Sixpence
Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye,
Four-and-twenty blackbirds,
Baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened,
The birds began to sing,
Was not that a dainty dish,
To set before the king?
The king was in his counting-house,
Counting out his money.
The queen was in the parlor,
Eating bread and honey.
The maid was in the garden,
Hanging out the clothes,
When down came a blackbird,
And snapped off her nose.
Glass covers windows,
To keep the cold away.
Clouds cover the sky,
To make a rainy day.
Nighttime covers,
All the things that creep.
Blankets cover me,
When I’m asleep.
Poem by Nikki Giovanni
Tommy Tittlemouse
Little Tommy Tittlemouse,
Lived in a little house.
He caught fishes,
In other men’s ditches.
It’s Eleven O’Clock
It’s eleven o’clock,
And there’s nothing to do,
But stand on one leg,
And then stand on two.
Eleven o’clock,
It’s not a nice hour.
It’s boring and hungry,
And heavy and sour.
Poem by Nancy Chambers
Lesson 12 – Poems And Rhymes
NEW WORDS: Easter, Gloster, arrow, beetlebombs, begs, belongs, bough, breaks, brooks, bubbling, bumblebees, chimney’s, chopping, cover’s, dirty, everyone, everywhere, fireflies, flower’s, fluttering, follows, foresters, foster, grandmother, grownup, hasty, haughty, helping, hostesses, humble, joyful, lilac, makers, middling, mommy, moonbeams, neighbors, pierces, pollywogs, preparing, rivers, roars, sailormen, salty, savage, seam, sewing, spark, springs, stem, thatchers, thatching, toast, tortoises, trembles, warrior, wriggles
A summer day is full of ease,
A bank is full of money.
Our lilac bush is full of bees,
And I am full of honey.
Poem by Rose Burgunder
Hush-a-bye, baby,
On the tree top!
When the wind blows,
The cradle will rock.
When the bough breaks,
The cradle will fall.
Down will come baby,
Bough, cradle, and all.
A Modern Dragon
A train is a dragon,
That roars through the dark.
He wriggles his tail,
As he sends up a spark.
He pierces the night,
With his one yellow eye.
And all the Earth trembles,
When he rushes by.
Poem by Rowena Bennett
Mary Middling
Mary Middling had a pig,
Not very little,
And not very big.
Not very pink,
Not very green.
Not very dirty,
Not very clean.
Not very good,
Not very naughty.
Not very humble,
Not very haughty.
Not very thin,
Not very fat.
Now what would you give,
For a pig like that?
Poem by Rose Fyleman
Ten To One
Ten tired tortoises,
Lying in the sun,
Nine nice neighbors,
Helping everyone.
Eight hasty hostesses,
Preparing toast for tea,
Seven salty sailormen,
Sailing on the sea.
Six savage sharks,
All swimming through the deep,
Five fluttering fireflies,
Where the moonbeams peep.
Four fat foresters,
Chopping fine fir trees,
Three thin thatchers,
A’thatching in the breeze.
Two tall sailors,
Sewing at a seam,
And one wild warrior,
Very wild warrior,
Bow-and-arrow warrior,
Eating pink ice-cream.
Poem by Ivy O. Eastwick
Ride Away, Ride Away
Ride away, ride away,
Johnny shall ride,
And he shall have kitty-cat,
Tied to one side.
And he shall have little dog,
Tied to the other,
And Johnny shall ride,
To see his grandmother.
The Top And The Tip
Hair is the top of a person,
A chimney’s the top of a house.
A cover’s the top of a book,
The tail is the tip of a mouse.
The sky is the top of the world,
The top of the sky is space.
A flower’s the top of the stem,
The nose is the tip of the face.
Poem by Charlotte Zolotow
Rain, rain, go to Spain,
And never come back again.
He sits and begs,
He gives a paw,
He is, as you can see,
The finest dog you ever saw.
And he belongs to me.
He follows everywhere I go,
And even when I swim.
I laugh because he thinks, you know,
That I belong to him.
Poem by Arthur Guiterman
Doctor Foster
Doctor Foster went to Gloster,
In a shower of rain.
He stepped in a puddle, up to his middle,
And never went there again.
Beetlebombs make jelly jam,
And bumblebees make honey.
Mommy makes the bread and cakes,
And Easter eggs make bunnies.
Bubbling springs make brooks and things,
And rivers make the sea.
Grownup frogs make pollywogs,
But who made me?
Poem by Nancy Dingman Watson
Lesson 13 – Poems And Rhymes
NEW WORDS: blackbird, carpenter, disguise, extremely, fireplace, fledgling, flue, gaping, humming, monkey, monkey’s, mosquito, natured, note, notes, nursed, opened, pace, perched, question, rail, seemed, snail’s, snails, sooty, sparrow, swallow, swallowed, swooping, tadpole, tangled, tarry, toad, trudge, tumbled, turtle, warbler, warbles, whistle, whistled, winked, wished, wobbly, woman, woodpecker
A Big Turtle
A big turtle
Sat on the end of a log.
Watching a tadpole
Turn into a frog.
Snail’s Pace
Maybe it’s so,
That snails are slow.
They trudge along,
And tarry.
But isn’t it true,
You’d slow up, too,
If you had a house,
To carry?
Poem by Aileen Fisher
The Toad
I met a little woman,
Who was going up a hill.
And when she wasn’t hopping,
She sat extremely still.
She hadn’t any neck at all,
She hadn’t any chin.
She opened wide her great big mouth,
And snapped a young fly in.
She seemed to be good-natured,
And friendly as could be,
For while she swallowed down the fly,
She winked her eye at me.
Poem by Elizabeth Coatsworth
When You Talk To A Monkey
When you talk to a monkey,
He seems very wise.
He scratches his head,
And he blinks both his eyes.
But he won’t say a word.
He just swings on a rail,
And makes a big question mark
Out of his tail.
Poem by Rowena Bennett
Before The Monkey’s Cage
The monkey curled his tail about.
It looked like so much fun,
That as I stood and watched him there,
I wished that I had one.
Poem by Edna Becker
The Little Turtle
There was a little turtle.
He lived in a box.
He swam in a puddle.
He climbed on the rocks.
He snapped at a mosquito.
He snapped at a flea.
He snapped at a minnow.
And he snapped at me.
He caught the mosquito.
He caught the flea.
He caught the minnow.
But he didn’t catch me.
Poem by Vachel Lindsay
Humming Birds
I think it is a funny thing,
That some birds whistle,
Others sing.
The Warbler warbles in his throat.
The Sparrow only knows one note.
But he is better off than some,
For Humming Birds can only hum.
Poem by Betty Sage
Singing In The Spring
As I was walking,
Singing a scrap of a
A blackbird perched
In a tree-tree-tree,
He whistled my song,
With me-me-me.
He whistled so sweet,
And high-high-high,
His notes tangled up,
With the sky-sky-sky.
Poem by Ivy O. Eastwick
The Swallow
Swallow, swallow,
Swooping free,
Do you not remember me?
I think last spring,
That it was you,
Who tumbled down,
The sooty flue,
With wobbly wings,
And gaping face,
A fledgling in the fireplace.
Remember how,
I nursed and fed you?
And then,
Into the air I sped you?
How I wish that you would try,
To take me with you,
As you fly.
Poem by Ogden Nash
Woodpecker In Disguise
Woodpecker taps,
At the apple tree.
“Little bug,
Open your door,” says he.
Little bug says,
“Who is it, sir?”
Woodpecker says,
“The carpenter.”
Poem by Grace Taber Hallock
Lesson 14 – Pattern-Builder Poems
NEW WORDS: Hagrid, Hamlet, Harry, Potter’s, Sid, acid, amen, avid, breakfast, bucket, chew, closed, closet, comet, crystal, debt, engine, eyelid, fluid, forbid, gigantic, goblet, grid, gross, hairball, horrid, howled, jar, knocked, liquid, longer, omelet, owe, pled, pool, putrid, rancid, shredded, solid, squid’s, stupid, surely, tastes, throat, tight, timid, toilet, tot, twelve, upset, using, vivid, wallet, work’s
Food In Bed?
My name’s Ed,
And I pled,
With Ted,
To get off my bed.
He said,
“Not till I’m fed!”
My face turned red,
And I yelled to my mom,
“Ted wants breakfast in bed!”
But that’s not what he got.
My mom got hot.
She cried,
“You’re no longer a tot!
In bed Ted,
Eat you shall not!”
No Hen For Ken
Well then, Ken.
How have you been?
You just turned ten.
So you want a hen?
Will you clean its pen?
Or will you sit in the den,
While your work’s done by Ben?
To this wish, I’m not open.
Not now.
We’ll talk of this,
You’re twelve.
To Be Wet Or Not To Be Wet
I’ve not met a pet,
That wants to get wet,
Not yet.
Surely not my cat,
Who’s named Hamlet.
But he does drink water,
From the toilet.
But I hear from my Vet,
“Some pets love to get wet!
If you’ll let them.”
So I made him a bet.
“I’ll get my cat wet.
If he likes it, you’re set.
I’ll give you ten bucks.
But if he does not,
You’ll be in debt.
You’ll owe ME ten bucks.”
So I got my cat wet.
I thought about using a bucket.
But I dropped him in the pool.
He howled like the engine,
Of a gigantic jet!
He got out and ran like a comet!
He was very upset.
The next day,
Hamlet locked me in the closet,
Ate half of my omelet,
Shredded the cash in my wallet,
Knocked over a crystal goblet,
And left a hairball on the carpet.
So don’t get your cat wet!
That’s something to NEVER FORGET!
Vivid Squid
Did you eat squid?
It’s horrid!
I bet it slid down your throat!
I’m too timid to eat it.
Harry Potter’s Hagrid won’t eat squid!
I’d rather drink acid than eat squid.
It smells putrid.
It tastes rancid.
It’s more liquid than solid.
Chew it, it’s fluid!
And have you seen a squid’s eyelid?
The way it looks at you?!
Before you put it in your mouth?
Here’s the deal.
I’m avid about NO SQUID!
I forbid you to eat squid!
When I was a kid,
I hid rather than eat squid.
I’d get off the grid!
No one could find me.
And if it was in a jar,
I closed the lid! TIGHT!
I’m not stupid.
No squid for Sid.
Lesson 15 – Poems and Rhymes
Beatrix Potter’s Favorite Poems
(Many are ones that she wrote herself!)
NEW WORDS: Cottontail’s, Hubbard, Tittle, ale, baker’s, barber’s, bare, basket, beer, beggars, charming, cobbler’s, coffin, craftsman’s, cupboard, curtsy, feeding, florist’s, flute, gown, grocery, hark, hatter’s, knocking, licking, linen, maidens, moss, nobody, pegged, playing, present, reading, rushes, seamstress, servant, smoking, spinning, tags, tailor’s, tappit, tavern, thatched, thistle, tripe, velvet, walled, wig, woven
Dame Get Up And Bake Your Pies
Dame get up and bake your pies.
Bake your pies! Bake your pies!
Dame get up and bake your pies,
On Christmas Day in the morning.
Dame what makes your maidens lie?
Maidens lie? Maidens lie?
Dame what makes your maidens lie?
On Christmas Day in the morning.
Dame what makes your ducks to die?
Ducks to die? Ducks to die?
Dame what makes your ducks to die?
On Christmas Day in the morning.
Their wings are cut, and they cannot fly,
Cannot fly, cannot fly.
Their wings are cut, and they cannot fly,
On Christmas Day in the morning.
To Market!
To market! To market!
Now isn’t that funny?
You’ve got a basket,
And I’ve got some money!
We went to market,
And I spent my money,
Home again! Home again!
Little Miss Bunny.
The Little Black Rabbit
Now who is this knocking,
At Cottontail’s door?
Tap tappit! Tap tappit!
She’s heard it before?
And when she peeps out,
There is nobody there,
But a present of carrots,
Put down on the stair.
Hark! I hear it again!
Tap, tap, tappit! Tap tappit!
Why, I really believe,
It’s a little black rabbit!
Tommy Tittle-Mouse
I’ve heard that Tommy Tittle-Mouse,
Lived in a very tiny house,
Thatched with a roof of rushes brown,
And lined with hay and thistle-down.
Walled with woven grass and moss,
Pegged down with willow twigs across.
Now wasn’t that a charming house,
For little Tommy Tittle-Mouse?
Hark! Hark! The Dogs Do Bark!
Hark! Hark!
The dogs do bark,
The beggars are come to town,
Some in tags,
And some in rags,
And one in a velvet gown!
Old Mother Hubbard
Old Mother Hubbard,
Went to the cupboard,
To get her poor dog a bone.
But when she got there,
The cupboard was bare,
And so the poor doggie had none.
She went to the baker’s,
To buy him some bread,
But when she came back,
The dog was playing dead.
She went to the craftsman’s,
To buy him a coffin,
But when she came back,
The poor dog was laughing.
She took a clean dish,
To get him some tripe,
But when she came back,
He was smoking a pipe.
She went to the fish store,
To buy him some fish,
And when she came back,
He was licking the dish.
She went to the ale-house,
To get him some beer,
But when she came back,
The dog sat in a chair.
She went to the tavern,
For white wine and red,
But when she came back,
The dog stood on his head.
She went to the hatter’s,
To buy him a hat,
But when she came back,
He was feeding the cat.
She went to the barber’s,
To buy him a wig,
But when she came back,
He was dancing a jig.
She went to the grocery,
To buy him some fruit,
But when she came back,
He was playing the flute.
She went to the tailor’s,
To buy him a coat,
But when she came back,
He was riding a goat.
She went to the cobbler’s,
To buy him some shoes,
But when she came back,
He was reading the news.
She went to the seamstress,
To buy him some linen,
But when she came back,
The dog was a-spinning.
She went to the florist’s,
To buy him a rose,
But when she came back,
He was dressed in his clothes.
The dame made a curtsy,
The dog made a bow,
The dame said, “Your servant.”
The dog said, “Bow-Wow!”
Lesson 16 – Poems And Rhymes
NEW WORDS: Betty’s, Crusoe, Jenny, Johnny’s, Josy, Nile, Robinson, actual, auntie, backwards, bacon, brighter, ceiling, cheerfully, courting, cradle, crawls, crayon, crayons, crocodile, cup, disgusting, doth, drummer, empty, fail, father’s, forest, forwards, goops, gurgle, improve, lick, manners, marry, mistaken, mother’s, nobleman, posy, rosy, sandy, scale, seaside, shore, slice, snipe, spill, spreads, stronger, sugar’s, sunlight, sunshiny, tablecloth, tang, tickling, vexed, violet’s, walls, waters, welcomes, wooden
Liza Jane
When I go a-courting,
I’ll go on the train.
When I go to marry,
I’ll marry Liza Jane!
The Crocodile
How doth the little crocodile
Improve his shining tail,
And pour the waters of the Nile
On every golden scale!
How cheerfully he seems to grin!
How neatly spreads his claws,
And welcomes little fishes in
With gently smiling jaws!
Poem by Lewis Carroll
Rosy Posy
Ring around a rosy,
Sit upon a posy,
All the children in our town,
Sing for Auntie Josy.
Johnny Drummer
Rock-a-bye, baby,
Your cradle is green,
Father’s a nobleman,
Mother’s a queen.
And Betty’s a lady,
And wears a gold ring,
And Johnny’s a drummer,
And drums for the king.
Bat, Bat
Bat, Bat,
Come under my hat,
And I’ll give you a slice of bacon.
And when I bake,
I’ll give you a cake,
If I am not mistaken.
Tickling Fly
Baby bye,
Here’s a fly,
Let us watch him,
You and I.
How he crawls,
On the walls,
I can’t see how,
He never falls.
If you and I,
Had six such legs,
We could surely,
Walk on eggs.
There he goes,
On his toes,
Tickling baby’s nose.
At the Seaside
When I was down beside the sea,
A wooden spade they gave to me,
To dig the sandy shore.
My holes were empty like a cup,
In every hole the sea came up,
Till it could come no more.
Poem by Robert Louis Stevenson
The rose is red,
The violet’s blue,
Sugar’s sweet,
And so are you.
If you love me,
As I love you,
No knife can cut,
Our love in two.
My love for you,
Will never fail,
As long as kitty,
Has her tail.
The Forest Fair
When woods awake,
And trees are green,
And leaves are large and long,
It’s merry to walk,
In the forest, fair,
To hear the small birds’ songs.
Table Manners
The Goops, they lick their fingers,
And the Goops, they lick their knives.
They spill their broth on the tablecloth,
Oh, they lead disgusting lives!
The Goops, they talk while eating,
And loud and fast they chew.
And that is why I’m glad that I
Am not a Goop, are you?
Poem by Gelett Burgess
The Man Of Bombay
There was a fat man of Bombay,
Who was smoking one sunshiny day.
When a bird called a snipe,
Flew away with his pipe,
Which vexed the fat man of Bombay.
I’ve colored a picture with crayons.
I’m not very pleased with the sun.
I’d like it much stronger and brighter,
And more like the actual one.
I’ve tried with the crayon that’s yellow.
I’ve tried with the crayon that’s red.
But none of it looks like the sunlight,
I carry around in my head.
Poem by Marchette Chute
Poor Old Robinson Crusoe!
Poor old Robinson Crusoe!
Poor old Robinson Crusoe!
They made him a coat,
Of an old nanny goat.
I wonder why they should do so!
With a ring-a-ting-tang,
And a ring-a-ting-tang,
Poor old Robinson Crusoe.
Gurgle, water, gurgle,
In a covered well.
Why does water gurgle?
‘Cause it’s water in a well!
Miss Jenny Jones
“We’ve come to see Miss Jenny Jones.
And how is she today?”
“Miss Jenny Jones is washing, and
You can’t see her today.”
The Baby’s Dance
Dance, little baby,
Dance up high,
Never mind baby,
Mother is by.
Crow and skip,
Prance and crow,
There little baby,
There you go.
Up to the ceiling,
Down to the ground,
Backwards and forwards,
Round and round.
Then dance, little baby,
And mother shall sing,
With the merry sweet music,
Ding, ding, a-ding, ding.
Poem by Ann Taylor
Lesson 17 – Beatrix Potter
Squirrel Nutkin – Part One
NEW WORDS: Brown’s, Hitt, Nutkin, Nutkin’s, Pitt, Twink, acorns, answers, bushes, cherry, chimney, coin, cousins, crooked, danced, elm, groat, hollow, ignored, leaf, loudly, marbles, nut, oak, oars, paddled, planned, rafts, ree, riddles, ripe, rot, rude, sacks, searched, showed, smoke, spoke, squirrel’s, squirrels, stump, third, tickled, today’s, tote
This is a tale. It’s about a tail. It’s a squirrel’s tail. It’s small and red.
The squirrel has a name. He’s “Nutkin.” He has a brother. His name is “Twink.” They have lots of cousins.
They live in the woods. They’re by a lake. There is an island in it. It’s in the middle of the lake. What grows on the island? Trees do. And nut bushes. There’s a dead tree. It’s an oak. It’s hollow. An owl has a house in it. He’s called “Old Brown.”
It was fall. The leaves had turned. They were bright. They were yellow, orange, and red. The nuts were ripe. Nutkin and Twink came to the lake. More squirrels came with them. They walked a while. They stopped by the lake.
They got lots of twigs. They made rafts with them. They paddled in the lake. They used oars. They made their tails sails. They went to Owl Island. They had sacks. There, they planned to get lots of nuts.
They went to see Old Brown. They had a gift for him. They gave him three fat mice. They put them at his door-step. Twink made a low bow. So did the other squirrels.
Twink said, “Hi, Old Mr. Brown. Will you let us pick up nuts? There are lots of them on your island.”
Nutkin was rude. He showed bad manners. He bobbed up and down. He looked like a red cherry. He sang loudly.
“Riddle me. Riddle me.
A wee, wee man.
In a red, red coat!
A cane in his hand.
And a stone in his throat.
Tell me this riddle.
I’ll give you a groat.” (A groat is a coin.)
This is an old riddle. It’s as old as the hills. Mr. Brown ignored Nutkin. He shut his eyes tight. He went to sleep.
The squirrels filled their sacks. They got LOTS of nuts. They sailed home. It was near dark.
It was the next day. They went back to Owl Island. They brought today’s gift. It was a fine, fat mole. They laid it on a stone. That was at Old Brown’s door.
Twink spoke. “Mr. Brown. May we get more nuts?”
Nutkin was rude again. He danced up and down. He picked up a leaf. He tickled Mr. Brown with it! He sang out loud.
“Old Mr. Bee!
Hitt Pitt inside the wall.
Hitt Pitt outside the wall.
Don’t you touch Hitt Pitt.
Hitt Pitt will bite you!”
Mr. Brown frowned. He grabbed the mole. He took it into his house. He shut the door in Nutkin’s face.
Soon, they saw blue SMOKE. Old Brown had a fire. The top of his tree was his chimney.
Nutkin peeped through the key-hole. Then he sang.
“A house full.
A hole full!
And you can not get a bowl-full!”
The squirrels searched for nuts. They looked all over the island. They filled their sacks.
But Nutkin picked up oak-apples. They grow on oak trees. They are NOT acorns! They were yellow and red.
Then he sat on a tree stump. He played marbles. He watched Brown’s door.
The squirrels had worked hard. They went back home. It had been a long day!
It was the third day. The squirrels got up early. They went fishing. They caught six fat minnows. This would be today’s gift for Old Brown.
They paddled on the lake. They landed by a big tree. It was a crooked elm.
Twink had one minnow. He gave the rest to five squirrels. Nutkin had no gift. He had no manners. He ran in front. He sang out loudly.
“The man in the deep woods talked to me. ‘How many berries grow in the sea?’ I said to him as I thought good. ‘As many red star-fish as grow in the wood.'”
Mr. Brown did not like riddles. He did not care to know the answers. He let the squirrels get more nuts. They went home with a lot.
Lesson 18 – Beatrix Potter
Squirrel Nutkin – Part Two
NEW WORDS: Arthur, Biggs, Friday, Scots, acted, attic, backed, bee’s, believe, bowling, briar, bumble, clear, cones, county, cuck, curr, dashed, day’s, doctors, eggs, fifth, fights, flowed, forty, fourth, freed, hack, hick, knights, lazy, needle, owl’s, people, pine, plenty, pudding, raised, roaring, scarf, scary, scratching, scuffle, scurried, sense, shouted, sixth, slowly, stamp, story, stung, thorns, troops, voice, waist, whirring, win, wrapped
It was the fourth day. This day’s gift was six fat flies. People like plums. Like in plum pudding. Old Brown likes flies. Just like people like plums! Each fly was wrapped in a leaf. Each leaf had a pine needle pin. The flies could not fall out!
Nutkin was as rude as ever! He sang with a loud voice.
“Old Mr. Bee!
Flour of England.
Fruit of Spain.
They met together in lots of rain.
They were put in a bag.
They were tied with a string.
Can you tell me this riddle?
Then I’ll give you a ring!”
This made no sense. Nutkin did not have a ring. He could not give one to Brown!
All the squirrels worked around nut bushes. But not Nutkin. He got thorns from a briar bush. He stuck them with pine needle pins. The squirrels called it a day. They got on their rafts. They sailed home.
Now it was the fifth day. What was this day’s gift? It was wild honey! It was sweet. It was sticky. They put it on Brown’s stone. Then they licked their paws. They snuck the honey from a bumble–bee’s nest. That was at the tip-top of a hill. And no one was stung!
Nutkin did what he always did. He was all play and no work. He skipped up and down. He sang this.
“Hum-a-bum! Buzz! Buzz! Hum-a-bum. Buzz! Buzz! As I went to County Biggs. I met a bunch of pretty pigs. Some were white-backed. Some were pink-backed! They were the very best pigs that ever came from County Biggs.”
Old Mr. Brown was mad. He turned up his eyes at Nutkin. He thought Nutkin was disgusting! But Owl ate the honey!
The squirrels filled more sacks. The sacks over-flowed!
But what about lazy Nutkin? He sat on a big, flat rock. He set up a bowling game! A crab-apple was the ball. The pins were pine cones. He was no help to the other squirrels. But they brought home lots of nuts!
It was the sixth day. It was Friday. This would be their last trip. They would soon have plenty of nuts for the winter. They just had to fill up one more day of sacks.
The gift today was a huge egg. A bird had just laid the egg. They had it in a pretty basket. Old Brown was pleased!
Nutkin acted the same. He ran in front laughing. Then he shouted.
“Humpty Dumpty lies in his bed. He’s got a white scarf around his head. Forty doctors and one fat hen. Couldn’t put Humpty together again!”
Now, old Mr. Brown loved eggs. He opened one eye. Then he shut it. But he did not speak.
Nutkin got even more rude!
“Old Mr. Bee! Old Mr. Bee! Hick-a-more, Hack-a-more. On the King’s kitchen door. All the King’s horses. And all the King’s men. Couldn’t drive Hick-a-more, Hack-a-more off the King’s kitchen door!”
Nutkin danced up and down. He was like a sunbeam. But still, Old Brown did not say a word.
Nutkin began again.
“Arthur of the Knights had raised his hand. He and his troops came roaring up the land! The King of Scots, with all his might. Could not win any fights with Arthur of the Knights!”
Nutkin made a whirring noise. This sound was like the wind. Then he took a running jump. He landed on the head of Old Brown!
Nutkin and Brown had a scuffle! There was scratching. There was biting. Then, all at once, it stopped. You could hear a loud “squeak!”
This fight was scary. The other squirrels scurried away. They hid in the bushes.
They came back slowly. They peeped around a tree. There was Old Brown. He sat on his door-step. He was calm. His eyes were closed. It was like there had not been a fight.
But where was Nutkin? They could not believe it. NUTKIN WAS IN THE OWL’S WAIST-COAT POCKET!
Was this the end of the story? Not quite!
Old Brown brought Nutkin into his house. He held Nutkin up by the tail. He was going to skin Nutkin! But Nutkin tried hard to get away. He pulled very hard. His tail broke in two! Then he dashed up the stair-case. He freed himself through the attic window.
You can still find Nutkin in the woods. What if you meet him? He will be up in a tree. What if you ask him a riddle? He will throw sticks at you! He will stamp his feet. He will scold you! He is as rude as ever! He will shout this at you!
It is clear that poor old Nutkin has gone NUTS!
Lesson 19 – Fry-Builder
NEW WORDS: Africa, America, British, Indian, across, action, actually, add, addition, afraid, against, age, ago, ahead, allow, almost, already, although, among, animal, another, anything, appear, area, army, arrived, base, beat, became, become, belong, below, blood, body, born, broken, build, burning, business, capital, carefully, cattle, cells, center, certain, chart, chief, church, circle, city, coast, column, common, complete, consider, contain, continued, control, correct, count, country, create, crops, crowd, current, death, decided, describe, desert, design, details, developed, difference
I’m able to help.
Row across the lake.
It’s time to take action!
I actually like you.
Add two and two.
She’s good at addition.
Mom, I’m afraid!
His brother is in Africa.
I’m against doing that.
What’s your age?
I knew them long ago.
She’s ahead of her time.
Allow me to help.
I’m almost done.
I feel alone.
She’s already done that.
I’d like some, also.
Although I’m full, I’ll eat more.
I’m from America.
There are bad guys among us.
What animal is that?
They know one another.
What’s your answer?
She’s not doing anything wrong.
Will she appear at the show?
What’s the area of this square?
He’s in the Army.
They just arrived.
The best time at school is art.
She ran to first base.
Beat that drum!
He became a farmer.
He’ll become a cook.
Let’s begin now.
Don’t believe that!
Where does this belong?
Watch out below!
Tom is there, beside Bob.
Sand is between my toes.
His shirt is blood-stained.
My whole body hurts.
She was born last night.
Get to the bottom of this!
Cut the dead branches.
I saw the British Open.
That dish is broken.
Let’s build a tree house.
That building is huge!
What’s burning?
That’s not your business.
I live in the Capital city.
Think carefully!
That farmer has lots of cattle.
She caught the ball.
Our body is made of very small cells.
Move to the center.
I’m certain that’s her.
Yes, I’ll take a chance.
Can you change a flat on my car?
What does this chart tell you?
Check on the boys.
He was a great Indian Chief.
Which will you choose?
We just got home from church.
I ran in a circle.
The sky is clear.
There’s not a cloud in the sky.
They live at a beach on the coast.
It’s a blue color?
Line up in a column.
We two have that in common.
When will you complete your job?
Please consider my idea.
Does that contain nuts?
They continued to shout.
Things are under control.
You’re correct!
What does that cost?
I couldn’t hear you.
Count to ten.
They live in the country.
She covered the table.
What did you create?
Let’s pick the crops.
The crowd was huge.
Row with the current.
I heard about his death.
Have you decided yet?
Describe what you saw.
It’s dry in a desert.
I like your design.
Give me the details.
They developed a new toy.
I didn’t do it.
I can’t tell the difference.
What’s different about him?
Lesson 20 – Poems And Rhymes
NEW WORDS: Dover, baby’s, bathroom, birthdays, blobs, bubbles, crimpy, crust, curling, different, dough, dragon, elbow, fence, flaming, gifts, gurgling, happened, happy, hoe, instead, jaws, jelly, ladder, merry, penny, picnic, playfellows, powdered, queer, quickly, rinse, roll, sandwiches, scaled, shine, slices, soak, socks, spade, steamy, supper, toaster, toasts, waded, week, whoop
The Picnic
We brought a rug for sitting on,
Our lunch was in a box.
The sand was warm. We didn’t wear,
Hats or shoes or socks.
Waves came curling up the beach.
We waded. It was fun.
Our sandwiches were different kinds.
I dropped my jelly one.
Poem by Dorothy Aldis
The Toaster
A silver-scaled Dragon,
With jaws flaming red,
Sits at my elbow,
And toasts my bread.
I hand him fat slices,
And then, one-by-one,
He hands them back,
When he sees they are done.
Poem by William Jay Smith
Happy Winter, Steamy Tub
Happy Winter,
Steamy tub,
To soak and splash in,
Wash and rub.
Big blobs of bubbles,
Pile on me,
The way the snow
Sits on a tree.
I rinse the soap off,
Scrub some more,
Drip puddles on
The bathroom floor.
Then gurgling bubbles
Drain away,
A wet and merry
End of day.
Poem by Karen Gundersheimer
Come Out To Play
Girls and boys,
Come out to play.
The moon does shine,
As bright as day.
Leave your supper,
And leave your sleep,
And come with your playfellows,
Into the street.
Come with a whoop,
Come with a call,
Come with a good will,
Or not at all.
Up the ladder,
And down the wall,
A half-penny roll,
Will serve us all.
You find milk,
And I’ll find flour,
And we’ll have pudding,
In half an hour.
If birthdays happened once a week,
Instead of once a year,
Think of all the gifts you’d get,
And all the songs you’d hear.
And think how quickly,
You’d grow up.
Wouldn’t it feel queer,
If birthdays happened once a week,
Instead of once a year?
Poem by Mary Ann Hoberman
Leg Over Leg
Leg over leg,
As the dog went to Dover,
When he came to a fence,
Jump! He went over!
Baby’s Baking
So, so, spade and hoe,
Little pile of sand,
See it turning into dough,
In the baby’s hand.
Little pie with crimpy crust,
Set it in the sun,
Sugar it with powdered dust,
And bake it till it’s done.
Poem by Evaleen Stein
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